Let's deal with this

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Professor Kingsley was not very happy at the moment. She'd just heard a disturbing story from one of her Gryffindors and hadn't hesitated before striding out of her office and down the steps. This was a situation that needed to be cleared up and dealt with in a timely manner, and she had the feeling that the Slytherin Head of House would agree. She didn't converse with him very often, but she did have a great deal of respect for the man who seemed to rule his house with an iron fist. The deputy headmistress knew that any punishment Professor Styx decided to dole out would be more than adequate.

Striding further down into the dungeons, she paused for only a brief moment before turning to her student. "Let me speak to Professor Styx and then we'll have you tell your side." She knew she probably didn't have to say anything but it was better to be safe than sorry in situations like this. Picking up her hand, Professor Kingsley knocked twice on the door. The knocks weren't so loud as to be obnoxious but enough to let Professor Styx hopefully realize that it was not a student coming to call. Putting her hand down, she waited to be asked inside. She hated when people simply barged into her room so she would not do that herself.
After her visit to the hospital wing Briar had gone with Madlyn to try and calm her sister down she didn't want her doing anything rash and do something she would regret. once she was sure that Madlyn was relaxed she managed to sneak out of the common room to Professor Kingsleys office. she had explained what had happened on the quiddtch pitch earlier that day to the professor about how she and Madlyn were playing on the quidditch pitch when one of the bludgers went rogue, she had caught the girl responsible Jayden west the Slytherin seeker. she didn't tell the professor that she was going to let the girl off originally even though she had broken her shoulder, but the girl had not been by any means apologetic for her action, and had instead threatened her. so she found that the only thing she could do was report her, or her sister would take matters into her own hand which wouldn't have ended pretty for anyone. at the sight of professor Kingsley's reaction she followed her head of house down several flights of stairs to the Slytherin head of houses office. she nodded as Professor Kingsley said that she would speak and then Briar could tell her side. she wasn't sure how to say it as the Slytherin head of house was known to be scary, and she thought that blaming one of his students for breaking the rules would spark that scariness.
Professor Styx was in nothing less than a sour mood this day. His father was pressing on about his issues with his son being at the school, but Professor Styx did not bother to care because not only was he bringing in money for his family, he was upholding his disguise here as a Death Eater undercover. There was just one other here, but he was doing his job fairly well. He had been at the school longer than nine years, and no one bothered to investigate him, then again there would be nothing found on his name. Professor Styx was currently behind his desk, grading essays in a timely manner with dark candles illuminating the room. It gave his office a darker feeling to it, which was what he was going for as he felt it was more comfortable than anything else he had been in. A few knocks interrupted his silence, his quill stopping on the parchment that he was grading. Glancing up, Professor Styx called out in an authoritative tone, laced with coldness, "The door is open." Waving his hand, the door cracked, opening to reveal Professor Kingsley, almost relieved that it was not some student coming in to bother him however with her coming into his office, there was no doubt a student eager to be punished. Perfect. One thing that often put Professor Styx in a 'better' mood was severely punishing a student. He had not done that in some time, however some unlucky soul was going to pay for ruining the perfect track record. Professor Styx slowly stood to his impressive height, and he inquired cooly, "What happened?" He already had a feeling, he would not like what he will hear. One thing he was gifted with, he could tell a liar from a student easily, however he would prefer to consult with an adult first.
Professor Kingsley pursed her lips when she heard the professor tell them that the door was open. He wasn't her favorite person in the castle, not by a long shot, but he was very effective as a professor and especially as a Head of House. The younger professor nodded her head briefly at the older man, and watched as he stood to his full height. Looking up, the professor almost smirked when he asked her what had happened. There was no greeting, no passing of pleasantries, no wasting time. That wasn't Professor Styx's way and right now she was glad for that. Professor Kingsley took a step into his office but still remained by the door and spoke.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I had one of my prefects come to me with a report about one of your students." The professor's expression was not happy and smiling as she usually was because this was no laughing matter. One of Professor Styx's students had injured one of her students. This was about more than just a Gryffindor and Slytherin matter though. It was about one student injuring two others, and that was something that could not be tolerated in the school. "My prefect has reported to me that while she and a friend were on the quidditch pitch, Jaden West charmed a bludger to attack them. They ended up having to go to the hospital wing." Professor Kingsley paused, trying to keep the story as brief and to the point as possible.
Briar looked up and down the corridors as the door opened. she wasn't a fan of this part of the castle, she much preferred the grounds. she found the dungeons unnaturally dark and chlostrophibic. she followed professor Kingsley inside and stood besides her. Professor Styx was known and disliked through the students of the school, and he didn't look like he was in a particularly good mood. she listened to what professor Kingsley was saying, admiring the professionalism if the lady, glad that this was her head of house.
she realised that she had no physical proof that it was Jayden, or to be honest that she had broken her shoulder at all, thanks to the nurses skill it was all back and fixed, even if it did feel a little funny for the time being. maybe she should have gone to see professor Kingsley first, but the pain had been to bad even for her who was used to pain, and anyway her sister would never have let her go to see the professor without getting healed first. she didn't say anything she just let the professor do the talking like she had been told to. waiting until she was asked something before talking.
Eyes narrowing at Professor Kingsley, the Slytherin Head of House was receiving little to no sympathy, and his onyx eyes were getting angrier. One of his students was misbehaving and the story alone was something that he did not wish to hear. 'No doubt that it is a direct result of the Quidditch game,' thought the Death Eater as he looked down at Briar. Was he supposed to go by words alone? How did he know whether or not Briar was telling the truth. Cold gaze landed on Professor Kingsley and he folded his arms across his chest, "Seeing as you are the deputy Headmistress and can handle all students, I am flattered that you came to me for suitable punishment, and I already have the perfect one in mind." Professor Styx paused for a moment, before he continued, "However, seeing as there is not really any proof that Jaden West is responsible, we will have to go by the words of your prefect. I can tell a liar easily." Professor Styx waited for Briar to tell her story, or at least, confirm to see if what the deputy Headmistress said was indeed true. If so, Jaden was not going to like the punishment, and neither were many of the Slytherins. Did Professor Styx care about what the others would think? Most certainly not, he just cared about upholding his students, and doing something like this will be punishable, severely.
briar took what the Slytherin head of house said as a que to tell her story again. "I was down on the quidditch pitch playing a game with my stepsister Madlyn. when one of the bluders that i hit to her veered right around and cam strait back to me. i know that this isn't surprising as that is what bludgers a meant to do, but when both of the bludgers on the pitch start trying to hit you and just you no mater how hard you hit them you know that there is something wrong. I made my way to the ground and when i was trying to deal with one of them the other hit me hard on the shoulder. thankfully between us we managed to sort them out, they may be a little damaged i hope that you don't mind professor. anyway just as we were done i saw someone leave the stands. i managed to fly over to them and it was Jaden, she basically admitted that it was her who had cursed the balls before she pushed past me into the castle, then Madlyn made me go to the hospital wing that is why it has taken me a while to get here" she said she had left the exact words that she girl had said out, firstly she couldn't remember the exact words as her brain was more concentrating on not showing that she was in pain than listening, and secondly she didn't want to dob in the threats that the seeker had made, not that she was scared for herself but more that she was sure that professor styx's punishment will be more than enough, and she sort of part wanted to see what the team would do, in some ways Briar found playing with fire fun, this was one of those ways. she also hoped that her head of house wasn't annoyed that she had ended up destroying two of the training bludders but it was the only way she had been able to stop them.
The professor stood by her student. There was something about being near Professor Styx that always made her feel as if she had done something wrong. She felt bad for Jaden, especially since the professor admitted that he already had a suitable punishment in mind. The woman knew that the professor was going to ask for Briar's side of the story and she listened as the Gryffindor prefect spoke.

When she'd finished, the younger professor spoke again. "This is why I came to you. I don't know much about Ms. West, and I know you would have a much better idea of whether she is capable of something like this or if she has done something like this before" she finished. She rarely dealt with any of the Slytherin students, no doubt because they were too afraid to break any rules and feel Professor Styx's wrath. She didn't doubt her student's story, mostly because she knew it could be verified. "We could also ask the nurse who treated her to come forward if you require further proof...Kalif" she spoke his name hesitantly, still not used to calling the colleagues she had once known as her professors by their first names. The professor crossed her own arms, waiting to see what the professor would suggest be done next.
Professor Styx calmly listened to her story, his eyes looking deep into her own, seeing if he could spot a lie. As a Legilimens, he could spot a liar easily. However, to his dismay, Rowan was speaking nothing but the truth, and apparently, Jaden West had displeased the Slytherin house, severely. Professor Styx was going to punish her, however he did not wish to have the Gryffindor Prefect see how it would be done. Professor Kingsley, he would prefer she see how it was done. Professor Styx turned his eyes to Professor Kingsley and he stated, "That won't be necessary, and I will explain later. If she has done anything more, I will personally take her out of the school." Seeing as ultimately her fate rested with him, he could easily end her days here at Hogwarts and send her back to her parents or wherever she resided. Professor Styx decided to have someone send for Jaden West to come into his office, immediately. However, before the Slytherin girl could arrive, Professor Styx turned to Professor Kingsley and he requested, "I would like Ms. Rowan to step out of the office, however feel free to observe, and see if my punishment is well enough." Professor Styx barely spared the Gryffindor Prefect a glance, seeing as she had done her job, but now, he did not think that it would be in her best interest to see her rival in Quidditch get punished, as it could spark up more unneeded drama.
Briar felt a shiver when she was telling her story. she wasnt sure what it was but it made her feel uncomfortable. she wanted to get out of there, the room just didn't feel natural any more, not that it had done before. she was thankful when the scary professor said that he wanted her to leave the room. she felt a little guilty when professor Styx said that if she had done anything else he would kick her out of the school. she didn't want to be the reason for the girl being kicked out of school. "I am sorry for the bad news professor. Unless either of you have anything else to ask I will leave like as you request Professor Styx." she said hopeing that the trouble was not too bad. Her temper had quickly cooled down. she waited for a moment to see if anyone had anythign else to say to her. she then turned and walked out of the room, glad to be out of the dim candle light.
A bane looking Jaden made her way down the long corridors, up to the first floor where Professor Styx office laid side beside his Defense Against the Dark arts classroom. She had a fishy feeling she knew why she was being summon, the reason stood outside Professor Styx office, the gryffindor rat who spoke of her bad deeds cause a vivid Jaden to stare at her with hatred. Jaden passed her tight lip, if she had the chance to say anything to little miss perfect, she be running up a few curse word. Of course she couldn't say such word when Professor Styx was inside and she had to defend herself of any action she was being accused of. Jaden knock on the door, waiting for a respond, she let the creeping feel of the atmosphere wash over her, she wasn't about to be intimated by someone else presents who deserve nothing but the back of her hand slap across her face. If Briar had any sense, she leave now and not wait for Jaden anger to decide for her.
After listening to the professor's request to have Briar leave the room, Professor Kingsley nodded curtly to her student. "We will speak later, Ms. Rowan." It seemed that Briar didn't need to be told twice as she was quickly on her way towards the door. As they waited for Jaden West to arrive to her Head of House's office, Professor Weasley glanced around the dim room. She was quite curious at the fact that Professor Styx had invited her to stay to observe the student's punishment. Surely, this would be interesting. Professor Styx didn't appear happy and he was already speaking about expulsion. She had no doubt in her mind that he would see a punishment through, so she wasn't exactly sure why she was being asked to stay except to bear witness. "I believe the guest of honor has arrived" she said dryly once she'd heard a knock at the door. She hoped, for Jaden's sake, that she checked her attitude at the door. If not, things would surely be worse for her.
After Briar had stepped outside, Professor Styx turned to Professor Kinglsey, and he agreed, "I do believe she has." With a wave of his hand, the door opened to reveal the sixth year Slytherin that had been unfortunate to earn a single title this year. Professor Styx's expression was nothing short of displeasing. He knew what the truth was, and he was sure that Jaden West would know by now, not to misbehave like she had. It was very angering to him, and she would be regretting every moment of it. "Get in, and explain yourself, now," ordered Professor Styx with a darkened, angered tone while gesturing to the chair in front of the desk. He knew that she would know what he meant, and with Briar Rowan gone, she would be able to defend herself, if she could. His sentence would be harsh, but what she could say could either have her sentence lightened slightly, or end her days here in Hogwarts New Zealand.
Jaden skipped the introduction, she was order inside. Without the slightest move of hesitation, the Slytherin girl stride stiff and stood in the middle of Styx's office. She avoid the darkly stares from Styx and neglect to acknowledge Professor Kingsley. She convert her eyes down beneath her, the floors were possibly the easiest way to concentrate. "I'm sorry? What are you talking about Professor Styx? I was summon and that was all they explain to me". Jaden stagger to say, nothing else, noting more would produce in sentence. Her first offensive act ever and she came up speechless. Styx put the fear, Kingsley was less of a threat, still authority up against her, she had lost the battle already.
Professor Styx wasted no time with his student, ordering her to explain. The Gryffindor Head of House watched, trying to keep any expression off of her face as she waited to her what Jaden would say. Professor Kingsley looked slightly taken aback when the girl decided to play dumb and act as if she had no clue why she had been called inside. It was a common student tactic, to be sure, but she certainly didn't expect any of Styx's students to attempt it. The professor nearly opened her mouth to speak, but then pursed her lips instead. She would step in if necessary, but she wanted to at least give Jaden a chance to explain herself before she did.
Professor Styx's eyes narrowed, and he looked over at Professor Kinglsey for a split second, before his mind's cruel voice spoke in his head, 'Did one of those rogue bludgers hit her in the head, or is she playing ignorant.' Professor Styx tapped his fingers against his arm, and he continued to stare Jaden down before he answered coldly, "I am sure you saw Briar Rowan after we sent her away. She told this story about you sending rogue bludgers after her and her...friend or something of the sort. Now, was Briar telling the truth, or does she have a vendetta against you to get you into trouble with me." Professor Styx already knew the truth seeing as Briar did not lie, and his Legilimency caused him to know who was telling the truth and who was a lying. It was something he was proud to have, and he would see if Jaden would be lying. One thing that irritated Professor Styx was being lied to. This was a serious matter, and he was going to deal with it appropriately. This was the first time that Jaden West had gotten in trouble with him, and he would guarantee, it would be her last.
Jaden motion her knew to move repeatedly, she was lost completely lost out of her mind. The only clarity she could think of was sort of lying to him, or tried to invoke something out of thin air. "No I believe...she took it as an attack but it wasn't nothing like that at all" she stared into the depths of his cold stares, he was freaking her out a lot. Granting the tall girl was losing it, the girl persist to be a hard arse. "I watch them both playing, and I wanted in..you know because my game needs working on, so I decided to jon the game. They took it wrong, I swear, if I cause any misunderstanding I did not want that to happen" Jaden spoke wary, "My clean record speaks for itself".
"With all of that being said, a clean record may speak for itself, however," Professor Styx stated, "that does not mean that you can injure two students and get away with it. Now, I don't believe your story, not a single bit." Briar's story lacked lies, and he could detect them in Jaden's, or rather, the lack of detail. Why would a Slytherin want to join in two Gryffindors playing in the Quidditch Pitch when Slytherin had been beaten by them because of their seeker? Professor Styx smirked slightly, and he said, "Need not to worry about your 'game' for any longer. I'll contact the Co-Captains, as you are no longer on the Quidditch team, and banned from the Pitch until you graduate. I'll be notifying the prefects as well, of all Houses, to make sure you stay away from the Pitch as well. For the next week, you will be keeping the bathrooms cleaned without magic, and giving our caretaker a break from them." Professor Styx unfolded his arms from his chest and he rested them on the desk. His punishment was harsh, but this was injuring two students. He thought that it was befitting, very befitting without actually torturing a student - which was what he would have preferred. "If you disagree, or break any of these terms, you stay at Hogwarts will be cut short. I won't have one student injuring two others and putting the name of the Great Salazar Slytherin to shame. Is that clear?"
The state of his words rock her, if not almost knock her off her feet. Banned from quidditch? Seriously? She would never in her years at Hogwarts see this happening. It's like he ruled her, took away possibly her only enjoyment in this hell hole. "Crystal, sir" she muttered. Well he is head of house, but still ! The side of her not liking men increase ultimately to it's highest point. Oh Briar will pay for this, oh and everyone else will too. She let her demon shimmer, the time to act will come. They'll see, this became personal. She will continued, in the much less sense for entertainment, but to make someone else suffer.
Watching Professor Styx at work made Cyndi glad that she had never gotten into huge trouble with either of her Heads of House. She'd never been made to come before them for injuring a student or stepping out of line, and even the few times she'd served detention had been for minor infractions. It was certainly never anything as bad as this. Listening to the girl speak, Professor Kingsley could tell that she was digging herself into an even deeper hole. She didn't even buy that a seeker, from Slytherin no less, would want to jump into a game as a beater alongside two Gryffindors. It was true that the Houses did communicate and engage in relationships with each other, but quidditch was one of those things where lines usually seemed to be drawn.

The professor rolled her eyes as the student spoke of her clean record. As Professor Styx began speaking once more, Cyndi listened, noting the punishment that was being handed out. It was very harsh, but her actions had been harsh against her Gryffindors, so Cyndi felt only a small bit of sympathy for the Slytherin. Professor Kingsley turned to Kalif, "Thank you for dealing with this situation, Kalif."
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