Closed A Labyrinth of Corridors

Isadora Novak

✨ Rebellious | Free Spirit | Angry🍀
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2044 (17)
Isadora had been eager to explore the castle the moment she could, but she soon realized that it would be more difficult than she imagined. Her house was pretty big, but it was nothing compared to Hogwarts. How did anyone manage to find their way anywhere? She had been looking for the student lounge for what felt like ages, as she was hoping to meet up with Margo or Cameron there. But all she had managed to do was wander around for ages, passing the same portraits. A few were starting to look at her with something that seemed like pity, but she wasn't going to ask a portrait for help. She wasn't that desperate yet. She thought of Natalia and frowned a little bitterly, if only she had a nice helpful sister who wanted to show her around, instead of one who had ignored her from the moment she had stepped onto the train. That would be a lot more helpful. Isadora scanned the corridor she was in and spotted a boy she recognized from sorting. She was sure he wasn't in Gryffindor, but that didn't matter. "Hey!" Isadora said, approaching the boy quickly. "You're a first year too, right? Can you help me?" She asked, hoping he knew where the student lounge was. She knew asking an older student might be a bit more helpful, but it would also be more embarrassing.
No one had told him how big the castle was. How many corridors and confusing staircases which led to different places there were. He'd only been there a couple of days and already he was feeling quite overwhelmed with it all. At least he had expected to get lost at some point, so when it actually happened he didn't feel all too bad or stupid. (Maybe just a little stupid). But now the problem was trying to work out where he was and how he was going to get back to somewhere he actually recognized. At least he didn't appear to be alone as he hear a voice, turning around to see a girl he somewhat recognized from the sorting ceremony. He softly nodded his head at the first question but paused when she asked for his help. "Help? What sort of help?"
Isadora was glad she hadn't accidentally insulted a short second or third year student when the boy confirmed he was also a first year. Isadora smiled when he didn't immediately dismiss her when she asked for help. "I'm like, super lost." She told him with a sigh. "I signed up for this castle tour at the start of the year, but I don't think it helped at all. Do you know where the student lounge is?" She asked, looking around. "I tried that door, but it was locked. I don't think the student lounge is supposed to be locked during the day." She added.
(Sorry this is a bit late I completely forgot about this thread whoops)

"Oh," was all he offered when the girl happened to mention that she was lost as well. And then she tried to ask for directions and Zagreus swallowed somewhat awkwardly. This was not great given the fact he didn't really know where he was right now, either. "I... um," he couldn't get the words out for a moment, shuffling a foot anxiously against the stone floor, "I'm kind of... lost as well." Probably not the best thing to hear from someone you were asking for directions. "So I don't... know." He had been hoping that she might know the way back, but apparently not. He guessed they were both kind of stuck then if they both happened to be lost.
Isadora saw the boy seemed a bit nervous and wondered if he was shy. She never really understood shy people, but she did her best to be nice to them. So she waited patiently until he finally spoke to her. When he did, Isadora let out a small laugh. "Oh, that's a shame." She told him. "I guess we're in the same boat then." She said with an easy shrug. "We'll find our way eventually. Where did you want to go?" She asked the boy, immediately assuming they would now stick together as they were in the same predicament.
When the girl laughed, at first Zagreus thought that she was laughing at him. He almost went even redder in the face (If that were even possible), but then he realized she wasn't actually laughing at him or making fun of him. It made him feel a little better, not all too much. He still felt pretty embarrassed about being lost like this in the first place. "I hope so," he didn't want to be lost for much longer. But hopefully, with this girl as well they would be able to find their way back to somewhere they recognized. "Oh. I was just trying to find the stairs." At least then he would be able to know where he was and hopefully be on his way to the right place.
Isadora wondered if the boy was feeling okay, he seemed to be pretty red. She would suggest he get checked out at the Hospital Wing if she had any clue where that might be. "We'll figure it out together," Isadora said confidently. She now wanted to help this boy, the idea of asking another student for help had lost its appeal. Now, Isadora wanted to be the hero. "Stairs, I can do stairs." She told him with a nod. "I'm pretty sure they're that way." She said, pointing in a direction. "Let's go, we'll figure out what floor we're on once we're there."
He just hoped this girl was right and they could find the stairs together and not just spend the rest of the day wandering about this corridor completely and utterly lost. At least she seemed to have an idea which direction the stairs were in, his eyes following her point for a moment before he nodded his head. "I think... we are on the fifth floor," he also offered in a soft voice. He seemed to recall heading up to that floor and he hadn't taken any stairs up or down since. So, it would make sense if he was still on the fifth floor. But then again, this was a big castle and he still didn't really know the complete layout, so he could be horribly wrong.
Isadora glanced at the boy when he said he thought they were on the fifth floor. She nodded confidently. "I'm sure you're right." She told him, even though he didn't sound all that sure. "I think the student lounge is on a different floor, maybe the fourth? That would explain why I can't find it." She said, thinking out loud. As they walked in what Isadora hoped was the direction of the stairs, she looked at the boy curiously. "Where did you want to go?" She asked him.
It could turn out that he wasn't right and was actually pretty mixed up. For all he knew they could have ended up on another floor and he hadn't even noticed it. But he wasn't going to voice his concern, instead just trying to focus on where he was going and making sure that he was remembering all the corners they turned, just in case they happened to get even more lost. "I don't remember," he offered honestly as the girl started talking about the student lounge. "But I am just trying to find the stairs so I can get back to my common room."

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