Spotify Wrapped 2022!

Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
It was released today, feel free to share your top songs/genres etc.

My stand out from genres was post-screamo whatever that means xD

but overall no surprises in it being EDM dominated. My music taste is awful.

I love spotify wrapped and it's my favourite time of year! :wub:

I'm not surprised with my results, however- I knew pop was going to be no.1 as well as certain artists being at my top five bahaha! I knew I listened to a lot of music this year, but I didn't think it was this much lols!

I don't think my results have changed very much from last year's one tho lols!

Here are my results hehe!




The nosy part of myself loves today and seeing the kind of music people listen too haha.
My top artists were not a surprise at all. But I am obsessed with the "My Audio Day" slide this year lol.

Since I only use mine on car trips, it was barely worth checking. :lol: its a bunch of bogan rock and local stuff. I am not paying for spotify I'm too cheap :r
yay. i am glad someone started this thread. i hoped that they would when i posted in shouty.
so here goes mine.


i am not sure quite that that means. but it does sound right.


This isn't a surprise. I have been listening to Omar Rudberg a lot this year and that is a great song. that he did for my favorite TV show of the year.

i was a little surprised with Troye sivan. even though he was my top artist of last year i didnt expect him to make the list this year. i guess i must have listened to him a lot early in the year.

the top songs are again not a surprise. though Kindness by mø was a bit. i like her but didnt think it would be a top song. i am also surprised that only one song off my casper/lin playlist made the top five

obviously. am a pop girl. sweedish pop was a welcome surprise. mostly due to Omar Rudburg and probably some abba. but out of my top songs/artists i did manage to get nearly all of Scandinavia covered. and on that note what is neo mellow? It sounds like something sweet you put on hot chocolate like maybe an unusual neo colour but still sweet




interesting. i do wonder where the cut off between these times was because some of my mornings were very early.
my other thought is that the auror from last year said i was a mix of bravado and yearning. which seems to have followed through
I am addicted to spotify. Love to see everyone elses (mine are in dutch so I will try to translate if needed)
My favorite artist is very clear. And I'm so happy I'm gonna see him live in Amsterdam in 2023!!

2. Is dutch pop. I like pop as you can see. Also soundtrack like movies and series.

I listened 70 procent more than other listeners in The Netherlands xd

The weeknd all the way!!! I don't know why the voice of holland is one of my top artists though. That one is weird in my list. Ramin Djawadi is like an Hans Zimmer he creates masterpieces.



I'm an adventurer (go gryffindor xd) Always looking for an new sound.
Wow who thought that my top song would be the song I blast on repeat for hours while writing persona fanfic. Never saw it coming. (Also I still resent BTS being in my top artists my wrapped has been bugged for years say they're my top artist when I barely listen to BTS). Also lol at my top 3 artists being Persona, Persona and then the Yakuza Karaoke songs. I have taste.



Also. I have noticed that there are some sweet little thank you videos by some of the artists, thanking you for listening to their music.
And it is really cool.
Not all artists do them but quite a few of mine did. And I think it’s awesome but everyone I have asked about it says they hadn’t seen them until I pointed it out.
I have a mental picture of either Flynn at a bar singing Bakamitai or Mischa singing Today Is A Diamond. :r

Maybe I'll get Spotify properly at some point, probably when I get a better computer so I don't get driven nuts by ads on the drive from here to Melbourne. And still it'll prove I have the taste of someone who is in their 40s and used to be with it until they changed what 'it' was :lol:
Checking out Spotify Wrapped is like unwrapping a musical gift each year. I totally get the "post-screamo" intrigue, and EDM's widespread appeal makes sense; those beats can be infectious!
When it comes to comparing music years, sometimes it takes a bit for new songs to grow on you. Music tastes evolve, and what didn't click in 2023 might surprise you later. And hey, speaking of boosting your Spotify game, have you heard about the option to buy Spotify plays? It's a nifty way to share your favorite tracks and playlists with a broader audience and maybe discover some fantastic tunes.
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