Recent content by Ezra Ito

  1. Ezra Ito

    🌹 Rose Giving Quick and Easy Delivery

    Ezra had received two roses today and really wasn't expecting any more. He looked up when he heard his name and smiled as he saw it was one of the rose delivery people. A younger boy he recognized from his own house. "Yes, that's me." He said, sitting up eagerly to see what sort of rose he had...
  2. Ezra Ito

    🌹 Rose Giving Just Passing Through

    Ezra smiled as the girl took out a yellow rose, only a little disappointed it wasn't a different color. He took it from her and opened the note, snorting as he saw just his friend's name. He'd never change, but Ezra appreciated the gesture. "Thanks." He said with a smile. "Do you have many left...
  3. Ezra Ito

    🌹 Rose Giving A yellow rose for friendship

    Ezra blinked in surprise as a black feather fell out when he opened the note, but as he read it he understood. Well, he understood that Elise had done something he didn't understand which was nothing new. "Thanks." He said again. "It's from my sister. Do you have many left?"
  4. Ezra Ito

    🌹 Rose Giving A yellow rose for friendship

    Ezra was lingering at the Hufflepuff table a little longer than normal, hoping someone would come up to him and give him a rose. Just before he was ready to give up, a young girl approached him. He smiled and nodded to confirm who he was, then he grinned as she handed him a rose. "Oh, thanks!"...
  5. Ezra Ito

    🌹 Rose Giving Just Passing Through

    Ezra had been hoping all day to get a rose, he had stayed a little longer at lunch in the great hall, as he figured it would be an easy spot to find him for any rose givers. But in the end, he decided he should probably return to the common room and get his things for his next class before he...
  6. Ezra Ito

    Open Surprise Portraits

    Ezra grinned at Raafe's joke. The other boy sometimes was a bit too sharp for him, too quick with his jokes, but he could play along this time. He patted his guitar. "Exactly, will come in handy when I'm a famous musician." He joked, hoping it was clear to Raafe that he was joking and not...
  7. Ezra Ito

    Open Can't Stay Away

    Ezra desperately wished he had a date to this. It felt so sad to be a fifth year and go to the yule ball alone, again. But then again, he also had no idea how you asked someone out to something like this. He had considered just not going, but that felt a little sad too. He could picture himself...
  8. Ezra Ito

    Yule Ball

    Ezra Ito Solo
  9. yule ball y5.jpg

    yule ball y5.jpg

  10. Ezra Ito

    Open Surprise Portraits

    Ezra had take to carrying his guitar around, mostly to show off that he had one. He hadn't played much because he hadn't practiced much lately. Though he knew he probably should. He was heading off to the arts room to do some practicing where he wouldn't be overheard. After all, he didn't know...
  11. Ezra Ito


    Ezra Ito Hufflepuff Fifth Year
  12. Ezra Ito

    Fifth Years

    Ezra Ito Hufflepuff
  13. Accio and events

    Accio and events

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  15. Ezra Ito

    Closed Getting Some Distance

    Ezra had almost gone shopping for a proper Halloween costume over break, but he had been worried that maybe fifth year was the year nobody cared anymore. Nothing sounded worse to him than being the only one elaborately dressed up. But now he didn't really have anything while his classmates...