20 Years In

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
Professor Misha Haden was preparing the professor's common room for a very special day, he had from his short conversations with Styx he had been able to figure out that the man was celebrating his twentieth year at the school, and given this, the professor had just decided to gather up all that he could and had decorated the professor's common room to reflect this, Misha had put up a banner reading happy twentieth and had put general decorations for the celebration, that he had created, he had put out some refreshments, and a few choice drinks but given this was the very beginning of the term, Misha knew better than to have more than just one. But, he figured that it was a celebration and how long the man had been at the school, he knew it was more than worth his while. Misha had even gone so far as to get Professor Styx a gift, it wasn't much and the man could probably buy fifty of them with the money he bad, but Misha knew that at least one gift would be a good idea, and he had also bought a card, but the card was hidden in his pocket so that it would be the last thing that they would give to the man once all those in attendance had managed to sign it. Misha knew they didn't usually celebrate how long people had been at the school, but Misha was sure that Styx had been at the school so long that he was the only professor left from the original teaching staff, if not then, pretty soon after it. With that in mind Misha put the final touches on the decorations and waited for others to attend, feeling excited about this, and hoping that Professor Styx wouldn't kill him for doing it. After all this was a likely outcome for such a thing, Professor Styx was even to Misha incredibly intimidating.

OOCOut of Character:

This is to celebrate Professor Kalif Styx entering his 20th year at Hogwarts as a professor!
Join in with your professors! To sign the card, and to give gifts, join in the festivities and celebrate a dedicated professor.
Whilst Monty wasn't particularly closely acquainted with the Slytherin Head of House, word of his twenty year teaching anniversary at Hogwarts New Zealand had impelled him to attend the celebrations being held in the Professor's common room. He thought it quite lovely of Misha to organize such a thing, regardless of how favourably it went down with Styx, and endeavoured at least to express this much before excusing himself from the party. Social gatherings were not really Monty's cup of tea; though today his step was buoyant with a new found courage. Taking bold chances, it seemed, had a positive effect on the Potions Professor's confidence. He hoped it would last.

Monty walked empty handed into the common room, having earlier decided that a gift would have been a little too much. He didn't know very much about Styx, but he didn't seem the type to appreciate small gestures. "Hello!" he said to Misha as he ventured over, feeling a little sheepish to have arrived first. "Didn't think I ought to miss such a splendid occasion. How are you doing?"
Professor Kingsley stepped into the professor's room with a smile on her face and a gift under her arm. She'd worked with Kalif for years and years, and before that she'd be his student. Despite their many differences, Cyndi admired the man and had learned a lot from him. She wasn't sure how he'd feel about a party on his behalf, but it would be fun to see his expression.

"Hi Misha!" she sang out as she entered the room. It was the start of a new semester, and without the extra weight of a baby growing inside her, she was very excited for its start. "I heard you have a card" she said in a lower voice, hoping she could sign it.
Misha was a little afraid that no one else would turn up for this, that everyone else, too afraid of Professor Styx would opt to not show up, but he felt like it was too much of an occasion to pass by, the man had given so many years to this school, and half it would just be funny to see how he reacted to all of it, however, when the professor of Potions entered the room, Misha's expression lit up, knowing he wouldn't be alone in this, "Hello!" he said back, "I am doing very well, yourself?" he returned brightly, before then pulling out the card and the quill so that Monty could sign the card, "Do you want to sign the card?" Misha asked him before allowing him the space he might need to sign the card, just as Cyndi entered the room, "Hello! I do indeed it's being signed by Monty and then you can pop your name on it," he explained to her, "But, I hear congratulations are in order for you too," he was of course talking about the baby, "How is the child fairing?" he asked, making polite conversation with her as they awaited more people, hopefully, and also awaited Monty to be finished so that she could sign the card.
Misha had mentioned having a celebration for Styx's twentieth year of teaching to Jonathon in passing. Twenty years of teaching was definitely something to be commemorated and while Jonathon had no intention to attend the celebration himself until the very last minute when his work for the day was finished and he was faced with the realization he had nothing better to do, he thought that organizing something was exceptionally kind on Misha's part and hoped that the celebration went well regardless whether Styx enjoyed it or not. Jon hastily grabbed his blazer as he made headway out of his office, hoping he didn't look too messy or worn out from the day when he walked into the Professor's common room. His attention was immediately drawn to Misha and the other professors as well as the card they were all signing. "Hey guys. Is this the card?" He asked as he approached the group, a small smile on his face. He hadn't been teaching long so bringing a gift for Styx barely seemed appropriate though he was happy to sign the card and let that be his contribution to the celebration.
Monty took the quill graciously and signed his name on the card before leaving both items on a side table for the next Professor. "Oh, I'm excellent!" he said fondly, nodding at Cyndi and lingering by the side of the party's host. "I had no idea old Styxie had been teaching so long. Fellow must have been here nearly as long as the school, no?" Monty was well versed in the castle's history, and quickly calculated that the Slytherin Head of House had indeed taught at Hogwarts New Zealand almost as long as its existence. That was quite some achievement. Whilst the Potions Professor didn't plan on leaving any time soon, he wasn't sure he could imagine himself in the same place come two decades. It wasn't in his nature to do the same thing for such a long time.

Monty relaxed a little further to see Professor Phillips join the slowly growing party. "Hello, hello," he said to Cyndi and Jonathon, smiling sheepishly. "Oh! Yes, indeed. Congratulations, Cyndi."
Cyndi smiled at the man for asking, at both men that had offered their congratulations. "Thank you. She's doing well" the woman offered as she took the card and quickly signed her name. Passing it onto Jonathon, who she'd never really spoken to before, the woman continued. "Aye. Kalif was my Herbology professor...he's really old" she stage whispered, a smirk on her face. "He's been putting fear into students for decades, starting with the first graduating class" she added with a chuckle. "Maybe he should offer a course on it for the rest of us."
Theodore found it kind of awkward to be attending a party dedicated to Professor Styx for a couple of reasons. One being that this man was once his Professor and his Head of House. The other was that Styx seemed like the kind of guy that stayed away from parties. Back then he and Styx didn't get along even in the slightest. Theodore was moody and had the tendency to talk back. Oddly enough they were somewhat close now. As close as one could get to Professor Styx that was Nicolette anyways. They spoke to one another on occasion, along with the occasional chess game here and there. Theodore wasn't very good though so the older Professor had the tendency to beat him. Entering the Professor's common room, Theodore waved awkwardly. He wasn't really close with the other Professor's just yet. He knew some of them from his years of attending Hogwarts back when he was younger, but other than that he tended to keep to himself. Silently he made his way over to the card and neatly scribbled his name in the corner. He wanted to add a comment, but figured now would be the time to pick on Kalif for how long he had been teaching at Hogwarts. Especially since the poor man was likely going to have one heck of a time dealing with Theodore's eldest child who currently was a second year Slytherin.
A grin on his face, Aeon made his way toward the Professor's Common Room, looking forward to the little celebratory get together being thrown for his old Herbology teacher come co-worker. It was still odd, and a little difficult to get used to the fact he was teaching now, whilst one of his old professors was around. A lot of the other professors had been people either in or just above his year. How Styx had managed this long he didn't know. It was a shame he'd transferred across to Defence Against the Dark Arts - Aeon thought he'd been cooler in Herbology.

Entering the room, Summers looked about at the others present, few of who he ever really spoke to. Despite being there for a few years, he hadn't really formed any relationships with the others. Which was fine, most of them resigned and were replaced too quickly to bother, but it was still something he'd like to change. Perhaps not with all of them. Snow for example, always looked a bit stand offish, and Kingsley's views on acceptable punishments differed greatly from his. "Hey." He spoke as he entered. "Is anyone expecting old Styx to show up or keep as far from here as he can?" he didn't really have much of an expectation for the professor to show up to the party - he didn't seem the type to know how to enjoy anything. Regardless, he'd brought a gift along just in case.
Monty smiled, pleased that the Gryffindor Head of House and her new baby were faring well. "Is he really?" he jested, feigning surprise. "I'd never have guessed. Now I know where all my ginger roots have been disappearing off to - Styx has been brewing himself beautification potions." Monty stopped there, fearing that being overheard by the seven-foot-something man would result in great pain - or possibly death.

The gathering was growing at a steady pace, and Monty greeted the next two Professors to join them with an affable smile. He laughed at Aeon's comment, turning to address him. "My galleons are on the latter. I do hope he shows up, though. Misha here's done an excellent job, hasn't he?"
Kalif walked into the professor common room, only to get some more tea that he managed to run out of. He sent in for his father to send him some, but it would not be here until tomorrow. However, as soon as he entered, his eyes narrowed at the commotion, and saw just who it was for. His eyebrows furrowed before he shook his head. However, he managed to overhear some of the conversation, and even what the new potions professor was saying. Kalif approached the new professor, his voice cold and irate, "Do you want to repeat that for me, Pendleton?" He turned to find the one that he figured would have put this together. He narrowed it down to three. Cyndi, Theodore and that bloody Haden. Kalif walked over to a kettle, and started brewing before he asked, loudly, to interrupt the others speaking ill or whatnot about him, "Who's ridiculous idea was this?" Kalif turned around, folding his arms across his chest and leaned against the counter.
Misha was glad as more people began turning up, he smiled warmly at Cyndi as she explained how the baby was doing, and he just continued to hand the card round to others as they arrived, "I have a feeling that Kalif might try to have me killed after this," he joked to Jon, since he knew that this was a very likely option, but he just thought it was too important an event to ever pass up, they had to celebrate it, so as soon as Professor Styx stepped, Misha took back the card and shoved it into it's envelope just as the professor addressed them, folding his arms, and with a friendly smile, Misha stepped up, he had the card and the gift, a fine bottle of Scotch, "I did!" he said, since he had of course organised this, he had put everything together and decided to throw it, Misha knew that it perhaps wasn't what Styx might've wanted but Misha didn't really care, "Here," he offered them out to him, "Congratulations on twenty years of teaching at this school, we wanted to show our appreciation for all that you do, Congratulations on scaring generations of students," Misha explained knowing that it would do little difference if he'd decided he wasn't interested in it.
Sloane had known that there was a party. She'd even intended to be early, export that she'd completely forgotten what time the party was supposed to be and so that meant that she was late, which meant that she walked into the room at the most awkward time she possibly could have. She looked between each of the professors before walking further into the room and leaning again the wall. She wasn't one for confrontation necessarily, and she felt no need to answer the question.Twenty years though, that was quite the achievement. She hoped she wasn't as grumpy as him if she made it for twenty years.
James sneaked into the party in the Professors common room. He had his reservations about attending, the few interactions he had with Professor Styx weren't all that pleasant. He doubted the Professors attitude towards him had changed from when he was James' head of house. He arrived to find his fellow teachers discussing how long Styx had been at the school and heard Cyndo say he had been her Herbology professor. James inserted himself into the group amd chimed in. "Yeah he taught me for Herbology too, he was also my head of house, I always feel awful dropping students off at his office because I know what awaits on the other side," James smiled as they discussed their colleague then in the corner of his eye he saw Styx enter the common room and the man didn't look happy.
Styx's icy voice froze Monty to the spot. His face began to burn with shame, for though it had been a fond joke, Styx had not been the intended recipient. The question was clearly rhetorical, so Monty didn't move so much as to shake his head. Instead he merely avoided Kalif's gaze and tried not to look as utterly mortified as he felt. He'd only come to the party to wish a fellow Professor congratulations, and now he'd royally screwed up. Sloane and James had joined them now too, but Monty couldn't even bring himself to look at them. "Excuse me," he said quietly to Cyndi, and then discreetly exited the common room.
When Kalif arrived, Cyndi was happy to have not been the organizer on this particular occasion. Misha paid no mind to the man's tone, ever cheerful he was. She listened to James, not knowing that he'd been an HNZ student as well. She knew that a fair few of them in this very room had. "So was Theodore" she indicated, nodding at the man. Looking to Monty, Cyndi gave him a curious glance as he quickly departed. It was strange, but she didn't spend too much time thinking on it. "Kalif, I hope you have a speech prepared. We're expecting some wisdom here on how to survive to have our own twenty year parties." She enjoyed teasing the man.
Kalif did a curt motion with his fingers and the bag of tea went into a tall cup, and the hissing kettle poured hot water into the cup. As soon as he heard who did it, his temper flared and the kettle shattered. His darkened eyes landed on the culprit. Of course, it had to be Misha Haden. His imagination on getting rid of him went wild within the Slytherin Head of House's mind, as he sipped his tea and stared daggers at the man. Haden offered something toward him, which was a bottle of alcohol and a card. His free arm remained crossed over his torso, while he was sipping his tea. However, the lightest bit of tension was relieved when Pendleton left the room after the joke fell on his ears. Kalif was slightly amused over that, but it did not touch his irritation. He made no motion to take the gift or the card. His gaze never broke from Haden as Cyndi asked him a question, or teasing. It was hard to tell. Kalif said very simply, and curtly, "I offer nothing."
Misha had expected for the DADA professor to be less than pleased about this, but he wasn't too bothered by it, it wasn't like the man would've expected any gifts in any situation and he thought that at a school like Hogwarts, it was only fair that they celebrate little things like this, which was why he was glad he'd attended Durmstrang, which he felt had given him a little bit more of an edge when it came to being able to not flinch at Kalif's actions and even when the kettle shattered, and watched as he stared daggers at him, Misha was sure that if looks could kill, he'd be long dead, but Misha didn't care. He glanced at Cyndi as she spoke and smiled at her, before looking back at Kalif, "Regardless," he said to the man with a shrug, before placing the bottle and the card on the counter, a little away from Kalif, so that if he wanted to take them he could, which Misha doubted to be true, he wandered away from Kalif and took a glass of juice, holding it up, "To Professor Kalif Styx's continued dedication to the school, to a brand new semester," he toasted raising his glass, "And, To Hogwarts New Zealand," He knew that Kalif might not enjoy this, Misha realised this, but it didn't mean the rest of them couldn't enjoy it a little.
Ava made her way quickly to the Professor's Common Room, hoping she wasn't too late. She knew that Misha had organized a small party for Kalif, and she didn't want to miss it. She was sure it could be good fun. Ava hadn't let anyone know that she was pregnant yet, but she had only just hit three months, so she was sure it could wait a bit longer. She wasn't going to steal this man's thunder for the night. Ava was in a good mood, and was looking forward to a good year. She was sure it would be a much better year than the last year. Ava was almost there when she saw Monty heading out. "Monty! Where are you going? The party has only just started!" Ava exclaimed and grabbed him by the arm, spinning him around and walking him back into the room. "Congratulations Kalif!" Ava smiled, grabbing a glass and joining in on the toast.
"Wh-" Monty began to protest, having only made it two steps from the party when Ava spun him around escorted him straight back in. He couldn't very well leave again now, lest he further add to his steadily growing humiliation, so he resigned to the discomfort and hung around a little way away from the main gathering. It was with held breath that he watched the Charms Professor propose a toast to the party's clearly irritated recipient. The man was obviously out of his mind; and coming from someone who sang his lectures to his class, that was quite saying something. This couldn't end well.
Jonathon promptly signed the card, not bothering to think of some sort of sentimental message to write alongside his name because he knew nothing about Styx and had barely said two words to him during his time as a professor. He handed the card to the next person and nodded at Misha's comment, trying not to make a joke about the likelihood of Styx hating this celebration. Jon assumed it was pretty much given that such a staunch, intimidating guy like Styx would not be happy about the party Misha had organized. He realized his assumption was entirely correct when Styx arrived and the atmosphere of the room immediately changed. Jon wasn't sure if he should yell surprise or lay low and simply join in on the toast without so much as a word. He eventually chose the latter and with a sheepish grin, picked up a glass of juice which he quickly raised into the air so he could take part in the toast.
This was getting to be too much of a headache. This was possibly the worst thing he had ever endured at the school since his twenty years of being here. Kalif finished his tea, and made his cup disappear. The toast was the final straw. Kalif sighed, before shoving his hands into the pockets of his robes, and leaving the common room. Should anyone attempt to stop him will only be met with a glare, and that would be it. Let the others celebrate in his honor. This was only a means to escape his home life and get a break from his wife when she was pissed off. Kalif had known teaching for so long, he could not really adjust if he was not a professor.

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