Recent content by Kit Tolentino

  1. Kit Tolentino

    Y45 Electives Fair

    Kit showed up for the elective fair seeing her Head of House she decided to go that way first to see if that class would interesting. She glanced at the Arthimancy table on her way and thought she might want to stop on her way around the room. "Hello, Professor Josephs. Is everyone able to...
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  6. Kit Tolentino

    Katherine Tolentino

    Full Name: Katherine Tolentino, Mostly goes by Kit Date of Birth: 17 May 2048 Current Age: 11 Basic Appearance: Long dark hair covered an olive tone with freckles face, Kit is like many children her age, growing into her final adult form slowly and awkwardly. She got a growth spurt a little...
  7. Kit Tolentino

    Open Love is Boring

    Kit wasn't out dancing at the moment. Her friends, the girls from her dorm weren't around yet so she didn't feel the most comfortable going out right away alone. Heading over to the snack table area she had a peek at the different treats that were out. Most were heart-shaped cookies and treats...
  8. Kit Tolentino

    Open Unofficial Quidditch Club Sign Ups

    Kit had been a bit bumped out when she heard that her roommate a first year like herself was on the quidditch team. Kit knew how to fly pretty well and had been playing the game, on kid brooms, for a long time. She loved the sport always being a big fan of the Holyhead Harpies from Wales. Her...
  9. Kit Tolentino

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  10. Kit Tolentino

    Y44 Club Fair

    Kit wanted to make friends, so she looked over the list of the groups, she wasn't sure about the girl's club as it would be nice to have boy friends as well and not just girls. She had a few interests of her own and she thought about the plant club but it didn't suit her all that well. She was a...
  11. Kit Tolentino

    Back on my BH (Bull Honky)

    My favvvvv! <3 I'm always ready to rp with you but also just chat about possible plotlines for the future! :hug::party: