Recent content by Ruto Vernier-Raison

  1. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    Valentine's Dance

    This is where the Valentine's Dance attendees post their pictures! Just copy and paste from the form below: Name: Partner: Make sure you read the rules before posting! Thanks! ~ Ruto Vernier-Raison (On behalf of Accio! Staff)
  2. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    🌹 Rose Giving A Friendly Gift For You

    Roo enjoyed her interaction with the older Ravenclaw. It made her realise just how much she was missing out on. "See you around." she said, standing back up and taking her basket of roses with her back towards the castle.
  3. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    🌹 Rose Giving A Bright Yellow

    Roo watched as Anisha revealed herself, and then instantly recognised the face from her classes. Names to faces were definitely not Roo's specialty. She shrugged at the Gryffindor's comment. "Sorry." she mumbled a little awkwardly, reaching into her basket of roses. "I have a rose for you." She...
  4. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    🌹 Rose Giving To Have a Friend

    Roo couldn't help but take a sigh of relief as a younger boy stepped out claiming to be Oswald Brambleheart. It was another one she could cross off her list. She reached into her basket of roses and pulled out a bright yellow one. "A rose delivery for you." she said, holding it out to him. A...
  5. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    🌹 Rose Giving A Lovey Dovey Rose

    The girl was nice, and Roo appreciated the thanks. It really made her feel like she wasn't wasting her time. "You're very welcome. Enjoy the rest of your day." she said with a smile, glad for a successful delivery.
  6. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    🌹 Rose Giving Hunting Outdoors

    Roo was a little taken aback as a younger student approached her, asking her if she could take a picture. Most people only wanted pictures of pretty things such as nature, or stars, and Roo was confused. Nonetheless, she shrugged. "Go for your life, I suppose." she said, looking back out to the...
  7. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    🌹 Rose Giving The Rose of Decision

    Roo stood there a little awkwardly for a moment as the younger Slytherin read the note that was on the rose. "You're welcome, I suppose." she said with a shrug. She then turned around and headed in the opposite direction to find the next person on her list.
  8. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    🌹 Rose Giving The Rose of Decision

    As she heard the words come out of the younger Slytherin's mouth, she narrowed her eyebrows at her. She then suddenly intended for this to be quick. The Ravenclaw reached into her basket of roses and pulled out a yellow one. "For you." she said, shoving it towards her. She was just glad to cross...
  9. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    🌹 Rose Giving A Lovey Dovey Rose

    Roo beamed as she heard someone respond to the name she was yelling. She was glad to be crossing someone else off her list. She reached into her basket as she headed towards her. "Hi Aurora." she said, pulling the bright red rose out and holding it out to her. A note hung off its stem. "This is...
  10. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    🌹 Rose Giving A Friendly Gift For You

    At Kiara's question, Roo shrugged. "I guess we could say both of ours, depending on what is written on that note." She knew that some notes weren't always favourable, however she hoped that Kiara's was, as she quite liked her. She couldn't help but be curious about what was written on the note...
  11. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    🌹 Rose Giving A Friendly Gift For You

    Ruto thought the universe was listening when she heard a familiar voice and saw the exact person she needed. She quickly sat up, fumbling for her basket of roses. "Kiara!" she exclaimed, before composing herself. She couldn't believe how lucky she was. "Well, yes, it gets quite tiring... finding...
  12. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    🌹 Rose Giving Grateful For A Friend

    @Margo Fox Ruto did not like having to resort to going to the house table to find people on her list, but most of the time she really had no choice. She knew that this person was a Hufflepuff, but that was all the intel that she had, apart from the fact that they were also a prefect, and so...
  13. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    🌹 Rose Giving A Bright Yellow

    @Anisha Khatri Despite finding it hard to find most people on her list, Ruto realised she was actually quite enjoying the activity. Seeing smiles on people's faces were good. She liked being able to make that happen. The next person on her list would be impossible to find, but Roo just had to...
  14. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    🌹 Rose Giving Hunting Outdoors

    @Elodie Wynshaw Ruto was beginning to despise the lack of luck that she had with finding people on her rose delivery list. With her basket hanging off her arm, she walked and walked along the edge of the lake, pretty much ready to give up on finding this person. With a sigh, Ruto stopped...
  15. Ruto Vernier-Raison

    🌹 Rose Giving The Rose of Decision

    @Morrie Ayre Ruto had absolutely no idea where to begin looking for the next person on her list. The only hope she had now in order to complete her rose deliveries was to use the power of luck. With the basket of roses hanging off her arm, she had been bellowing this name for quite some time...