Recent content by Oskar Strom

  1. Oskar Strom

    Open In The Eye Of The Beholder

    Everyday Oskar felt like there was a spotlight on him. Whether it was real or not he couldn't quite escape the strangeness that he felt covered his entire body like a second skin. He had felt this way his whole life but at least at home and his old school he had known where to hide and what to...
  2. Oskar Strom

    Open From Afar

    Oskar had been completely caught off guard by the day's festivities. He had never experienced anything quite like it and wasn't sure what to make of it. The roses, the messages, the friendship, all of it felt so foreign. He had been at this school for over a semester now but still felt very...
  3. Oskar Strom

    Y46 Quidditch Chat

    Bludgers sure have a mind of their own this game. My boy is just sulking on the bench!
  4. Oskar Strom

    🌹 Rose Giving Spreading The Love

    Oskar had not been prepared when Valentine's day came around. It wasn't a holiday that meant much to him. Of course he had seen the table for people to write their notes and send their roses but he had no idea it would be this...suffocating. All day his vision had been clouded by roses. In...
  5. Oskar Strom

    Quidditch Game: Hufflepuff vs Slytherin

    Oskar sat on the bench not feeling particularly optimistic about the game ahead of them. At least he didn't have anything to do with their failures even if they did get to play. Maybe trying to be a part of this team was a bad idea? He didn't think of himself as a lucky person but maybe it was...
  6. Oskar Strom

    Quidditch Game: Slytherin vs Ravenclaw

    Oskar wasn't looking forward to today. It was embarrassing to be on the bench while a first year was starting but he also feared if he did have to play today he'd embarrass himself by being horrible. He didn't bother to socialize with his team. Instead sat quietly with his broom next to him. If...
  7. Oskar Strom

    Slytherin Quidditch Practice

    Finally Oskar saw a bludger and swung. He felt a rush as he made contact and soared across the pitch. He had been aiming for one of the seekers but ended up hitting Enoch instead. He shot the other boy a stoic look of apology before continuing on. @Enoch Goldewyn
  8. Oskar Strom

    Slytherin Quidditch Practice

    Oskar looked for another bludger to hit.
  9. Oskar Strom

    Closed Room For Improvement

    Oskar glanced over his shoulder and found that his instinct was correct and he saw a girl he recognized form some of his classes. "I guess so." he said rather stiffly. He had hoped to have the pitch to himself but it wasn't like he owned the place so he didn't have a choice but to share. He...
  10. Oskar Strom

    Slytherin Quidditch Practice

    Oskar missed again. He was starting to think he was bad at this actually.
  11. Oskar Strom

    Slytherin Quidditch Practice

    Oskar looked for a bludger to hit.
  12. Oskar Strom

    Slytherin Quidditch Practice

    Oskar missed again.
  13. Oskar Strom

    Slytherin Quidditch Practice

    Oskar searched for a bludger.
  14. Oskar Strom

    Slytherin Quidditch Practice

    Oskar swung and managed to hit a bludger but his aim was off and it hit no one.
  15. Oskar Strom

    Slytherin Quidditch Practice

    Oskar searched for another bludger to hit.