D'Artagnan Dupont's latest activity

  • D'Artagnan Dupont
    Dart hummed, peppering a few more kisses over Vaders temple. "Good," He smiled softly, nuzzling in against the man. "I'd be awfully sad...
  • D'Artagnan Dupont
    Dart smiled and reached up to cup the mans face, tryin to pull him in and kiss his temple. "It's alright," He murmured, curling a bit...
  • D'Artagnan Dupont
    Dart smiled softly. "He demanded she leave you. He couldn't be bothered to spare any time for her, but was so jealous he wanted her to...
  • D'Artagnan Dupont
    Dart smiled softly. He pressed a kiss to Vaders temple, pulling away the bottle as it emptied and shifting Plum to burb her. "I know...
  • D'Artagnan Dupont
    -godmod approved- Dart saw the look in Vaders eyes. His arms were full, so instead he hooked his foot around the mans. "Hey, it's...
  • D'Artagnan Dupont
    Dart listened to Vader, and almost spoke, but Plum started fussing. He sat up, taking her out of the stroller and bringing out her...