Open You got me

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Professor Kingsley was just a tad too comfortable today, her eyes fixed steadily on the steak she was cutting. It had been a bit since she'd settled in to eat something so hearty, so time consuming. She'd been avoiding her colleague, with a degree of success, she would add, since losing a bet to him over the wheelbarrow race. The truth was that she would have chosen Aeon and Chante to win as well, so whether he'd truly won or not was debatable. Totally. Her success had led to comfort which had left her with the pompous confidence that could only befall a Gryffindor, one who should know all too well that making bets was silly and foolhardy. But time had a way of dimming memories of being in this very room after having lost a bet. The woman lifted a piece of food to her mouth, chewing as she continued to look over the evening paper.
At first Angel figured he was imagining that Kingsley was avoiding him, but after awhile it became more and more obvious that that was not the case. After spending a few weeks barely managing to catch a glimpse of the other professor, it was a pleasant surprise when he finally spotted her at the staff table one evening. "Ah, Kingsley, good evening," He said lightly, dropping into a free chair next to her. "Feel like I haven't seen you in ages," He said with a knowing smile. Kingsley was clearly still in the middle of her meal, and Angel enjoyed the security of her not being able to disappear on him too easily mid conversation. He hadn't forgotten about their little wager from the wheelbarrow race, and judging by Kingsley's recent scarcity, neither had she, and Angel was looking forward to finally collecting. "Not since the wheelbarrow race, I dare say."
The professor bit back a curse as Angel took a seat beside her, her mouth too full to properly respond as he spoke. It was a good thing too. Surely, it would not do for one of the Heads of House to be shouting expletives across the Great Hall. "Wow, has it been that long?" she finally replied as if she hadn't realized. "Where have you been, Castillo?" she added, only slightly stumbling over his surname before she returned the smile as if it was Angel who had been missing her. Professor Kingsley knew full well what he was hinting at, but she had no intentions of bringing up the bet herself. "Did you get a look at the papers today? It looks like the Thunderers have traded for a new Keeper..." she added, happy to change the subject.
Angel was impressed by how brazenly Kingsley seemed to be wanting to pretend right now, but he was happy to keep playing along for awhile, just to see how far she might push it. "I guess we've both been busy," He said easily, busying himself with one of his cuffs. If Cyndi wanted to play it cool, so would he. "End of semester and all, I'm sure lots of things can slip by like that," Angel shrugged, smirking when Kingsley tried to change the subject. "Can't say I keep up much with the teams over here yet, are they any good? Wouldn't want to accidentally bet against a good team or something." He said mildly, watching Kingsley's face for any hint of reaction, though he could feel a sly smile forming that was probably giving him away.
The professor nodded her head in agreement. She certainly had been busy...avoiding Angel. She continued to keep her gaze on the paper and the article though she wasn't going to read the same line for a third time. It was at the word 'bet' that she broke character and allowed a sly smile of her own to cross her face. She gazed up, flushing slightly to see Angel's own smile. "You aren't going to let me off on this one, huh?" she asked, the grin still on her face.
Kingsley's poker face was holding pretty well and Angel was impressed by the woman's perseverance. Maybe it was something that came from having to be a head of house, but he couldn't stop the small laugh when she finally broke. "I could maybe let the ten galleons go," Angel said magnanimously. "Actually, no never mind, still want that. But, I could easily be convinced to split the wine." He grinned at Kingsley. The idea of drinking wine alone in his office, while tempting, was a bit sad, so he hoped she would take it for the invitation it was.

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