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  1. Michael Watson

    Closed One Word; Two Consonants, Two Vowels

    Michael honestly hadn't been thinking when he'd signed off his note to Margo. Which was strange, because usually he overthought everything to a painful degree, usually to the point of inaction. But before he'd even realized it, he'd signed off with 'love', and when he'd gone to change it...
  2. Michael Watson

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice - Y46 S2

    Ravenclaw,Practice Michael was still a little disappointed about how their game against Slytherin had gone. Of course, he was happy to progress to the house cup match against Gryffindor, it just felt a little hollow. He was, however, very much convinced Ravenclaw would have won regardless, and...
  3. Michael Watson

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice Y46 S1

    Ravenclaw,Practice It was a bright and sunny afternoon, and Michael was keen to get started on some actual game practice. He'd been trying to mix things up with general fitness training and some drills - throwing, catching, swinging and the like - but it was important to give everyone plenty of...
  4. Michael Watson

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Tryouts Y46

    Michael was a bit nervous about being captain this year, sure he had the knowledge but he didn't know if he had the personality to handle it. Hamish had been warm and friendly, and while Michael wasn't unfriendly he just couldn't help but doubt himself. Still, he had a feeling it would be a good...
  5. Michael Watson

    Closed Game Plan

    Michael was still surprised to realize he was technically one of the senior players in the Quidditch team. Even though he was a fifth year, he still felt like he was new to the sport. He'd played team sports as long as he could have, though, so he was a bit of an old hand at that side of things...
  6. Michael Watson

    Old School Week Looking For Secrets

    Michael had been trying to not be embarrassingly bad at Quidditch, but he also wanted to do a few other things at school too. He had joined the paper, but wanted to find something to write about. He was walking the hall, tapping the walls to see if he could find any secret passages or something.
  7. Michael Watson

    it's about time I got a banner...

    he's third year and I only just picked a PB i'm actually kind of happy with and yet finding pictures is a NIGHTMARE UGH why is this so DIFFICULT Name: Michael Watson Play-By: Rohan Campbell Text on Banner: idk lol probably just the name i guess Colour Scheme/Theme: uhhh probably blues for...
  8. Michael Watson

    Michael Watson

    The Basics Character's Name: Michael Erasmus Watson Given that his father was a muggle, his given name and surname are very ordinary muggle names - but his mother snuck in a more wizarding middle name as a reference to her own lineage (Erasmus meaning 'beloved'). She debated over Gabriel or...
  9. Michael Watson

    Closed Taking Notes

    As keen as Michael was to play Quidditch, he knew he shouldn't run before he could walk, so to speak. He hadn't even flown on a broom yet, so as much as it was technically possible for a first year to try out for Quidditch, he knew he'd have to wait a year to actually try out, much to his...