Search results for query: *

  1. Leah Thorne

    Open Step 1 - Party

    Leah felt her ears get hot and her heart start to race a little. She was stunned again as Savannah didn't back down. Not that she expected her to. "Well then." she said her tone just as brisk, and tried to find some confidence she didn't feel. She would just have to fake it for now. Leah held...
  2. Leah Thorne

    Open Step 1 - Party

    Leah listened to Savannah talk while she watched some of the floating candles drift in the air. It was a party, and a pretty fun one at that. Then why did she feel like she couldn't have any fun. She had asked the other girl about dancing so she could prepare herself for such a shocking sight...
  3. Leah Thorne

    Open Step 1 - Party

    Leah let out a dry laugh. "And this isn't boring?" she asked almost earnestly. trying to understand. She wanted to find some joy in the holiday that celebrated love but it all felt so distant from her she was struggling to find any bright spot at all. How had they manage to switch places like...
  4. Leah Thorne

    Open Step 1 - Party

    Leah was feeling less than festive by the time the dance rolled around. She had considered skipping it but she felt like that would raise more questions from her friends than she was willing to answer. So she put on something nice but relatively casual and made her way downstairs. She scanned...
  5. Leah Thorne

    🌹 Rose Giving A Thorne-y Yellow Rose

    Leah had a small break between lessons and stopped in the courtyard to enjoy the nice weather. She wanted to be delivering roses but she was far too busy this semester to spend it running around the castle. She bit into an apple and turned the page of her book.. She knew she was likely to get a...
  6. Leah Thorne

    Open On The Sidelines

    Leah hadn't been looking for sympathy. She hadn't been looking for anything at all by telling the truth. She just didn't feel like lying. So when Anisha looked at her with a frown she sat up a bit straighter. She wasn't sure what she was say that would warrant such a reaction, it was just the...
  7. Leah Thorne

    Open On The Sidelines

    Leah felt a sense of dread as Anisha sat down and of course she looked beautiful. She crossed her arms across her chest and looked up towards the ceiling in a way she hoped looked poetically stubborn and not dismissive. She shrugged. "It's just my parents." she sighed. "They've been divorced...
  8. Leah Thorne

    Open On The Sidelines

    Leah had been slumped in her chair sulking when she heard Anisha greet her. In a flash she was sitting up straighter and trying to straighten out her dress. "Oh yeah I'm fine." she said reflexively. After going to the dance together last year her infatuation with her roommate was a full blown...
  9. Leah Thorne

    Open On The Sidelines

    Leah didn't want to be here but not being at the ball seemed even worse. She felt ridiculous. She had thought she had packed a different dress for the ball but her mother must have swapped it out with this one at the last minute. It was a fine dress but the fact it wasn't one she had picked out...
  10. Leah Thorne

    Yule Ball

    Leah Thorne, solo
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  12. Leah Thorne

    Transfiguration Make-Up Section Y46 (Years 5 - 7)

    Name: Leah Thorne House: Gryffindor Year: Fifth Lesson(s) Missed: 1-4 Lesson One Leah felt a bit strange having new professors this year and she had heard a lot about Professor Styx. But she refused to be intimidated as she entered the classroom and took her seat. She didn’t know why it was...
  13. Leah Thorne

    Open Trying

    Leah grinned when Gregory said she wouldn't be bad at writing a poem. "Alright well let me prove you wrong." she said with a laugh. "Now just give me a minute." she said and tapped a finger against her chin as she tried to think of words that rhymed with Gregory which was harder than she...
  14. Leah Thorne

    Open Prioritizing

    Leah tried to smile at the other girl's comment but was sure it looked more like a grimace. "I'm alright." she said less than convincingly. After a few seconds to catch her breath she more carefully closed the distance and sat next to her. "Sorry again." she muttered as she rubbed a spot where...
  15. Leah Thorne

    Closed Picking Up The Pieces

    Leah knew she was stubborn. Her mother always mentioned it when she tried to put her foot down. Somehow she still usually lost those confrontations. But the situation with Chase was different. He had started it. If he wanted to be distant and ignore her, well two could play that game. And if her...
  16. Leah Thorne

    Open Trying

    Leah's smile faltered slightly when Gregory didn't seem to appreciated her joke. But she shrugged it off. She didn't see anything wrong with coming to the feast without a costume and hoped she hadn't made him feel too awkward about it. She felt herself blush a little when he asked about her...
  17. Leah Thorne

    Open Trying

    Leah hadn't put much thought into her costume this year, her mind had been elsewhere for most of the semester so she had to make something work last minute. But her flowy shirt did make her feel like some kind of romantic poet. She had just finished a bit of dancing before needing a break and...
  18. Leah Thorne

    Y46 Costume Contest

    Leah Thorne as a poet
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  20. Leah Thorne

    Heta Omega

    Leah Thorne Gryffindor Fifth Year