Recent content by Dominic Owens-Lee

  1. Dominic Owens-Lee

    🌹 Rose Giving Red For A Badger

    Dominic enjoyed Valentine's Day, even though he didn't really do much for it. He just enjoyed seeing the smiles on people's faces and the pretty roses that were passed around. It was also a great excuse to hang out with friends at the Valentine's Dance. The boy walked out of the common room to...
  2. Dominic Owens-Lee

    🌹 Rose Giving Scored a Rose

    Dominic felt a little guilty that he had forgotten to give out roses. With Quidditch recently becoming the only thing on his mind, it had completely slipped away from him. Part of him hoped to not receive a rose as he headed out of the common room that morning. But almost instantly as he stepped...
  3. Dominic Owens-Lee

    Quidditch Game: Hufflepuff vs Slytherin

    Dominic could tell things were getting heated amongst the beaters. He could see them flying out of the corner of his eye. He stopped flying as the Slytherin seeker was hit for a third time, waiting for the team to bring a substitute out.
  4. Dominic Owens-Lee

    Quidditch Game: Hufflepuff vs Slytherin

    Dominic hoped that this time he was going to actually score as he made it to the slytherin hoops. He aimed for the middle one, sighing as it was caught easily by the keeper.
  5. Dominic Owens-Lee

    Quidditch Game: Hufflepuff vs Slytherin

    Rule 2a Dominic followed the Slytherin chaser as he took possession of the quaffle. As he noticed the beaters hitting themselves with bludgers, he winced a little, knowing that surely it was him that they were probably aiming for instead. When he saw the opportunity again, he took it, swooping...
  6. Dominic Owens-Lee

    Quidditch Game: Hufflepuff vs Slytherin

    When Dominic made it close enough to the hoops, he used all his strength to throw the quaffle across and through one, however it was caught easily by the keeper.
  7. Dominic Owens-Lee

    Quidditch Game: Hufflepuff vs Slytherin

    Rule 2a When Dominic saw an opening, he didn't hesitate in taking it. He swooped in and intercepted the quaffle once he was close enough, and then started heading off in the other direction towards the Slytherin hoops.
  8. Dominic Owens-Lee

    Quidditch Game: Hufflepuff vs Slytherin

    As the game started, Dominic shot up into the air, however was disappointed when he didn't manage to grab the quaffle first. He began to chase the older Slytherin, hoping he could find a way to intercept.
  9. Dominic Owens-Lee

    Quidditch Game: Hufflepuff vs Slytherin

    Dominic was keen to finally get out on the pitch in his full gear. He gathered around with his team as the captain spoke and nodded at his words. He was just going to try his best to stay positive and surely all that mattered was that he had fun.
  10. Dominic Owens-Lee

    Quidditch Game: Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff

    Dominic was looking forward to his first ever game, even though the practice hadn't gone exactly how he wanted it to. He just tried his best to be positive as he gathered around with his team before the game, hoping that at least some of the practice he had done was going to pay off.
  11. Dominic Owens-Lee

    Hufflepuff Quidditch Practice Y46 S1

    Dominic yet again tried to score and failed. He sighed, hoping he would be able to make one eventually. At least it was only practice.
  12. Dominic Owens-Lee

    Hufflepuff Quidditch Practice Y46 S1

    Dominic took the quaffle again as it was thrown back into play and flew off towards the other hoops.
  13. Dominic Owens-Lee

    Hufflepuff Quidditch Practice Y46 S1

    Dominic tried his best, but unfortunately his shot was blocked again.
  14. Dominic Owens-Lee

    Hufflepuff Quidditch Practice Y46 S1

    Dominic felt for the older chaser who was missing the shots. At least Dominic had also been missing all of his shots so far. He swooped in to grab the quaffle as it was thrown back out.
  15. Dominic Owens-Lee

    Hufflepuff Quidditch Practice Y46 S1

    Dominic tried his best to throw a shot, however it was blocked easily by the keeper. He sighed, but was determined to get it next time.