Fifth Years: Lesson One

Angel pinched the bridge of his nose, doing his best to ward off a growing headache before his fifth years arrived for his first class. Last semester had not been the smooth ride the last few years had been and the transition from the holidays back into school had felt rough. At least he could hopefully look forward to a clean slate, letting out one last breath before switching on his usual smile as students began to enter the greenhouse.

Leaning against one of the benches, he looked up as his first new fifth years began arriving, pushing his sleeves up and giving them a casual wave as they entered. “Howdy, folks,” he said with a grin, “Welcome to fifth year herbology, I’m Professor Castillo. Hope you got a good rest over the holiday break, it’s gonna be a long year,” Angel said brightly. With several OWL years under his belt now, Angel had found most of his students were more than prepared to tackle these lessons without much prep than him. He'd never been that organized as a student, that was for sure.

As you're no doubt aware, this is your OWL year, and I’ll do my best to teach you everything you need to know, though it’s important you remember to revise everything else you’ve learnt so far, because funnily enough that is important,” Angel said, resting his palm over his heart to impart how sincere he was. Though if they’d already forgotten their previous four years of classes, there wasn’t much he could do for them at this point. But confidence was key, he didn’t need any OWL related breakdowns in his class yet.

This year, we’ll be covering how to plant, grow, and cultivate a number of plants like bouncing bulb and puffapods. These handy plants are pretty essential to the Herbology community, Potions, and all the wizarding kind. A lot of are quite pretty, too,” Angel said, twirling his hand as he spoke, looking over his notes. “But let's take advantage of this first week and ease into things and keep things short,” Angel said, hoping to avoid setting himself any grading this semester until he absolutely had to. “Just remember you need at least an A to make it into sixth year classes and you're free to go,” Angel said, dismissing the class with a wave.

Post attendance and check out the Class Policy for info on grades and upper year prerequisites
Savannah was ready to knuckle down completely. She wasn’t going to let herself be distracted. This semester was all about making sure that she didn’t fail her exams. She knew it was unlikely that that would happen, but she was a little unwilling to even consider the chance that she wouldn’t do enough for it. In her mind, she would do very little besides quidditch and revision. So, in her school bag, she put her books, notes and everything else she’d need to go to class and then revise after. She had spent the morning on the pitch and would keep this up all week. She headed out of the dorm room when she had everything ready to go.

Savannah walked into the herbology greenhouse, she was optimistic that this professor wouldn’t be like the last, but barely so. She’d at least seen this professor about the school and wasn’t sure he would actually be good. She wasn’t keen to have another overly friendly professor. Savannah glanced at the man as he got started and then after a brief reminder about the OWLS - as if they could forget - the professor then moved on, telling them what they’d be covering in the semester and then dismissing them.. She knew she’d get an A for this class.
Gregory hadn’t liked being home. His sister and her family had been there to help out and spend time with them. The one who had always tried to take him back. He just wasn’t sure why even after over ten years she still hated him so much. But of course she did, he was unliked by everyone. He was sure his parents would end up seeing her way too eventually. He wasn’t looking forward to his exams, to having to try to be a good student. He just wanted to stay in bed all day. The teen forced himself up and forced himself out of the dorm and to class.

Gregory didn’t dislike a lot of professors but he had a very strong distaste for the head of slytherin house who seemingly was blind to have Cassius really was. To how he acted with him. There was no way he was the only person Cassius was mean to, though he also wasn’t that sure of that. He didn’t take out any books, or parchment just leaned his head against his arm and glanced towards the front of the room. He was vaguely looking, but he had purposefully position himself so he couldn’t really hear him. He didn’t want to, he didn’t care about herbology, he was going to fail anyway. He was glad when things wrapped up and he packed up his things and left the room.

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