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  1. Violet Stark-West

    🌹 Rose Giving From a Friend

    Violet took the rose miro offered to her. thank you she said. Opening the rose and reading the note. Whoever had sent ot had not received a rose off her as she had missed the cut off. She smiled thinking of summer. She would have to remember to thank her friend and dorm mate. are your...
  2. Violet Stark-West

    🌹 Rose Giving From a Friend

    Violet had heard about rose delivery day. she hadn't signed up to deliver, or even sent any. but part of her was enjoying the chaos that the deliveries unfurling around her as she went about her day. she was just heading through the entrance hall on her way to get something to dink when she...
  3. Violet Stark-West

    Yule Ball

    Name: Violet Stark-West Partner: solo
  4. Violet Stark-West

    Open First Talking, Then Twirling

    Violet smiled back at summer. glad that she had a friend here. "Thank you" she said feeling slightly more confident with the compliment, subconsciously standing a little taller. she wasnt quite sure if she wanted to be cute, but at least cute was a compliment, she just hoped that it was a real...
  5. Violet Stark-West

    Open First Talking, Then Twirling

    It was almost the yule ball and violet was feeling uncomfortable. she was 13 now. she wasnt a kid. and as much as she tried to to ignore the fact, and make herself look pretty and older with makeup and styling her hair. but the truth was that under it all she knew she still looked like a kid...
  6. Violet Stark-West

    Late to the Party

    due to the amount of time i seem to be on my computer at the moment i don't want to overload myself. would you like to pick one each and go with it (Plus a new Casden thread if you want) my choice is selene and Jordie.
  7. Violet Stark-West

    Throwing students in a PD

    Gwen/sky - seeing as the semester is almost over wait for S2. Gwen/violet and hazel/sky - sounds good. i will get something started in the next day oe two and send you the link.
  8. Violet Stark-West

    (mostly) Adulting

    Sorry for being very slow. i started a reply to this so many times but never got anything typed, or maybe I forgot to hit post or only replied in my head, or maybe just thought about posting. I am all up for the scout's hang out and also keen for @Mercury Ascot to join in. Would you like to...
  9. Violet Stark-West

    Late to the Party

    Okay. Jess. I have a few for you. Mallory and Elvera: Tea, Books, too nice. I feel like they should get on very well. Jordie and Selene: they have both recently gone through a heartbreak and trying to work out where their future leads. Maisie and Sky: I have always pictured them being friends...
  10. Violet Stark-West

    (mostly) Adulting

    So many excellent sugestions. feel free to have your hand hand slip again. elvera and margo: sounds great. just let me know when and where and what and elvera will be there. Alyce and Micha: I love it. sounds like alyce when she was young and wanting to escape. she did the exact same thing...
  11. Violet Stark-West

    Throwing students in a PD

    Sorry i vanished. my muse wasn't great last week and I was trying (unsuccessfully) to get to the more time-dependent plots. Gwen and Sky. I haven't done many classes with Sky either. It looks like they are both enrolled in potions so a potions assignment is an option or next semester, i think...
  12. Violet Stark-West

    Violet Stark-West [WIP]

    The Basics Character's Name: Violet Sage Stark-West Character's Birthdate: 1st October Hometown: New Zealand Blood Status: Wand: Hogwarts House: Slytherin Appearance Hair: light Brown long and straight getting a little bit wavy when it gets wet Eyes: Height: Style: Other Distinguishing...
  13. Violet Stark-West

    Sliding In The Plots

    sky and molly and @Renata Stepanova should we start something in the dorm? Conan and Hugo. sounds good. i am thinking they should meet somewhere before shell hunting as it is the middle of winter and 2: hugo would much rather be inside than outside in the cold so 3: it would take a lot of love...
  14. Violet Stark-West

    Sliding In The Plots

    Oooh maria. I have a few thoughts. Molly and Sky - they are friends, they are dorm mates. name it and sky is in. Conan and Hugo. - I cant remember if we have actually threaded those two together before. but hugo is going into his third year and is kind of introverted and loves his books. I...
  15. Violet Stark-West

    here we go again

    Marijke Summer and Violet. They are dorm mates, and they are very alike. i can absolutely see them becoming friends in a kind of friendship that is somewhere between a genuine friendship because they actually do like each other, a friendship of convenience because they are dorm mates, a...
  16. Violet Stark-West

    Throwing students in a PD

    Hey Daph I have two people who i am going to offer for two of your people. For Gwen I have Sky. I enjoy the dynamic of the two of them together. the absolute discord between them with them both being all of the things that the other dislikes. I don't know what classes she is taking (Or which...
  17. Violet Stark-West

    New Pictures!

    I mean blue and yellow do make green 💙+💛=💚