Recent content by Kyon Lockwood

  1. Kyon Lockwood

    🌹 Rose Giving For Someone Owed an Apology

    Kyon was planning on avoiding everyone that day, and had just come in from the lawn. He fell onto a chair just in time to hear someone call his name. He sighed and sat up, turning just in time to get bopped in the nose with a rose. He blinked, looking up. "Hi, Marnie," He greeted, giving her a...
  2. Kyon Lockwood

    Closed Up To Something

    Kyon laughed at her commentary. "Oh! I think Gregory Friend is single too," He gave her a playful wink. "And Savannah Walters, maybe." He smiled impishly at her. "I make it my business to know these sorts of things. I'm not perfect, though, I don't know everything. Just a few rumors here and...
  3. Kyon Lockwood

    Closed Up To Something

    Kyon laughed and tried to just dance, forgetting that Emmanuel was there somewhere- even though he spotted him moving with someone. He looked back to Senna quickly. "Well, I mean, Emrys is single since the break up with Marnie and I think Yuelia is single too, and of course the head boy and girl...
  4. Kyon Lockwood

    Closed Up To Something

    Kyon just laughed and twirled her, dancing with an easy smile on his face. "Aw, come on, Sen. A few dance moves and any guy here would fall all over themselves to escort you to the next dance," He teased her. "Though I might cry little manly tears if you make him swoon," He laughed again, trying...
  5. Kyon Lockwood

    Closed Up To Something

    Soren shook his head. "I've tried everything, Sen- I've gotten close, given him chances to kiss me, told him maybe he should date me instead, I've done everything but paint it on a dumb sign and hold it up. But he doesn't listen, Sen, it's like- I'm just there. I'm in the background of whatever...
  6. Kyon Lockwood

    Closed Up To Something

    Kyon made sure to support Senna as they moved, actually appreciating the touch. He let out another frustrated sigh, shaking his head. "Really, Sen, it's fine," He promised, dragging a hand through his hair. "It wouldn't matter who was here with me. I've tried everything- ignoring him, snogging...
  7. Kyon Lockwood

    Closed Up To Something

    Kyon was probably rather impulsive and he didn't always think everything through. He knew that. This wasn't exactly his smartest idea. He wasn't sure how it was ever going to work. He rubbed the back of his neck. But at least it couldn't go too badly, right? He still got to hang out with one of...
  8. Kyon Lockwood

    Sixth Years

    Name: Kyon Lockwood House: Gryffindor
  9. Kyon Lockwood


    Name: Kyon Lockwood House: Gryffindor Year: Sixth
  10. Kyon Lockwood

    Head People and Prefects

    Name: Kyon Lockwood House: Gryffindor Year: Sixth
  11. Kyon Lockwood

    Closed A Coincidence

    Kyon smiled, leaning against the wall nearby. A wild thought struck him, and never one to think things through, he decided to just go with it. "Good book? You look cute when you're focused like that," he flirted lightly. "What is it you're reading?"
  12. Kyon Lockwood

    Closed A Coincidence

    Kyon was in a worse mood than usual, and he wasn't sure why. Maybe he was just agitated. He'd been out on the lawn, kicking a ball around for a few hours, but he was bored with it. He'd cleaned up and was heading back to the dorms when he spotted one of his classmates sitting in a window. "Yo...
  13. Kyon Lockwood

    Closed Don't Like It

    Kyon didn't know why it had taken him so long to notice. Everything felt like a mess. How could so many people like Emmanuel? Well, obviously because he was the best ever. But why did that bother him? And why did it bother him even more to hear about that kissing game? Why had Emmanuel even...
  14. Kyon Lockwood

    Kyon Lockwood

    Kyon Lockwood Date of Birth: August 19, 2045 Astrological Sign: Leo Hair Color/Length: Short, messy dark brown Eyes: Stormy Blue Face: Heart Clothing Style: Kyon likes fashionable but clean cut clothes, stuff he can move easily in Favorites: -Food: Sheperds Pie -Dessert: Apple Turnovers...
  15. Kyon Lockwood

    Closed Listening

    Kyon blushed a bit, and laughed, running his hand over the back of his neck. "Careful man, I might think you're flirting," He teased, stretching out. "Most of the time?" He continued to tease Emmanuel, jumping up and offering out his hand. "Come on, then! We've been in your history for too long...