Recent content by Akihiro Chen

  1. Akihiro Chen

    Closed Quite a Place to Catch Up

    Akihiro smiled. "Good," He sipped his coffee. "I won't promise she'll take you on, but I've heard that half the battle is finding a decent label. All I can really say for sure is that the family is legit." He told his friend. Finishing his coffee, he stretched. "Do you want to order some food...
  2. Akihiro Chen

    Closed Quite a Place to Catch Up

    Akihiro sipped his drink, listening to Eugene go on. "Hm... have you signed with any record companies?" He asked. He couldn't help but think through things. "You know... my father's partner, Chalcedony, has a great niece that own a recording label. She likes to find small artists with true...
  3. Akihiro Chen

    Closed Quite a Place to Catch Up

    Akihiro shook his head. "Oh, no, she lives in France as well." He clarified, giving the other man an easy smile. "It's why I chose here. She loves it, and I couldn't ask her to leave." He shrugged. "It's not like I can't pop back and see my family whenever I want." He sipped his coffee. "So what...
  4. Akihiro Chen

    Closed Quite a Place to Catch Up

    Akihiro nodded. That made sense, he thought. It would be a bad precedent if they were making important decisions seperate of each other. He sipped on his coffee and smiled. "Oh, it's going well. Giulia and I see each other at least once a week or so, she's going to Uni and living with her mum...
  5. Akihiro Chen

    Closed Quite a Place to Catch Up

    Akihiro chuckled. "Of course," He traced his finger over the rim of his coffee cup, finding the gesture soothing. He considered Eugene's words, tilting his head a bit. "So does he have a new roommate lined up then?" He questioned. "If its cheaper out of New York, he must have someone else to...
  6. Akihiro Chen

    Closed Quite a Place to Catch Up

    Akihiro chuckled. "Probably, I'm starting University soon. There's most likely a new brand of drama there to deal with," He agreed. He listened to Eugene speak, nodding along. "Charlie... Helkovaara? He was the boy on the monthly that dropped out, wasn't he?" He asked, having looked into most of...
  7. Akihiro Chen

    Closed Quite a Place to Catch Up

    Akihiro offered out his hand for a shake before sitting back down and picking his coffee up again. "Thank you," He offered, sipping his drink. "It's good, so far," He admitted. "A place of my own, privacy, not having to deal with school drama." He chuckled. "How about you, how have you enjoyed...
  8. Akihiro Chen

    Closed Quite a Place to Catch Up

    Akihiro was quite enjoying his new life. His french was passable, if not great, his apartment had a gorgeous view, and he was all set to be going to school soon. A good school, where he could finally focus completely on his passions, on beginning a future and a plan he had set in his mind. He...
  9. Akihiro Chen

    Y45 Graduation Ceremony: Graduates

    Akihiro couldn't believe that the time had flown by so quickly. One moment, he'd been just joining the school, aching for his missing mother and determined to make things better for his younger sister. Before he'd known it, they were sitting at his graduation. Giulia Alcott was currently the...
  10. akihirosig.png


  11. Akihiro Chen

    Y45 Costume Contest

    Akihiro Chen with @Giulia Alcott as a nerd
  12. Akihiro Chen

    Closed Time Together

    Akihiro shut his eyes, just enjoying the sound of her voice, and before he knew it he was almost asleep. He shifted, snuggling in with his body against her legs. He laid an arm over her waist, warm and content in the company of the woman he loved, her soothing voice washing over him and sending...
  13. Akihiro Chen

    Closed Time Together

    Akihiro laid the blanket over her before falling down into bed himself, spreading his own blanket over himself. He set the pillow against her lap and snuggled in. He chuckled as she spoke. "Jewel, sweetness, just read your book. Play with my hair if you'd like- I would, certainly," He settled...
  14. Akihiro Chen

    Closed Time Together

    Akihiro chuckled. "Sweetness." He motioned for her to sit down. "Let me cover you up, get settled. I fully intend to just fall asleep listening to your voice. When you're done reading, you can kick me out of bed and I'll go to the lounge. I just want to listen to you- please, read whatever you...
  15. Akihiro Chen

    Closed Time Together

    Akihiro had a thought, and he'd gathered all the pillows in the room, making a comfy place on the bed for Giulia to lean back while she was reading. He'd just finished, bringing over the throw blanket and a smaller pillow to put against her lap when he heard her knock. He chuckled. "Come in," He...