Out Tonight

Amarante Ming

Well-Known Member
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
It was quite early, or late-depends on how you look at things- and Amarante was walking the corridors alone and in eerie silence. An ominous feeling washed over her as she walked through the dungeons, she didn't care for them much at this hour, it was a little under three in the morning. As she left the dungeons she felt a sigh of relief exit her, then she smiled genuinely at the fact that no one else was around, the castle was in it's silent slumber, quite different to the day, she enjoyed it more this way or she thought that she would enjoy it, she was still having trouble figuring out what she was feeling about this situation her culture and family placed her in. Now that she was free of that land should she through away her facade as her twin sister had? Or should she keep it and distance herself from people?

Amarante wanted nothing more then to ask Henric his opinion on this situation, as it would give her hers, giving her the answer she wanted or needed, either or, she would have an answer. She would ask Arnold but he would not understand, and Amarante knew this for a fact, actually most people in the European world didn't understand, she couldn't blame them either, she hardly understood all of this and she lived it. Someone she had met recently also gave her something to think about it. It was very interesting and a little dark for normal people's liking, but Amarante knew for a fact that she was not normal, her family was not normal, and would never be normal-at least not in New Zealand.

Amarante soon found herself on the Second Floor Corridor, or she could only assume it was this. She saw two offices as she passed and nervously ducked under the windows in case the Professor's saw her or were even in there, which would be quite surprising.
It had not been long since they had returned to school, and for the first time since she had been at the school she actually felt homesick. It suprised her when she began to feel the nostalga (sp?) set it. She began to dream of her home, she missed her dad, her uncle, Tommy and Luke. But the person she was missing most right now was Kevin, seeing him in the summer had been amazing and right now she was craving his company, she needed to see him to help him through the ordeal he was struggling through on his own.
After tossing and turning in her dorm what felt like an eternity she decided that enough was enough and so she got up, she tried to draw but her hands where shakey and her mind was truely in it, flicking on the main lights she pulled on a pair of boy-fit jeans, a polo shirt and a cardigan. She looked around the empty dorm and began to crave comany, which she assumed she wouldn't get seeing as it was about :cry:30 am. She walked straight out of the dorm and down the stairs. Unsuprisingly there was no-one around, surely all the Gryffindors were tucked up in bed asleep.
She silently left the Gryffindor tower, her feet only in socks made no noise as she walked.
Many a time she had to duck as she saw a ghost floating idly past her, one time she even though she heard a voice.
She ended up running and before she knew it she was on the second floor, the feeling of her heart racing was comfort to her and she wished she could keep on running, straight out of the school.
She stopped bluntly when she saw a shape ahead of her, a small shape. She immedietly knew it was not a professor or older student, so she walked up to the girl, "You know your not allowed to be out of bed this late," she said a grin on her face.
Taylor wasnt supposed to be out this late, but sneaking around gave her some sense of thrill. She still didnt feel at home in her dormitory and much preffered discoving the hidden depths of the school. Her wandering had lead her to a corridor, which one she could not be sure. The silence that awaited her down the corridor seemed disturbed, Taylor wondered if there was another presence waiting for her. Attempting to make her footsteps lighter, she crept down the hall, curiousity wriggling its way through her every cell. Then a voice, of a girl. She sounded quite young, definatly a student, so Taylor stopped creeping and walked ahead. Stopping when she saw two figures, she couldnt be sure whether she was wanted here or not.
Amarante continued walking along the corridor sleepily. Her pink and purple Camino flowing softly from the breeze being created by her careful steps. Amarante was of course barefoot, she hated shoes, they were uncomfortable and she could never find a pair to fit her extremely small ones. Amarante stopped gently when she heard someone's voice. Amarante turned her head, her midnight black hair glistening in the little light around the two of the girls. "You know your not allowed to be out of bed this late," Amarante heard the girl say, Amarante could barely make out a smirk, both of their faces masked by the dark shades, which was good for Amarante as her large scar was exposed because her hair was pulled back into a soft pony tail.

Amarante blinked her azure blue eyes once then she said, "And this affects me how? And if I may point out, you too are out after curfew, and I can only assume you are older then I, you seem to have an arrogance that the older students have, despite the fact that they really are one or two years older then the first years." Amarante felt a slight smirk play on her thin, pale lips but she made them form into a perfect smile of wax. Amarante looked over her shoulder and said to the person watching the two of them, "Hello."
Taylor listened intently, to justify what the conversation was about and whether or not she should leave. After a few moments she established the girls had only just met up, so Taylor decided to make herself visible. Stepping out from the shadows into the little light given off from the moon through the window the two girls were next to. She was then spoken to, by one of them.
"I suppose it makes three of us then." She announced. Squinting to judge whether or not she knew either of the girls. From the darkness cloaking them, she could not be sure.
Harri laughed, she liked the girls attitude, "Nice to meet you, I'm Harri," she said, the girl was clearly a Slytherin, she had met enough of them in her time to be able to identify them quickly.
Most of them liked to create a reaction but Harri was too laid back to ever want or need to retaliate.
She turned when she heard yet another voice, "What is it with first years and being out late?"she mumbled inaudiably, "Hey your a Gryffindor right?" she said recognising the girl briefly from the party at the beginning of the year, "seriously, you should go back to the tower," she said firmly, she didn't mind the other houses being out but she had to set an example to those in the years below her.
She turned back to the other girl now, "Is that a Camino?" she asked, impressed at the garment, she hadn't really seen one close up. She pulled out her wand, "Lumos," she murmed spreading light across all of them.
"Yeah i am a Gryffindor." She stated then tried a joking tone. "You cant tell me you didnt explore when you were my age?" Slightly irritated that she had no problem with the other girl being out, yet ordered her to leave. The girl went back to talking to the had-to-be Slytherin. Taylor glanced around to try and make sense of what corridor she was in until the girl cast a lumos and Taylor blinked rapidly to adjust to the sudden exposure to light.
Amarante bowed her head politely and she said, "It's a pleasure Harri, I'm Mi-Amarante." Amarante had to stop herself from saying her surname before her given name, it was a habit of hers now, back in Asia it was customary to introduce yourself with your last name as it held the most importance. Amarante looked back to Harri ignoring the first year, she bored her, they had met once before, the girl had stayed silent the whole time. When Harri asked her a question about her garment, Amarante blinked to adjust her eyes to the bright light and she nodded her head once and said, "Yes it is, why do you ask?" Amarante looked down at her Camino with a proud smile that she-unlike her sister- hadn't abandoned her culture.
Taylor rolled her eyes. It seemed as though everyone wanted to ignore her these days. Her parents wondered why she thought school wasnt as cracked up to be as she thought. Turning on her heel she muttered. "Syltherins." With a roll of her eyes, she continued her journey through the castle, hopefully not running into anyone else this time.
Harri laughed, "I did," she said nodding, "But you don't want to get into trouble," she said shaking her head. "Bye," she called rolling her eyes as the girl stomped off.
She turned her attenion back to the girl who had just introduced herself as Amarante.
"I've never seen one close up before,"she said admiring the garment, "Its awesome," she said looking at the details of it.
"Where did you get it from?" she asked curiously, asuming it was out of the country as she didn't know many places you could buy them, but then again she had never really looked.
She looked down at her own clothes which looked horribl plain in comparison, even though he polo top was electric green and her socks were bright blue standing next to anyone else she would look bright and colourful but not here.

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