Closed A Familiar Face

Valerius Bianchi

Spoiled- Entitled- Valerius- Too Good For You
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curved 17 Inch Unyielding Birch Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
4/15/2044 (17)
Valerius always settled into school easily. This year was no exception After he'd unpacked his things, had breakfast, and lounged around a bit, he'd decided to go outside and read for a bit. He'd enjoyed it, relaxed for a bit, before he started back to the castle. It was drizzling and he needed to get back inside, but he enjoyed the book he was reading. He was walking back to the castle, his nose still buried in the Nancy Drew novel he was reading. He was moving a little slower, not really paying attention to where he was going.
Dahlia was wandering the courtyard, enjoying the feeling of fresh air. The grounds were huge, only disappointment being that there was nowhere set up for sports that weren't Quidditch. And Dahlia didn't even know how to fly yet. Maybe she'd have to look at getting something going. There was a club fair, though, she'd have to look at what she could do there. Looking around at the architecture, she wasn't paying enough attention and walked straight into someone who was busy reading. "Oh, sorry, are you o- oh, Valerius! Hi!" She greeted cheerfully, giving him a small wave and a smile. At least she had been walking aimlessly enough, if she'd been running she was sure she'd have knocked him over.
Valerius grunted when he ran into someone, dropping his book and immediately holding his hands out to steady whoever he'd knocked into. He blinked, and smiled. "Dahlia, isn't it?" He asked, making sure. He stepped back when he was sure she was steady and looked to the ground, locating his book and picking it back up again. "Sorry, good book." He joked, waving it lightly. "How are you? Are you enjoying the castle?"
Dahlia smiled, stepping back a little to give him space and holding her hands behind her back. "That's me! I'd have been so offended if you'd forgotten," she teased - she probably would've actually been hurt if he had, but she figured she was at least somewhat memorable. And she knew he had a lot on his mind from their conversation on the train, but he had offered to show her around the castle. She'd checked out that first years tour, but this was different. "I am! It's amazing! I thought that the schools back home were huge but this is something else. I feel like a princess," she joked, beaming up at him. Princesses probably didn't have to do full classes with other people who were in the same situation but that wasn't the point. "You were totally right, by the way, Gryffindor," she added, moving her arms to her sides to fan out her robes and show off a little.
Valerius chuckled. "I would never offend a lady," He offered, placing a hand over his heart and bowing his head slightly. He straightened, listening to her speak. He nodded at her words. "I've always gone to private schools, but this would be the only castle I've gone to." He told her. "Well... that's not quite true, I've visited several castles, but this is the only one I've lived in." He corrected himself, nodding. His eyes lowered to her swishing robes, and he chuckled. "What can I say? Red suits you," He teased her gently.
Dahlia raised a hand to her mouth as she giggled, feeling a bit concerned about how she might look. After all, she had to try and be a bit more mature now, as her mother had reminded her. Plus, Valerius was cute, and she wanted him to think well of her. "Oh, same, I went to private schools. The atmosphere of them is like totally thrown off by cars and trams though." The fact that what would've been her high school, surrounded by stately mansions, was also across the road from a convenience store amused her, when compared to the tranquility and isolation of Hogwarts. "I've never even visited a castle, though! Wow." She'd travelled, but mostly domestically with the occasional overseas trip once she and Zinnia had been old enough. "Well, thank you," she said, giving a curtsey. "Blue is a good colour on you." She'd have liked to have been in the same house, but at least she hadn't lost sight of him forever.
Valerius nodded. "There's always a bit of a distinct difference between muggle and wizarding communities. I do wish there was more of a middle ground," He lamented slightly, before sighing. "But thats the world we live in." He motioned for Dahlia to walk with him, offering out his arm for her like a true gentleman would. "We do a bit of travel, we've been to Italy a few times, but we have an Italian heritage, so it may be more of a pilgrimage." He mused. He chuckled at her compliment. "Thank you." He ran a hand through his hair. "We both have a tower, and come out on the top floor. If you ever need help finding anything, just head down the hall until you find the blue students. I'll always come when you need me," He promised her, giving her a lopsided grin.
Dahlia nodded in agreement, eagerly taking the arm offered. Now she really felt like a princess. "I wonder why there isn't," she muttered, not really expecting an answer. He was a little stuck up, but Dahlia didn't mind. It wasn't anything she hadn't seen before, and she could hold her own with the rich kids. Her family weren't the super elite, but they were quite well off. Plus, Valerius was good looking and considerate and obviously smart. Of course Dahlia wanted to be in his good graces. "Wow, what's it like in Italy?" She asked, wanting to know more. She wanted to go to more places around the world, be very cosmopolitan. "I've always wanted to see Milan." Dahlia hoped that made her sound as refined as she thought it did. "I guess I'll call you my knight in shining armour," she joked, beaming up at him. "Or in blue robes."
Valerius smiled, placing his free hand over hers on his arm. "Old prejudices, I suppose," He mused. "Maybe that's something to strive for, when we're grown. Perhaps there could be a smaller school, in a more accessible area, with more of a mix between the worlds. Programs to help muggle borns and their parents." He shook his head. He really had been spending too much time with Aine. "Sorry," He gave Dahlia a smile. "I can be a bit of an optimist," He chuckled.

At her question, he smiled. "It's beautiful. Serene almost, the food is outstanding." He told her, sighing softly. "Father insists on spending a few weeks there a year, sometimes a month if his work is going well." He told her. "I've thought of moving to Italy a few times, but my duties require me to stay." He sighed, but shook his head. "Is there anywhere else you'd like to visit?"

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