🌹 Rose Giving Cheerful Greeting

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
OOC First Name
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Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (23)
Poppy was enjoying the buzz that filled the hall as roses were being passed around. It tables were a sea of color and it was a small comfort when she realized she probably wasn't going to be receiving as many roses as last year. She knew it wasn't some kind of competition and she valued quality over quantity anyways, but it was just an unfortunate reminder all the same. She took a deep breath and headed over to the Slytherin table after making sure the coast was clear and spotted a dark haired younger boy. "Oh are you Zachariah?" she asked hopefully. "I have a rose for you!" she said brightly and pulled out a yellow rose.

@Zachariah Ezekiel King
Zachariah was at a loss. He had no clue why so many people were walking around with flowers. He frowned slightly when an older girl walked up to him. He recognized her from the common room. "Yeah, I'm Zachariah." He responded when she asked. Tilting his head to the side he accepted the rose a bit hesitantly. 'Was this some kind of joke?' He thought to himself. "What's this for?" Zachariah asked aloud the frown on his face deepening.
Poppy was relieved to see she had found the right person and handed over the flower and the note. But she was taken a back when he asked her what it was for? "Oh-" she hesitated and blinked a few times. "It's Valentine's day!" she answered brightly. "Uhh..a day to celebrate love and also friendship." she explained and pointed to the yellow flower. "The yellow means you have a friend who wanted to let you know how much they appreciate you."

Dear Zachariah,

Thanks for being my friend. I really appreciate it.

Zachariah nodded as he took the flower. He wasn't one who kept up with the dates and occasions that happened around him. He was surprised that anyone actually wanted to send him a flower. Although surprised he couldn't help the smile after reading the note. "Ammm. Thanks? Can I send one back to her?" Zachariah asked.
Poppy smiled wistfully as she noticed the younger boy grin and gave him a sympathetic look when he asked about sending one back. "Oh, unfortunately the sign up for roses was a while ago. But finding them at the dance to say thank you would be nice." she answered optimistically. It was always hard to know who to send roses to until you received them from others. "Or you can always wait till next year." she offered with another smile.
Zachariah nodded his head in understanding. "Thanks," Zachariah said as he turned and left.

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