Recent content by Professor Leif Odegard

  1. Professor Leif Odegard

    Transfiguration 4:2

    Lesson Two: Transfiguration & Food Leif was excited for today's lesson and once his students knew what he was up to, he was sure they would be as well. He leaned against his desk and greeted them as they made their way into the classroom, a small grin playing on his lips as he noticed some...
  2. Professor Leif Odegard

    Transfiguration 2:2

    Lesson Two: Learning Praepilatus (beetles into buttons) Leif was stood outside of his classroom, leaning against the wall and greeting his students as they made their way inside. When they did, they were sure to notice the presence of a colourful jar atop his desk, its contents seeming to move...
  3. Professor Leif Odegard

    Transfiguration 1:2

    Lesson Two: Transfiguration and the Ministry of Magic As he had done last week, Leif was waiting outside of his classroom for his first years to arrive. He leaned against the wall and was counting heads in his mind as the kids made their way into his classroom. Some more on time than others. He...
  4. Professor Leif Odegard

    Transfiguration 4:1

    Lesson One: Introduction to Switching Spells While Leif liked to wait outside to welcome his younger students to their first lesson of the year he was confident he didn't need to do the same for his fourth year students. They were older, likely much less nervous than first and second years...
  5. Professor Leif Odegard

    Transfiguration 2:1

    Lesson one: Animate to Inanimate Transfiguration The door to the Transfiguration classroom was wide open, with Leif leaning against the wall right next to it. He had decided to wait for his younger students outside, his arms crossed as he greeted them with a smile. When he was sure most of them...
  6. Professor Leif Odegard

    Transfiguration 1:1

    Lesson One: Types of Transfiguration The door to the Transfiguration classroom stood wide open, with Leif leaning against the wall right next to it. He had thought carefully about what to do, deciding against waiting on his students inside of the room. Instead, he was stood outside. Greeting...
  7. Professor Leif Odegard

    Professors and Staff

    Leif Odegard Transfiguration Years 1-4
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  12. Professor Leif Odegard

    Open Professor & Staff Meeting Y46 | S1

    Leif by now felt like he had gotten used to life at Hogwarts again, even if it still felt a little odd every now and then. He felt at home though. Felt like things had finally clicked right into place for him. He also appreciated the staff meetings that were held more often now. Not only did it...
  13. Professor Leif Odegard

    Open To Be On This Side

    Leif gave a small yet content shrug at her remark. He did feel like he had miraculously ended up in the right place. After all of the struggles he had been through in deciding what he wanted to do with his life he was glad that he had though. It felt a breath of fresh air. "They're exactly what...
  14. Professor Leif Odegard

    Open To Be On This Side

    Even if he had graduated over ten years ago and had been back at the school for a little while now Leif still got flashbacks every now and then. Glimpses of what his life had been at school. He could almost see himself sitting at the Hufflepuff table but shook off the though, focussing his...
  15. Professor Leif Odegard

    Open To Be On This Side

    Leif nodded when the woman mentioned her own graduation year, only a few years after his own. He had to admit it was a nice idea to have a few more professors around his own age at the school. "Hufflepuff." He mentioned easily before actually introducing himself as well. "Nice to meet you...