Recent content by Miro Morales-Albertson

  1. Miro Morales-Albertson

    Y46 Electives Fair

    The electives fair, as soon as Miro learned about it, and in turn learned about his expected and mandatory attendance as a second year, felt like a weight on his shoulders. A weight that didn't lessen as the day of the fair drew closer, and even dared to feel heavier as he arrived to the...
  2. Miro Morales-Albertson

    Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y46/S2

    Miro soon found another bludger, and reached to hit it with his bat. He watched as it flew off course and hit Joshua. "Sorry!!" Miro called out, feeling bad for a moment. He tried to recover a moment later and continued flying around the pitch. @Joshua Lynch
  3. Miro Morales-Albertson

    Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y46/S2

    Miro tried to look for another bludger but couldn't find anything.
  4. Miro Morales-Albertson

    Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y46/S2

    Miro soon spotted another bludger, and sped up his flying to chase after it. It wasn't long before he reached to hit the bludger, smiling when he was able to successfully hit it in Milo's direction. @Milo Frogg
  5. Miro Morales-Albertson

    Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y46/S2

    Miro couldn't hit another bludger.
  6. Miro Morales-Albertson

    🌹 Rose Giving No friendship is an accident

    Miro was in the midst of his own rose deliveries, thinking it was smarter to try and look for students he didn't know in the great hall in the hope he had a better chance of finding them, or finding someone who knew where they were. His head was down as he looked to his list of deliveries...
  7. Miro Morales-Albertson

    🌹 Rose Giving A Pocket full of Roses

    The reaction to each rose Miro delivered that day had been overwhelmingly positive, so it surprised him a little, and threw him a bit off kilter when he saw Elise roll her eyes as she read the note accompanying her rose. He couldn't dwell on his surprise for long however as Elise soon turned...
  8. Miro Morales-Albertson

    🌹 Rose Giving Apologetic Petals

    Miro smiled as he watched June accepted the rose and read the note accompany it, feeling pleased he had managed to make another delivery relatively quickly so he wasn't dragging his feet around the castle. "Sure, happy valentine's day again!" He said after June said he could go, and he quickly...
  9. Miro Morales-Albertson

    Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y46/S2

    Miro couldn't hit another bludger.
  10. Miro Morales-Albertson

    Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y46/S2

    Miro continued looking for a bludger, and couldn't find or hit anything.
  11. Miro Morales-Albertson

    Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y46/S2

    Miro flew around the pitch, looking around intently for another bludger to hit. He cheered when he saw Rāwhiti catch the snitch across the pitch, only distracted from this when a bludger flew by. Miro swerved to chase the bludger and reached to try and hit it, frowning when he missed entirely...
  12. Miro Morales-Albertson

    Closed Last Resort

    Miro's head and heart were heavy, not in the sense he was exhausted, but more so in the sense he was overwhelmed with too much information in front of him and little capacity to retain said information. Information he had been trying to learn to no avail, letters and words on parchment covering...
  13. Miro Morales-Albertson

    🌹 Rose Giving Sunshine Roses

    Miro smiled when a girl at the table confirmed she was Isadora, and he quickly approached her. "Hey, I have a rose for you." He greeted, deciding not to waste any more time as he quickly looked for the rose meant for her in his basket. There were a few he had to sort through but he soon found...
  14. Miro Morales-Albertson

    🌹 Rose Giving Apologetic Petals

    Miro was happy that he soon spotted June among the crowd as she reacted to his shouting. She didn't exactly seem pleased he was calling out for her, but this didn't keep him from smiling and keeping up his energy as he approached her. "Hey! I have a rose delivery for you!" He announced...
  15. Miro Morales-Albertson

    🌹 Rose Giving The Last but not Least Important Delivery

    Miro smiled as Aine accepted the rose, feeling pleased she seemed happy with it. Seeing people's faces light up as they received their roses had been one of the highlights of Miro's day, a highlight he hadn't expected but one he realized he welcomed as it made him happy by proxy. He could only...