Recent content by Aspen

  1. Aspen

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow For A Centaur

    Aspen had been enjoying her job as groundskeeper. she liked the ability to wander the grounds, and even go into the castle. though it was larger and more intimidating than she had thought it would be being surrounded with all that brick. one day she hoped to draw up enough courage to attend one...
  2. Aspen

    Open Y46 Start of Year Feast

    Aspen hadnt thought that she would be nervous. it was the first day of her new job. or at least the first day that students would be in the school. there was a feast and a ceremony. she had been looking forward to attending for weeks. getting to go into the school and eat with the students. and...
  3. GAWc7Fh.png


  4. Aspen

    Closed Speaking For The Trees

    aspen smiled at the boys answer. it was a simple answer that rang with truth. not an excuse or a way to make themsevm better than they were . it just was. "Wood carving is a useful craft to like, and knowing the strengths of different woods is important, you can carve things out of most woods...
  5. Aspen

    Closed Speaking For The Trees

    Aspen saw the boy jump and fluster patting his hair down. she didnt mind people having messy hair. hers often had some form of twigs in it. though she had learned to keep it mostly braided to keep it somewhat out of trouble. as the boy backed away raising his hands, she knelt down and even from...
  6. Aspen

    Closed Speaking For The Trees

    It was winter. and there were surly several more important things for Aspen to be doing than skirting the edge of the forest looking for students. but it was the first few days since they were back and like most winter breaks she missed them. missed watching them through the trees and the sounds...
  7. Aspen

    Muse found

    perfect. do you want to start something. My pick will be Tara and sibling of your choice.
  8. Aspen

    Old School Week Have no fear, no one should, the woods are just trees, the trees are just wood

    aspen tried to remember the boy from seven years ago. back then he must have been a foal. but now he had grown and was an adult. "that was a long time. im glad to see you again" she said as the boy explained that they had met. aspen saw a girl step out of the shadows with bowtruckles tnagled up...
  9. Aspen

    Closed Discoveries

    ((oops both for account switch and for being slow to reply. I forgot to follow it. and then OSW happened and somehow my muse went nope)) Aspen heard the movement stop. The whole forest seeming to hold its breath for a moment. Aspen too paused. She had been in the forest long enough to know...
  10. Aspen

    Old School Week Have no fear, no one should, the woods are just trees, the trees are just wood

    Aspen listened as the boy introduced himself. "hello Zayisaiah" she said. "I'm... how did you know?" she said as the boy said her name. "Yes i have two sisters teach before Briar Wolfskin and Madlyn Giantblood" she said trying to place the boy to a previous conversation. but thinking it must...
  11. Aspen

    Old School Week Have no fear, no one should, the woods are just trees, the trees are just wood

    Aspen heard something before she saw the boy walking through the trees. this boy wasn't a foal, he was an almost-man. her hand wrapped around the stick she carried just in case as she approached him. "Hello. Who goes there?" she said.
  12. Aspen

    Old School Week Have no fear, no one should, the woods are just trees, the trees are just wood

    Aspen was enjoying herself this summer was beautiful she liked to stay close to the edge of the trees so she could watch the human students at the school. Maybe one of them would notice her and say hello. maybe one would even be brave enough to come into the forest.
  13. Aspen

    Closed Discoveries

    It was early summer which was a great time of year to be alive. food was plentiful and the weather was warm but not so hot that things got too dry and brown as it was showing all the signs that it was going to be an unusually dry summer. today she had decided to relax a little. her food stocks...
  14. Aspen

    Closed Hatching A Plan

    Aspen hadn't expected the boy to talk so much after her comment. "It isn't all the same when you know the forest. but I was joking." she said. she had thought that was what humans did. though maybe not. she listened as he rambled about his wand messing up and him practising advanced magic. "If...
  15. Aspen

    Closed Hatching A Plan

    Lysander seemed to jump a foor in the air as the sight of her and the sparks that his jump created made her jump a little as well.. she hadn't meant to startle him. but there he was he must have been so los in his own world not to have even thought of looking and listening to the world around...