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  1. Professor Misha Haden

    Seventh Years, Lesson Three

    "Morning Seventh year, now, this lesson will not be as amazing as the last, but it is quite interesting, and you'll enjoy it." Misha placed the cup down on the table he was sat upon, before he got up and went to the board, writing in chalk what they were doing, it read, Geminio "Geminio is from...
  2. Professor Misha Haden

    Fifth Years, Lesson Three

    "Good morning 5th year, I trust you are all doing well." He took a small sip of his hot coffee before continuing, "Like last week, you have a quiz to complete, it should be slightly more difficult than the last, but, I still would hope that you have very little problems with it. However, unlike...
  3. Professor Misha Haden

    Seventh Years, Lesson Two

    "Morning class!" Misha smiled at his students as he took a small sip of the tea and then placed it upon the table that he, as usual stood in front of. "Now class, time to get your brains into action, can anyone tell me, what spell you used in fifth year to blast an object out of your path? Or...
  4. Professor Misha Haden

    Fifth Years, Lesson Two

    "Good morning fifth years. I hope your week has been nice so far." He greeted with his usual cheery tone, "Most of you will have noticed, that on each table there is a quiz. A sort of revision quiz, and you'll get one each week. So, that's why you need to be prepared." He knew that the quiz was...
  5. Professor Misha Haden

    🌹 Rose Giving Appreciation Rose

    Misha had been pretty certain that there was no way he'd get another rose. After all, he was a professor and his girlfriend had sent one and his class teacher pairing. There was no one else. So a knock at his door, had him assuming it was just another student. "Come in," he called out...
  6. Professor Misha Haden

    🌹 Rose Giving An Easy Find

    Misha smiled at the student. Ms. Overby was a good student, good at charms. He enjoyed having her in his class. It was a little unfortunate that she was delivering him a red rose, presumably one that was from isabella. "Thank you, Ms Overby," he said with a polite but still friendly tone. He...
  7. Professor Misha Haden

    🌹 Rose Giving Professor Friendships

    Misha hadn't realised that Landon was handing out roses. He looked at the rose and then took it after just a moment's delay. "Oh, thanks," he said. He opened the note and felt a little bad that he had forgotten to hand out roses this year. "Happy valentine's to you too," he said in reply and as...
  8. Professor Misha Haden

    Closed Talking and Walking

    Misha laughed at her joke and gave a little nod, going along with her joke. "Maybe I am, but I know I can't compete with books," Misha joked lightly. "Read anything recently that I might enjoy?" he asked, though he was sure that she likely had been reading school books rather than things which...
  9. Professor Misha Haden

    🌹 Rose Giving Professor Friendships

    Misha had run out of coffee in his office, and so he had ventured out of the office and to the professor's common room to borrow some of someone elses. He walked into the room and smiled at the professor there. "Afternoon landon," he greeted. He knew that June had a definite distaste for the...
  10. Professor Misha Haden

    🌹 Rose Giving An Easy Find

    Misha was pretty awful at remembering the rose giving. Even when he knew it was upcoming and knew that he should remember to send roses. He just almost never did. But he was in his office, preparing for the classes he had that week and trying to think about how he might make it up to the people...
  11. Professor Misha Haden

    Seventh Years, Lesson One

    "Now, as I am sure you are all aware, you have all made it into the seventh year NEWT class for Charms. So congratulations, few make it this far!" Misha smiled at his students. "I believe this is the best year for charms, as they will be difficult, but very rewarding. Do not be fooled however...
  12. Professor Misha Haden

    Fifth Years, Lesson One

    "Good morning fifth year, and welcome back, I'm Professor Misha Haden and I'll be your Charms professor from now until the end of your school careers. Feel free to call me Misha or Professor or Haden, whichever feels most comfortable for you" He said brightly with a smile at his students, "This...
  13. Professor Misha Haden

    Closed Talking and Walking

    Misha was trying his best to balance the different aspects of his life, and specifically with June. He wanted her to be settled and succeeded, which in the latter she was certainly doing so. he knew that she was independent, in a manner that Cyzarine had never really been. But he wanted to try...
  14. Professor Misha Haden

    A Summons

    Misha considered what she said. He knew that she didn't come from great parents, but he also knew that she would likely make a good parent herself. Though her anxiety around it likely coming from a place where she just had had to do it young already and this would be more pressure. "It's not...
  15. Professor Misha Haden

    A Summons

    Misha wasn't sure why he felt a little nervous as she started speaking, and then his expression immediately softened. He was sure that this would be good news. "Oh Mallory, that's..." he was about to congratulate her, but given that she then said she was scared he stopped. "Why are you scared?"...
  16. Professor Misha Haden

    Professors and Staff

    Professor Misha Haden Charms y5-7
  17. mish y46

    mish y46

  18. Professor Misha Haden

    A Summons

    Misha frowned a little as she invited him in and asked him to close the door. He had gotten to know Mallory quite well over the last few years they'd worked together. He did as he was told, closing the door and taking a seat in front of her. "Is everything okay?" he asked with a gentle...
  19. Professor Misha Haden

    Open Professor & Staff Meeting Y46 | S1

    Professor Misha Haden did not mind going to the Professor meetings. He had things to get on with, and knew this would take up quite a bit of time. But he knew it was necessary and given that staff were able to attend, he'd at least be able to spend a bit of time with his girlfriend. Misha stood...
  20. Professor Misha Haden