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  1. Darcy Pratt

    Closed My Pretty Little Protégé

    Darcy chuckled a little as he said she was being optimistic and smiled appreciatively at the explanation of the band name. "That's very fitting," she said approvingly. "It's almost as if they were waiting for you to join," she added with a cheeky smile. She finished off her drink and nodded as...
  2. Darcy Pratt

    Closed My Pretty Little Protégé

    Darcy chuckled softly at his confession that he got expelled from school. She had always been studious so the idea of being expelled was unimaginable to her. "Well if being a musician was your calling I suppose school isn't so important to that?" she offered, trying to think of the silver...
  3. Darcy Pratt

    Closed My Pretty Little Protégé

    Darcy smiled as he mentioned her old school. "Oh I went there for my last four years," she told him. "I transferred from Beauxbatons when my oldest sister became a professor there," she said, feeling herself give more details than she usually would, just to even out the exchange of information...
  4. Darcy Pratt

    Closed My Pretty Little Protégé

    Darcy's eyebrows shot up in surprise as he began listing off all his siblings. She had always thought her family was unnecessarily big but that paled in comparison to his large, unorthodox family. "Wow, and I thought I had a lot of siblings," she chuckled. Though what shocked her more was how...
  5. Darcy Pratt

    Closed My Pretty Little Protégé

    Darcy chuckled around the straw she was drinking from as he said it was his job to embarrass him. Maybe it was a brother thing, because she liked to think she maintained a sense of decorum around her siblings, if anything they embarrassed her. She was about to ask him how many siblings he had...
  6. Darcy Pratt

    Closed My Pretty Little Protégé

    Darcy didn't know if she quite believed that Asher could blend in. With his tattoos and general style it seemed he quite enjoyed standing out, but of course magic had its uses for making yourself invisible to others if you wanted. She let out a small chuckle as he talked of the man on stage with...
  7. Darcy Pratt

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  8. Darcy Pratt

    Closed My Pretty Little Protégé

    Darcy raised an eyebrow as Asher revealed a lounge like this was too small for him since he was in a more professional band. "Oh that's sweet," she said in reference to him supporting the performer on stage. It was nice of him that he didn't think too highly of him showing up to a small gig. She...
  9. Darcy Pratt

    Closed My Pretty Little Protégé

    Darcy smiled as the man introduced himself, glad he didn't seem to be too offended by her curtness to kick her out of his booth. She finally took a sip of her drink and was glad she had that she'd gotten the free refill after all as it was very good. If she wasn't careful this would loosen her...
  10. Darcy Pratt

    Closed My Pretty Little Protégé

    Darcy was about to go and order herself another drink and perhaps this time just stay at the bar to avoid bumping into anyone else, when all of a sudden a new drink was being presented to her. She looked up at the man offering it to her and raised an eyebrow skeptically before looking over at...
  11. Darcy Pratt

    Wizarding Businesses

    Pratt Funeral Parlor & Services - A no-questions-asked mortuary that offers autopsies with discretion, if you don't want them performed by hospitals or having results publicized. Also offers magical embalmings, burials, ceremonies and other funeral services as requested. Based in France but a...
  12. Darcy Pratt

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  13. Darcy Pratt

    Closed My Pretty Little Protégé

    Darcy knew it was rather pathetic to be going out alone but it had been a while since she had gotten out of her apartment other than work, so she wanted to blow off some steam. She had heard about this lounge that had live music and it seemed like the perfect thing to keep her entertained while...
  14. Darcy Pratt

    Debate #2 - Guests

    Darcy wasn't particularly interested in politics, but Kennedy had lectured her about it being her civic duty, and Darcy had nothing better to do, so she obliged. Kennedy made some joke about Darcy needing to hang out with the living every once in a while instead of being surrounded by dead...
  15. Darcy Pratt

    What are you watching?

    I'm surprisingly caught up on all my tv shows which is a first, ever, so I've been re-watching Shameless which is usually my go-to when I'm bored/have nothing else to watch
  16. Darcy Pratt

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  17. Darcy Pratt

    Costume Contest!

    Darcy Pratt as a Queen
  18. Darcy Pratt

    Bad At Love

    Darcy lay awake in her dorm staring up at the ceiling above her bed in which she had painted a night sky for her to view. She had enchanted the paint to move like the normally did, knowing she'd have to clear it all up before she graduated lest the school charge her for vandalism, even though...
  19. Darcy Pratt

    Perfect Match

    Wyatt & self-love and acceptance and happiness and rainbows and puppies and everything good in this world :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
  20. Darcy Pratt

    Rate the avi

    10/10 because I love how it's black and white :teehee: