Are you red-y for your rose?

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
Selene was tired. emotional and just wanted to curl up in her bed with asteria, a book and the curtains drawn and wallow in self pitty. it had been a long busy day. delivering roses and she had one left. @Onyx Michaels was the name she had been given and one look in the yearbook showed that he was a gryffindor fifth year with a rather distinct style. he should not be that hard to find. the problem was that because it was late in the day a lot of people had retired to their houses to get ready for the dance and the school was starting to look empty. she knew gryffindor house was on the sixth floor somewhere so maybe she could find a gryffindor and ask them to check in there. she made her way up the steps. as luck may have it she hadn't even reached the seventh floor when she saw someone walking towards her who looked very much like onyx's picture in the yearbook. "Excuse me. are you onyx?" she said. hoping that she had the right boy.
Onyx had decided to take a walk after his talk with Jake, knowing the boy probably needed some time. He wondered briefly if he was supposed to care Jake liked someone, but honestly, Nyx couldn't care less. He was more worried that he hadn't gotten his rose from Chrys. He was going to get one, right? He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, looking up as someone called his name. "Yeah, that's me." He brightened visibly.
Selene was glad that the last rose she was deliverign was easier than she had anticipated. and to make matters better the gryffindor seemed excited as he turned to look at her. the excitement was kind of cute. though she wished someone would call her name somewhere along the corridor and deliver a rose for her. then she would be able to be that excited, "that is good, I have a rose for you, Sorry it is a bit late but it should be worth it" she said. it was clear looking in her basket what colour the last rose was, seeing as the only other option was a cat and she was not giving asteria up without a fight.
Onyx looked at the girl closer. She seemed familiar. He furrowed his brow before snapping his fingers. "That's it! Selena! Kiki talks about you all the time," he chuckled before letting out a dramatic gap. Red? It had to be from Chrys! He clapped his hands together, a bright smile on his face. He bit his lip. "Is there a note?" He asked esgerly.
Selene was surprised when the boy recognised her. and not as a mini version of the divination professor. it did take her a second to realise who kiki was but of course it was kira. she didn't know any other fifth years. "yes i am Selene. yes, kiki, is that kira? She is so nice. she has helped me out a lot" she said. not going into details about how she had helped her out. she felt like the nature of their midnight friendship was a bit of a secret. no that it was anything too embarrassing, or that she minded other people knowing they were friends, kira felt like a bit of a big sister to her. in fact she felt quite flattered.
the boys enthusiasm for the rose soon distracted her. in fact it did more than that it made her start to feel enthusiastic and awake again. "Yes there is a note" she said reaching into her basket again and withdrawing the last slip of paper. giving asteria a slight stroke as she did. before handing it to the boy.

note said:

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