Farewell Party | HM Meeting Y40/S2

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
OOC First Name
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Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (23)
Poppy could hardly believe that the day had finally come. She had spent her whole seven years at Hogwarts on the paper and it had become such a big part of who she was. She was a bit scared to try and find out who she was with out it. But that was only one of the things that terrified her about the future. She put a stack finished papers on the center of snack table so people could grab a copy if they hadn't gotten one yet. They had all put in a lot of work and she was proud to see it all come together. Somehow every time she was surprised to see it turn into a real physical thing.

Before Poppy could wallow in her nostalgia people began to arrive and she smiled brightly as they entered. It wasn't much but refreshments had been provided and she had fixed up an old radio to play some music. She wanted to make sure they were able to celebrate their accomplishments before exams and the end of the year activities took over. "Hello welcome in everyone!" she greeted. "Thank you all for coming I know this is a busy time but I just wanted to thank all of you for all your hard work and congratulations on another successful issue of the Hogwarts Monthly!" she said enthusiastically and clapped for everyone. "But I do want to be serious for a moment to say that I have been honored to be editor for the past two years and I hope you've enjoyed the time we've spent together." Poppy paused for a moment as she bit her lip and her throat got tight. She blinked quickly and smiled again. "And I am so happy to announce that Estella Fuentes will be taking over as editor next year and I just know she'll be fantastic." she announced and gestured to her assistant editor who would be assistant no more. She was going to miss everyone on the paper but especially Estella. "Well that's enough from me, enjoy yourselves!"
Estella had a rather good year that year. She managed to get all of her assignments done on top of her prefect duties and her duties as assistant editor for the Hogwarts Monthly. It was scary to know that she only had two more years left at Hogwarts, but she really wanted to make the most of them. She just had to continue to keep on top of everything, which she was sure she could do.

The end of the year also meant the annual celebration for the Hogwarts Monthly. Poppy always did such a good job publishing the paper at the end of the year and it was going to be sad to see her leave. Estella entered the room, beaming at the Ravenclaw as she gathered around with the rest of the team. At Poppy's words, Essie felt a scratch in her own throat. She hadn't had a friend graduate yet and it all felt too real in that moment. She just wanted Poppy to stay, but she knew that Poppy probably had many better things to do upon her graduation.

As the group dispersed, Essie was quick to make her way over to the older girl, wrapping her arms around her almost instantly. "I'm going to miss you." she said softly, not wanting to let go.
It was his third year on the paper and honestly, Rhys was going to miss seeing Poppy around in charge as Editor. Not that he had any doubts that her replacement would do a bad job, but he knew it would just take a bit of getting used to.

Rhys wasn't usually one for parties, and never really bothered to show up to them, but he supposed he would make an exception for this time. He was quiet as Poppy started, loitering near the back of the room to not draw too much attention to himself. And when she was done, he waited until she wasn't being bothered by too many other people before approaching with a polite smile. "We're all going to miss you as Editor," while he didn't actually know if that was the case or not, it was a nice thing to say so he might as well. "Good luck with graduation and everything."
Branson had enjoyed being a part of the Hogwarts monthly. This was the end of the fourth year of him on it and he was quite pleased with all he had done so far and looking forward to doing more. He walked into the Hogwarts Monthly area, and grabbed a drink just as Poppy began speaking. He gave a smile as she was speaking about the fact this had been her last one. He thought she'd done a really good job of the work, it had been nice, good. He took a sip of a drink and just lingered, waiting for the group to disperse a little from around either Estella or Poppy so he could go speak to her.
Elara had really been enjoying her time writing for Hogwarts Monthly. It was probably her least stressful activity out of all the clubs she was in (which was pretty much every one.) She found a drink and took a seat, listening to Poppy's farewell before giving Estella a big round of applause. Taking a sip, she made her way over to Branson, someone who she didn't know too well but was at least familiar with. "I really liked your article this semester!" @Branson Archer
River was a little nervous as she entered the Hogwarts Monthly area. She had written a poem for the paper that she knew her mother and sister would not approve of. It was vague enough. It's not like she mentioned the term Metamorphmagus. It was certainly implied though, in River's own way. Honestly, the young Slytherin hoped her sister would not read it. She did not want another excuse to disappoint her family, even though with exams coming there would be plenty of chances. Instead, River just wanted to enjoy this moment. Enjoy that in a way she was coming out of her shell, letting the world know that she wasn't just using magical potions in her hair every day like many of her dormmates assume. She was accepting who she was. It felt good.

River looked around at the other writers in the room, smiling brightly at Poppy as she gave her sort of farewell speech. It was odd to think that she was graduating. River had always heard that the years go by so quickly. It made sense, especially since she was already going to be a fifth year. She clapped loudly at the end of Poppy's speech and to the new editor. River knew Estella would do a great job, even if the blue haired girl did not really know the older girl well.

Grabbing a copy of the paper, a hard copy, River took a random seat, a little on the outskirts of the celebration. She flipped through the pages, reading everyone's articles, reading her own poetry corner a few times. A smile falling on her face.
Branson glanced at Elara as she joined him. He gave a smile, "Thank you!" he said. He had enjoyed the books he'd covered and writing the articles about them. He had signed up to do that, and every semester it was nice to be able to. He had already picked out a few books he could cover next. "Your article on the duelling tournament was fun," he returned the compliment, he was not the type to do duelling anymore, but he liked reading about it.
@Elara Chatelain

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