Hogwarts Scotland Group

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Justin Cliffeton

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I was thinking, as I do sometimes, and I realised that Hogwarts Scotland is an accepted place in this RP world. People go there, people have been there, but yet we don't have a group for people to say they're there currently. Yet we have a group for a place like Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, which aren't even seen in the HP movies.

So, my suggestion is: can we have a group for Hogwarts Scotland like we do for Beauxbatons & Durmstrang?

~ Zach
Hello Zach,

After discussing it with Donna, neither of us see the need to create a Hogwarts Scotland group or forum at the moment. Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were created with a very specific purpose – the site was hosting Tri-Wizard tournaments and needed the forums and the groups to organize the students from both schools. We don’t really have that need these days, and if you look at both Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, you’ll see how infrequently the schools are used to start RPs. And, if you look at the number of students in both groups, you’ll see that it is only about a page each, less if all of the ones who have been inactive are placed into the inactive group. We don’t really see the need to create another group that will be used infrequently, especially since there would be no difference between being in this Hogwarts Scotland group and being a regular ‘member.’ The permissions would be exactly the same. People can continue to say that they attend(ed) Hogwarts Scotland, of course, but we won’t be creating a group for them.

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