A Bit Slower Than Normal

Samantha Jacobs

55' grad 🎓 | biggest heart ❤️ olivander's asst.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
24 (06/2037)
Hi all!

Hope you all are having a great day/night wherever you are in the world! I'm just posting a wee notice here to let you all know that I may be a little slow with replies in the next couple of weeks! To my surprise, I got offered a job (A surprise due to the fact of these lockdown conditions)

So I need a wee bit of time to transition from my old job to my new one! I'm actually quite excited about my new job, as I've always wanted this one for a while. The old job wasn't great for my mental health and the hours were odd!

But yeah, I'll be a wee bit slow on replies and once I get the hang of things at my new job, hopefully, I'll be able to get back into things! So please bear with me hehe!

- Maria :wub:
Congrats on the new job, Maria! Take all the time you need to get settled, that's so exciting :p
Congratulations on the new job and best of luck adjusting to your new schedule!
Just going to add a small notice here rather than make a whole new thread, I hope that's okay - but I just wanted to let everyone know that I may be behind on a few threads, work has been super busy during the Christmas time and I get so drained from it after I finish my shift so I end up getting too tired to reply to threads.

I'll eventually reply to them, don't worry! I'll be sure to be up to date with lessons though! So you don't have to worry about that! I hope everyone's day is good! Hopefully, when I've gotten adjusted to everything, I'll eventually be able to reply a lot more like I used to! :D

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