Closed Homesick

Elodie Wynshaw

~Kind~ Soft~ Innovative~ Independent~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Whippy Ebony Wand with Vampire Blood Core
13 (4/24/2048)
If there was one thing that kept Elodie going, it was the letters she sent back and forth with Byron. Keeping in touch with him kept her grounded, and she was thankful to have him in her life. With another letter tucked in hand, she skipped up to the owlery, humming happily. She smiled at Marshmellow as he flew down to her. She brushed a hand over his feathers, cooing softly at her owl before giving him the letter and sending him off back home again.

Hey Byron!

How are you? How is Hephaestus? I miss you guys! School is going well- I'm including my notes from class again. Did you get that new wand yet like you were talking about? My Charms teachers says that getting your own wand is important. She's a really nice lady, though I know not everyone likes her. She's always calling us darlings and is nice to everyone. I think I like my defense against the dark arts class best, though.

I ran in a wheelbarrow race recently with my roommate Artie- it was a lot of fun, we came in third! I wasn't really worried about winning. I'm sending a few pictures, too, I've been taking lots, so I'm sending you my favorites. I haven't made any really super super close friends, but that's okay. My grades are still good, and I'm still reading a lot- Agatha Christie is really good, I heard somewhere that her books have been made into movies- can we watch those when I come home?

I really miss home, I can't wait for break. Anyway, tell me all about you! How are you? How's the shop? What's been going on while I've been gone? I hope you and Hephaestus are keeping busy.

Write back quick, okay?

đź’• Elodie
Byron wasn't necessarily going to say it out loud, but Elodie had basically saved his life. He hadn't expected to end up taking in ostensibly a stray, but she was a great kid. She deserved better than what she had, and he needed to pick himself back up after falling to pieces. He'd gone back to the bar, trying to get back in to practice without giving up his life outside of work. And even though he'd left it a bit late, he was starting to try out a bit more of the magic that Elodie was learning. He'd learned the very basics to control magic when he was young, but no more than that. It felt a bit silly to be following along with the work of a twelve year old, but he wanted to be able to help her with that. He could help her with reading, writing, maths, but he didn't want to be completely out of his depth with magic.

And her writing was very good, he thought, with a degree of pride as he read her letter. Of course, that wasn't all him, but he liked to think he'd helped. Just a bit. He had gotten used to dictating his letters to the chambers secretaries, but writing back in turn was good for him to make sure his handwriting was legible and to spend time unwinding.

Dear Elodie

It's good to hear from you, I'm glad to hear that you're doing well. Hephaestus is as lazy as ever, although I think he's getting a bit restless. I imagine he's looking forward to seeing you again. Let me know what day you're returning, we'll both be there. You might want to wear something that you don't mind getting slobbered! I haven't got a proper wand as yet, I thought I might ask a certain little expert for her advice when she's on holidays.

Your Charms teacher sounds very nice, and I'd rather you have kind and helpful teachers than rude and ignorant ones. Defence Against the Dark Arts seems interesting, although I hope you aren't using these spells or having them used on you around the school. I don't want to have to send any stern letters to the school board, and I certainly don't want you getting injured.

Well done on the wheelbarrow race! I remember doing things like that at school. It's something of a relief to know that in some ways your school isn't so different. The photographs are very nice. It never stops astounding me that the photographs move without some editing.

Not much is happening at the shop, although it's hardly open. I've started taking on legal work again. It's a little slow going but it's keeping me busy. I have made sure to have enough holiday time set aside. I'll pick out a few movies, and if there's anything else you're wanting to do, tell me and I'll see what I can organize.

Keep up the good work and don't reverse any of your roommates knees.

Elodie was enjoying her semester- it was calm, she was getting in the studying she wanted to... at least, the independent studying she was doing. She was more confident with her wand, quicker with her spells she thought, more comfortable with it in her hand. She had read many, many good books, made a few friends. It was generally just going really well for her. And when she got a letter back from Byron, it absolutely made her day. She couldn't keep the smile off of her face, curling up in a window seat to read and reply to the man.

Dear Byron,

Thank you for writing back! It's so nice to have someone to share letters with. When I'm older and living on my own, can we still write to each other? I'm sending a schedule of the school year so you have it on paper. I'll be sure to wear something comfy, make sure to give Hephaestus extra love for me! I miss him, and I can't wait to see you guys soon. I'd also love to help you get a new wand! Though the staff does most of the work, I'd still like to be with you for it. You were with me when I got mine, after all.

I'm glad to have nice Professors too- most of them are very nice, though there is this one older Professor that looks really scary and serious. I'm not sure what subject he teaches, but I'll try to do my best to behave in his classes! And I promise to do my best to behave outside of class too! That made me giggle. I don't think I'll be the jinx type. Jinxster? Jinxy? Something like that.

I'm glad you like the photos! I'll make sure to send lots, and maybe we can scrapbook them and talk about them when I'm home again. And I'm really glad you went back into your lawerly stuff! You always seemed fond of it when you talked about it. Do you like it a lot? If it makes you smile then that's really good.

Can't wait to see you soon!


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