Open Litterbug

Morrie Ayre

Moaning Morrie
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curved 8 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
Open after Clara posts with Noah

Morrie was down at the lake. Being around water, trees and nature, was supposed to be peaceful, but with the way Morrie's mind churned. Nature didn't make the slightest bit of difference. She found herself consumed by a whirlwind of hypothetical arguments and 'should-have-said' rants, each scenario playing out vividly in her mind's eye that she paid no mind to her living surroundings. Removing a chocolate frog from her pocket, she tore open the packaging and bit the head off the frog before it could jump away. She crumpled the wrapper and tossed it aside carelessly, watching it float on top of the lake. Something about watching her litter was really satisfying for her.
It was just another day at the lake for Noah. It was his favourite place to be at, outdoors, and he figured he'd just do some of his homework here. He hadn't really been paying attention to anyone else there, his focus solely on the work he had to do for next week, but a loud noise was a little disruptive. Noah tried to ignore it, though it wasn't easy. He needed a quieter space to study. With a quiet sigh he closed his textbook and glance up, noticing a vaguely familiar face. Oh. He raised an eyebrow as he watched the girl crumple something up and... throw it in the lake. What?! Noah felt a little uncomfortable. What was she doing? Perhaps, the second year could educate her. Or, better yet, befriend her. Yes. He was gonna do just that. He got up after putting his book back in his backpack, and walked over to her. "Hey," he said as he approached her. "I know you, right? We're in Potions together," he added for clarification. Then he nodded towards the floating wrapper. "I think you dropped something," he said a little tentatively, not wanting to upset her or to give her the wrong impression. Noah wasn't here to start a fight. Heck, he'd even offer to pick it up for her if she wanted.​
Morrie was already scowling when the boy approached, she furrowed her brow and narrowed eyes when she looked at him, pretending not to recognise him, in truth she was sure she'd seen him around. "No, I don't know you." Her tone sharp and dismissive. She looked briefly at the floating wrapper in the lake, then back at him with a defiant glare. "That's not mine," she stated firmly, taking another bite of her chocolate frog.

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