Closed A Knock To The Head

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
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Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
[Continuation from this thread]

Landon made his way up to the third floor with Timothy behind him. His plants in the common room could wait. When the man saw that the boy was in trouble, he really felt that it was his duty to help him. He seemed fine, but Landon wanted to make sure, and so opened the door of the hospital wing, a smile on his face as his eyes quickly found the nurse. "Madam Arora! Is it okay for me to refer to you as that?" Landon asked, having never spoken directly to the nurse before. "Timothy here has had his head knocked by a falling portrait on the second floor. Do you mind tending to him and seeing if he's okay?" Landon hoped that the nurse didn't mind them coming. After all, he was sure being a nurse could get busy sometimes, but the man thought that he was better safe than sorry.
Tim was glad that he was missing the lesson, however, wasn't happy about the reason for it. His head was still hurting and he felt that a knock was slowly forming there. Once they entered the Hospital Wing, Tim stood behind professor Carter and just leaned a bit out behind him, and cheerfully smiled at the nurse while still holding his head and nodding to everything that professor said. He was all red because of blushing, well, he had been to Hospital Wing before, a lot of times, he was the sort of person to harm himself all the time but it was the first time him coming there with a professor.

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