Recent content by Professor Minnie Calida

  1. Professor Minnie Calida

    Y46 Electives Fair

    Professor Minnie Calida remembered her own Electives fair, though that had been many a moon ago and at the time, Minnie had known exactly what she was taking. This event had been a formality to say the least, but she wanted to do it well for the future students, so she had a few arithmancy...
  2. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed Pretending We're Still Seventeen

    Minnie leaned a little into his touch, more than happy for him to brush some of her hair from her face. She knew they were working, but there was just something nice about this, about being able to be and spend this time together. She couldn't imagine what she might've thought as a student of...
  3. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed Pretending We're Still Seventeen

    Professor Calida spotted him easily, she would always find Eric within any crowd with ease. Her expression turned fond and she met him half way. She blushed lightly at his compliment, they'd been dating for a while, but she'd never not enjoy his compliments. "So do you," she said, reaching to...
  4. Professor Minnie Calida

    Yule Ball

    Professor Minnie Calida with Eric Holland
  5. Professor Minnie Calida

    Open Big Surprise

    Minnie happily ran into his arms, so pleased to see him again. She giggled softly, contently, filled with love for Eric as he spun her. She kissed him back, not caring which students actually saw them, just overjoyed to see him at school. To not be away from him for most of her days. When the...
  6. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed Pretending We're Still Seventeen

    Professor Minnie Calida had expected her first yuleball as a professor to be a dull affair. With her just watching over the kids as they had fun, thinking and strwing on her memories of the dance alone. But with Eric at the school too, she knew they would be able to have a bit of fun. She had...
  7. Professor Minnie Calida

    Professors and Staff

    Professor Minnie Calida Arithmancy y3-4
  8. Professor Minnie Calida

    Open Big Surprise

    Minnie had been surprised that Eric would want to come back to Hogwarts, even for work. But she could admit, having him around would be nice. They wouldn't be as apart and she wouldn't have to worry about missing him. She would have a friend in amongst all the rest. After all, Eric was her...
  9. Professor Minnie Calida

    Open Professor & Staff Meeting Y46 | S1

    Minnie gave him a little smile, and nodded slightly. "Me neither," she really hadn't expected to be there, and really she had forgotten that she knew Noel worked here. But she was quite happy to see him, for all the trouble they had had in school, she hoped they could be friendly. "How've you...
  10. Professor Minnie Calida

    Open Professor & Staff Meeting Y46 | S1

    Minnie walked into the professor's common room, it wasn't a place she'd known during her schooling (of course) and it wasn't a place she knew that well yet either. She just hadn't spent a lot of time at it. She was busy with getting her classroom up to scratch, tidying things, making sure she...
  11. Professor Minnie Calida

    Open To Be On This Side

    Minnie gave a little smile and then glanced out at the students. Her mind went to her own schooling, to Eric, to the fights, to the love, to all of the memories held within it. "That's good to know," she replied softly after just a small beat of silence. "That kids don't really change," she...
  12. Professor Minnie Calida

    Closed Some News

    Minnie gave a little sheepish expression and the shrugged. "I figured I wouldn't get it, it seemed like a bit of a long shot," Minnie told him, honestly. She just hadn't thought that it was something she would get. "And I wasn't even sure I'd want to do it," she added before leaning into him a...
  13. Professor Minnie Calida

    Open To Be On This Side

    Minnie nodded as the man spoke, she was a little surprised that he had gone to university and wondered if she should've. She hadn't, and university had just not been on the books for her. She knew she likely wouldn't have managed well at it. "Seems like you ended up in the right place," she said...
  14. Professor Minnie Calida

    Open To Be On This Side

    Minnie nodded as he said his own house, knowing that them being in different houses did limit their lives crossing during school. Too many years between and a house too. She nodded too at what he taught, thinking for a moment on who had taught her lower years transfiguration and drawing a blank...
  15. Professor Minnie Calida

    Open To Be On This Side

    Minnie half expected the other man to also answer, but when nothing immediately did, she glanced back at the other man and gave a little smile. Their paths at the school did overlap, though not by much. She'd have been a second or maybe third year when he graduated. "2055," she said...