🌹 Rose Giving A Sweet Rose

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Landon knew the great hall would be very busy with rose deliveries that morning, and he thought he might as well join the crowd if he wanted a chance at finding some people on his list of deliveries. His basket swung beside him as he walked up and down the Ravenclaw table, trying to find the next person on his list. "Emery!" he exclaimed, as soon as he found him amongst the crowd. He waved at him, beckoning him to come over.
Emery was planning to stay out of crowded public spaces as much as he could today, but he had to eat. He jumped when someone called his name, and he looked up to see Professor Carter waving him over. Emery's heart sped up, was he in trouble? Did he do something? Professor Carter wasn't his head of house or even his professor anymore, but he headed over to him with a feeling of dread anyway. This couldn't be good.
"Oh, don't look so worried!" Landon exclaimed as Emery made his way to him. He didn't understand why the teen could be worrying. After all, Landon didn't think he had a reputation for being stern. "I have a gift for you." Professor Carter reached into his basket of roses and pulled out a bright yellow one. "Happy Valentine's Day!" he exclaimed as he held it out to him. A note hung off the rose's stem.

Happy Valentine's for my favourite (and only!) brother
xxxx Briony
PS. you'd still be my favourite if I had another brother don't worry
Emery grimaced when the professor called him out for looking worried, he had to work at his poker face. It wasn't until he was nearby that he noticed the roses, which cleared up a lot of the confusion. "I didn't know professors could do this," he said, gesturing to the roses. He bit back a comment about how he thought they'd have better things to do, like their job. He wasn't angling for a detention. He took the rose and opened the note, smiling at Briony's message. He'd have to thank her and probably apologize for not sending her one.
Briony had spent most of the trip down to the hall trying to weave a lopsided flower crown out of some extra roses and while the result was pretty sloppy she was pleased she'd managed to make it all the way to Breakfast without falling on her face.

She grinned when she spotted Emery already sat down, hurrying over and only slowing when she saw him talking to Professor Carter. "Hi Professor!" She said brightly before turning to her brother with a harsh whisper, "Did you get in trouble?" Refocusing when she spotted the rose in his hand. "Oh! Did you get mine yet?" Briony asked, leaning into Emery's space to try and read over his shoulder. "That's nice of you to drop it off, Professor."

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