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  1. Emmanuel Okoye

    Open Looking for Someone

    Emmanuel could admit that perhaps his rose to Kyon, had perhaps not had the desired effect. He had tried to apologise with the right coloured rose, but it just hadn't really done what it was supposed to - though arguably, he wasn't even that sure what it was supposed to have done. The ravenclaw...
  2. Emmanuel Okoye

    Open Ignore Him

    The semester had been going well, he was doing well in his classes, being a prefect was good. The stuff with Penny was so well and truly behind him, and yet there was a bubbling anger in him. It certainly had nothing to do with the fact that it seemed like Kyon had other plans constantly, and he...
  3. Emmanuel Okoye

    Open Wherefore Art Thou

    Emmanuel had been doing a lot of reading, the amount of time he'd gotten back from having no more OWLs to do was nice, and he'd been using the time to do more classic reading. He had learn a lot about muggle authors and had been reading a lot about shakespeare and he had therefore decided to...
  4. Emmanuel Okoye

    Open Too Old For This

    Emmanuel had a couple of spare hours and had decided that he'd go to the park. He was sixteen now and too old for the park, especially as there were a lot of little kids in the park currently, but he welcomed the opportunity to do something childish. His life was all about exams, classes, his...
  5. Emmanuel Okoye

    Closed Of Break Ups

    Emmanuel was studying, he had plans in a little bit to go patrolling with Marnie, and was looking forward to it. It had been a while, and he was sure that it would be a little awkward but Emmanuel could deal with a little awkward. He was taking the time to just read and revise, waiting until it...
  6. Emmanuel Okoye

    Open History Club: Show and Tell

    Emmanuel knew it was probably the wrong time for him to be hosting a history club event, he had OWLs and he was stressed trying to make some deadlines but really without a girlfriend, he did have a little more time. But he wanted to do it, liked when he got to do it, so this just had to be the...
  7. Emmanuel Okoye

    Open Newly Single, Ready to Mingle

    Breaking up with Penny had been for the best. He liked her, she was sweet and kind but he knew that he didn't like her like that. He had quickly realised it and had dragged it on too long. It was unfair of him to have done so for so long, so it was for the best that they had now broken up. He...
  8. Emmanuel Okoye

    Closed Things Which End

    Emmanuel knew he had to do this, he had been stringing Penny along long enough. His family was all very pleased that he had a girlfriend, but he knew now that he really only liked her as a friend. That as much as he tried and wanted to, he just didn't have any deeper feelings. Kissing her was...
  9. Emmanuel Okoye

    Closed Does This Feel Right?

    Emmanuel was conflicted, he had sort of been meaning to break up with Penny for a bit. He just wasn't sure he felt what he was supposed to. He liked Penny, kissing her was nice and being around her was nice, but he liked her as a friend. Though he wouldn't kiss his friend. But with OWL work and...
  10. Emmanuel Okoye

    Closed She's Barbie, I'm Just Ken

    Emmanuel had been looking for a purpose to re-use his pink suit. Since it was such a stark colour, while nice, it didn't go with much. So, he was very glad to suggest a very muggle costume for halloween. He liked spending the time with Penny and had wanted to do a couple's costume. It just made...
  11. Emmanuel Okoye

    Open History Club - Sign up

    Emmanuel had been waiting for the club fair, ready to participate in his usual way, he had sign-ups at the ready, and just was hopeful that maybe they could interest a couple more people to sign up for the club. Emmanuel didn't have a lot of time currently, he was a new prefect and an OWL...
  12. Emmanuel Okoye

    Open Searching for Dance Partners

    Emmanuel arrived at the great hall for the valentines day dance excited. He still hadn't asked anyone to these dances, though he had really considered asking Penelope. But he hadn't, and Emmanuel was at the dance alone. The ravenclaw had dressed well. He was never one to not do so for these...
  13. Emmanuel Okoye

    Open Cupid's Bow

    Emmanuel had been pondering over what to wear for this halloween, having nothing particular that he wanted to go as, and then deciding that he would use his pink shirt and waistcoat, and then made everything else pink. He had a fake bow and a toy arrow and really this was the wrong event for...
  14. Emmanuel Okoye

    Open Y44 Club Fair: Fringe Stall - History Club

    Emmanuel had perhaps tried out for quidditch, but his true passion remained in the history club. He had less time for it because he was working harder, but it was still the most important thing for him. So, like the year before. Emmanuel had his own little 'stall' not quite at the club fair, but...
  15. Emmanuel Okoye

    Open Waiting for Someone

    Emmanuel had been to Bleak Street a couple of times. it was always an odd experience, but with his grandmother on his mother's side visiting the country before they all went back to Nigeria, Emmanuel had been nominated to accompany her and hold the bags. He didn't mind doing that, just, it was...
  16. Emmanuel Okoye

    Open A Rose Filled Dance

    Emmanuel had been very surprised with just how many roses that he had gotten. He hadn't thought of himself as having that many friends, or of being that popular, but apparently he had just been wrong, and he was a pretty popular guy. He was well liked. Emmanuel knew he was never going to manage...
  17. Emmanuel Okoye

    Graphics Request

    Name: Emmanuel Okoye Play-By: Toheeb Jimoh Text on Banner: Emmanuel Okoye Colour Scheme: Something probably warm, though with whatever works probably? Image Options: one , two , three , four Additional Information: I really like the photoshoot, so if possible can it stick to those...
  18. Emmanuel Okoye

    🌹 Rose Giving Most modern-day roses can be traced back to China

    Yellow rose for @Raafe Khatri Emmanuel had one last rose and after some questions, he had learnt that this person was a gryffindor and he'd come back to the great hall in an attempt to find them. "Raafe?" he called out as he moved up the gryffindor table, just trying to look a bit everywhere in...
  19. Emmanuel Okoye

    🌹 Rose Giving The rose was used as a symbol during the "War of the Roses"

    yellow rose for @Max Goose Emmanuel was looking for a gryffindor, so he'd come to the floor where he could find Gryffindors, and was asking people as they milled about the Seventh floor. "Max Goose, I'm looking for Max Goose," he said. Knowing he would eventually run into the boy or someone...
  20. Emmanuel Okoye

    🌹 Rose Giving Roman Nobility Established Large Public Rose Gardens

    Red rose for @Sadie Gates It had once again taken Emmanuel quite a bit of time to find the next person he was looking for. He knew he didn't have a large knowledge of the students in the school, and he didn't need to have extensive knowledge but it would make this a little more useful. But he...