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  1. Lucy Holland

    🌹 Rose Giving Pink For A Powerful Person

    The last name on Lucy's list was a very familiar one, and she was grateful not to have to run up and down the castle looking for a stranger. Instead, she was running up and down looking for a person she recognised, and it was on her second lap of the second floor that she finally spotted her...
  2. Lucy Holland

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow For A Snake

    Lucy had never met the next girl on her list, but she recognised her by reputation. She was pretty sure she did, at least. After having no luck in the Great Hall, she had headed downstairs, making her way to the area Hazel had told her was the entrance to the Slytherin Common Room. After a...
  3. Lucy Holland

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow For A Youngling

    Lucy had had pretty good luck recognising the people she was delivering to so far, but the next name on her list was a complete stranger. She'd asked around a few Hufflepuffs and eventually been directed downstairs. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, she quickly spotted a boy heading towards...
  4. Lucy Holland

    🌹 Rose Giving Red For A Twin

    The rose deliveries were taking Lucy all over the castle, and her legs were starting to get a little achey. It was good exercise, she knew, but she knew she'd be sleeping well tonight. Her next delivery was for another person she recognised from the prefect lineup, but this one was a little...
  5. Lucy Holland

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow For A Centaur

    Lucy's list of deliveries had taken her all around the castle, but this next one... her heart raced with excitement as she made her way across the lawn. She didn't think a delivery would be enough excuse to actually enter the forest, but surely the outskirts would be fine given the...
  6. Lucy Holland

    🌹 Rose Giving Pink For A Prefect

    The Great Hall at lunch felt like a good time to track people down for deliveries, and Lucy thankfully recognised the next name on her list. She'd never actually spoken to the older girl, but she had made sure she knew who all the Prefects were, both to make sure she could get help if she...
  7. Lucy Holland

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow For A Professor

    Lucy enjoyed History of Magic, but she'd never spoken to the upper years professor before. Still, there was no time like the present, and with a yellow rose waiting for him in her basket, she knocked cheerfully on his office door. "Professor Borisyuk, rose delivery!" She called out.
  8. Lucy Holland

    🌹 Rose Giving Red For A Badger

    Basket slung over her arm, Lucy didn't think she had ever been so excited for a school event. She was a long way off thinking about romance and kissing and things like that, but there were lots of kinds of love and she couldn't wait to help spread it all around the castle. The first rose was a...
  9. Lucy Holland

    Closed Spooks And Scares

    Halloween was one of the Hogwarts events that Lucy had been looking forward to the most. It was exciting, getting to dress up and see the castle and her schoolmates in such a different light. She had picked out her costume well in advance of starting school, and she was glad she hadn't had a...
  10. Lucy Holland

    Open Safe And Cosy

    ((Open after Esma)) The September chill was starting to get to Lucy, and as much as she wanted to get outside and explore more of the school grounds, there was absolutely no chance she'd be setting foot outside in today's weather. She had bundled herself up as best she could, wearing a sweater...
  11. Lucy Holland

    Closed New Home, Old Friends

    As time passed and she got more settled at Hogwarts, Lucy was only getting more and more homesick. Now that the novelty was starting to wear off, the gaps were starting to show. Things she would have talked to Dad about, little habits she hadn't noticed until they were broken - all the small...
  12. Lucy Holland

    Open A Holland Howler

    After a few days of getting settled, Lucy really felt like she was starting to find her way in Hogwarts. Her dorm was amazing, with so many of her friends around, the school was massive and there was so much to explore, and the library was definitely already one of her favourite places to be -...
  13. Lucy Holland

    Open Chitter-Chatter

    ((Open after Sarah)) Lucy had seen plenty of moving and talking pictures in her life, but she hadn't ever really gotten to spend time with any as old as the ones at Hogwarts. It was enthralling, walls covered with people, with... whatever lives they had lived before being painted. Or had they...
  14. Lucy Holland

    Lucy Holland

    Name: Lucy Harriet Holland Meaning: Lucy – As of light, Harriet – Home ruler Birthdate: 7/4/2049 Zodiac: Aries Strengths: Independent - Generous - Optimistic - Enthusiastic - Courageous Weaknesses: Moody - Short tempered - Self-involved - Impulsive - Impatient Being an Aries born on April 7th...
  15. Lucy Holland

    Closed Letters To and Fro

  16. Lucy Holland

    Closed Eagerly Awaiting

    Lucy knew it was far too early to actually be getting ready for school, but that hadn't stopped her from getting ready. Dad could remind her that it was four months away all he liked, but Lucy already had the clothes she wanted to bring to Hogwarts set aside, several of the textbooks she would...
  17. Lucy Holland

    Closed Pickup Time

    Lucy really enjoyed her scout meetings, she always felt a little giddy and hyper once they ended. It was frustrating having to sit still while she waited for Dad to come pick her up, even moreso since she was pretty sure they were having pizza for dinner tonight. Now that her mum wasn't the...
  18. Lucy Holland

    Closed Connecting Pieces

    "Okay, and then these here!" Lucy said emphatically, pressing a few more legos into the wobbly structure in front of her. The toys had been a birthday present from Charlie and though they didn't do anything magical, Lucy absolutely loved them. You could build just about anything out of legos...