Open The Swinging Arm

Aurora Archer

strong-hearted | audacious | dependable | beater
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 18" Unyielding Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2043 (17)
Aurora just wanted to be good at quidditch. She knew she was unlikely to ever do anything with quidditch, since after school her heart was already set on being a healer, but that didn't mean she couldn't still dedicate time to being on the pitch, to practicing and being a good beater. She was on the pitch, though not in the air, she was taking some time to just practice hitting bludgers, or non-moving bludger heavy objects. Aurora just wanted to practice hitting the bludgers, wanted to make sure she was hitting things right. Sending them where she actually wanted to send them and not just randomly hitting and ending up hitting a person. She wanted to be good at actually aiming. But it was a little easier when the bludger itself didn't move. Aurora was hitting things well.
Monday Weeks thought about heading out to the Quidditch pitch in order to get some practice in before they would face off against Slytherin. That did make him nervous because he saw how vicious that they could be, though they have not had a proper game this year yet. Ravenclaw had. Yet, Monday still wanted to do his best, and live up to what Michael said in the Hogwarts Monthly about him. When he arrived with his sapphire streak in hand, he looked up to see someone else actually practicing. Wait, that was Aurora! He put his fingers in his mouth and let out a high pitched whistle to get her attention, since he did not want to actually fly up there and risk getting hit himself. That would probably hurt rather bad, since Aurora, from what he had seen, was a good beater.
Aurora heard the whistle and glanced around. She hadn't realised that someone else would be there. But It was a shared space after all. She had to be able to share it with those around her. She then realised as she was look at the person who whistled, that it was Monday. Aurora waved at him happily, she liked spending time with him and would stop what she was doing.
Monday mounted his broom and flew up once Aurora waved at him. He was worried that she might have just sent him off, which he would understand since she was practicing. He hovered near her and asked, "Getting some late practice in? Seems like a good day, doesn't it?" Though any day not raining, storming, or snowing was a good day to be outside and flying. Ravenclaw was playing Slytherin soon, and he'd be dumb not to be worried over protecting their seeker.
Aurora glanced at Monday as he flew to her. She nodded and smiled, "Yeah, seems like a good way to de-stress with the OWLs coming up too," she added, she didn't have any games up coming but this was helping her stress less. Though Aurora was also trying to get better at it too. She was really hoping to be a good beater, as good as some of the others. "Are you practicing ahead of the game against slytherin?"
Monday knew how that felt. The OWLs were coming, and he was going to take all 12 of them. He felt that he might as well just crawl into the library and live in it. But he didn't want to talk about the OWLs. "Yeah because I know their beaters are ruthless. I feel like half of the team will be in the hospital wing by the the time the game is over, you know?" Monday's face was actually twisted with worry because it was not only up to him, but Michael to protect their team. There was a chance that they would not be enough. "Which team will you be rooting for on the stands?"
Aurora was sure that Slytherin would be the strong team to beat, that their seeker and beaters were star players. "Yeah," she said, knowing that Rosie hated when she or when Bran had played against Slytherin because they could get injured. "Ravenclaw," she said easily. She didn't have any friends in Slytherin, and just had more connection to Ravenclaw. "My dad was a slytherin, but Bran was a ravenclaw, and I have more ravenclaw friends," she added, not wanting Monday to think she disliked slytherin, but just knew more for ravenclaw.
Monday smiled more when Aurora said Ravenclaw, and then explained why. That was pretty easy, but he was not sure how the seekers were against each other. He was just worried about the beaters. They were on another league. Monday could admit it. "That makes a lot of sense. I know you can root for both teams, then you won't be let down either way. But I get it. I don't think I know anyone in Slytherin on a personal level." Monday pretty much associated with all other houses, but never Slytherin. It wasn't that he disliked the house or the people there. In fact, he had a feeling that some might dislike him for some reason. "Whenever Gryffindor plays, I tend to root for them. None of my friends in Hufflepuff play, so it is an easy choice."
Aurora didn't necessarily need to root for Slytherin, she knew that the team was good and they were her father's house, though she didn't get the impression that her dad cared much about that kind of thing. It was maybe different as an adult. She didn't have a preference with hufflepuff either, she didn't mind supporting the house when they played but it was like Slytherin. "None of my friends in Hufflepuff play either," she agreed. "They're a good team though."

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