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  1. Savannah Walters

    Open Step 1 - Party

    Savannah gave a little snort at Leah's reaction. "Well, I basically suggested it," she retorted with an almost sharp tone. "I wouldn't have suggested it if I didn't want to," she added, in a tone that did imply that she thought Leah was perhaps being intentionally dense.
  2. Savannah Walters

    Open Step 1 - Party

    Savannah shrugged a little at the question, "It's a party," she settled upon answering. "I'm not one for the love part of it, but this is just another party," she elaborated just a little, and Savannah knew she was likely the last to be seen as liking parties, but she really hadn't minded them...
  3. Savannah Walters

    Fifth Years: Lesson 2

    Savannah was in two minds about the upcoming valentines dance. She knew that she wanted to go to it, that she wanted a night to have fun, to wear a pretty dress and feel good, but she also wanted to focus on her revision and knew that she didn’t feel attraction to people, so she got little out...
  4. Savannah Walters

    Open Step 1 - Party

    Savannah didn't know Leah that well, though she at least no longer openly hated the girl. She shook her head. "I don't always have a book, just when something's boring," she replied with a little sigh. She didn't really think a lot of things were more interesting than what she was reading at any...
  5. Savannah Walters

    Open Step 1 - Party

    Savannah didn't mind these dances, nearly as much as when she'd been younger. She could appreciate it, but with her OWLS in the very near future she knew that this was the last fun she was going to let herself have before the exams. She just knew she couldn't lose focus on what actually...
  6. Savannah Walters

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice - Y46 S2

    Savannah did not catch snitch.
  7. Savannah Walters

    Fifth Years, Lesson Two

    Savannah was in two minds about the upcoming valentines dance. She knew that she wanted to go to it, that she wanted a night to have fun, to wear a pretty dress and feel good, but she also wanted to focus on her revision and knew that she didn’t feel attraction to people, so she got little out...
  8. Savannah Walters

    Fifth Years: Lesson Two

    Savannah was in two minds about the upcoming valentines dance. She knew that she wanted to go to it, that she wanted a night to have fun, to wear a pretty dress and feel good, but she also wanted to focus on her revision and knew that she didn’t feel attraction to people, so she got little out...
  9. Savannah Walters

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice - Y46 S2

    Savannah did not catch the snitch.
  10. Savannah Walters

    🌹 Rose Giving A rose of thanks

    Savannah took the note and looked at it. Rolling her eyes a little and glancing back at the team. Of course. "Thanks," she said to the girl who had delivered it and then just turned to walk away.
  11. Savannah Walters

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice - Y46 S2

    Savannah had barely been on the pitch a second when she got hit with the bludger. She groaned and just continued to look for the snitch.
  12. Savannah Walters

    🌹 Rose Giving A rose of thanks

    Savannah looked at the girl as she fumbled to get the rose. "I figured," she replied. "Given that this is rose giving day, and I don't know you," she said, her tone remaining neutral, though perhaps a little less frustrated.
  13. Savannah Walters

    Fifth Years: Lesson One

    Savannah was ready to knuckle down completely. She wasn’t going to let herself be distracted. This semester was all about making sure that she didn’t fail her exams. She knew it was unlikely that that would happen, but she was a little unwilling to even consider the chance that she wouldn’t do...
  14. Savannah Walters

    Fifth Years: Lesson 1

    Savannah was ready to knuckle down completely. She wasn’t going to let herself be distracted. This semester was all about making sure that she didn’t fail her exams. She knew it was unlikely that that would happen, but she was a little unwilling to even consider the chance that she wouldn’t do...
  15. Savannah Walters

    🌹 Rose Giving A rose of thanks

    Savannah was determined to do well in the next quidditch game that she had. She had just about finished up with the practice when she heard her name being called. She frowned and approached a little frustrated that she'd get this rose in front of the team, since that could only be why this girl...
  16. Savannah Walters

    Fifth Years, Lesson One

    Savannah was ready to knuckle down completely. She wasn’t going to let herself be distracted. This semester was all about making sure that she didn’t fail her exams. She knew it was unlikely that that would happen, but she was a little unwilling to even consider the chance that she wouldn’t do...
  17. Savannah Walters

    Fifth Years: Lesson One

    Savannah was ready to knuckle down completely. She wasn’t going to let herself be distracted. This semester was all about making sure that she didn’t fail her exams. She knew it was unlikely that that would happen, but she was a little unwilling to even consider the chance that she wouldn’t do...
  18. Savannah Walters

    Open Why Are People Like This?

    Savannah watched the girl as she went off and got them both drinks. She wasn't sure what the girl's game was, what she wanted or intended from this, but it didn't much matter. "It's going," she said with a slightly bored tone as she took the drink. "Why are you talking to me?" Savannah decided...
  19. Savannah Walters

    Open Why Are People Like This?

    Savannah glanced at the girl as she complimented her name, and gave a little frown, trying to decide if this girl was being friendly or if she was being flirted with. The offer to dance was a bit of a surprise. "I don't dance, but I'll take a refill," she said, unwilling to dance currently...
  20. Savannah Walters

    Open Why Are People Like This?

    Savannah looked at the outstretched hand and then up at the girl, Evie. A seventh year, gryffindor. So not someone who would've otherwise ever crossed Savannah's path. She waited a moment and then shook the girl's hand. "Savannah, fifth year, Ravenclaw," she listed with a slightly bored tone...