Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
two roses left. Selene was looking forward to having a sit-down. she had been on her feet so much today her legs were getting tired. she probably wouldn't go to the dance. she was looking forward to going to bed and getting some sleep before she spent the night catching up on her homework. she really wanted to write a good essay for professor sword as it was on her favourite topics. since her last delivery Selene had gone down to the great hall and had something to eat before trying to track down the next girl. a gryffindor. after asking at the house table it sounded like the best guess was that she was in the gryffindor common room. she would have to go to the seventh floor and wait for someone to ask them to find her. Selena started climbing the stairs slowly she had been up and down so many times today already. she stopped on the fifth floor and ducked inside the ladies bathroom. she just left the cubical when the door to the bathroom opened and a gryffindor girl came in. although the girl was older and Selene had hardly seen her before selene recognised her from the photo in the yearbook. "Hello, I know this is probably an inconvenient time, and I am happy to wait until you are finished but are you andi forstrom" she asked.
For the first time since she could remember, Andi actually felt free on valentine's day. Without any expectation for Aodhan to send her a rose now that he was out of her life, nor for Rory to send her a rose either since they were barely even friends, she felt happy rather than weighed down and brooding as she felt in previous years. She even wanted to go to the dance alone for fun and didn't feel the pressure to wear heels so her feet wouldn't hurt by the end of the night. Before all of this however, Andi needed to take a short trip to the bathroom to tie up her hair, which had gotten significantly more messy over the course of the day. She cursed under her breath at what a mission it would be to brush it all later, and paused at one of the sinks, eyeing her reflection as she pulled her hair into a ponytail. In this process a younger girl approached her, and Andi turned to look at her, surprised. "I'm Andi, and it's alright I was just fixing my hair. Do you have a rose or something?" She asked, a little bewildered that someone might have sent her a rose by choice. Hopefully it would be from Signy and she wouldn't need to think too much about it.​
Selene realised that the girl wasn't in the bathroom to use the bathroom, she was there to use the mirror. the girl seemed pretty intent on the mirror. at least until She thought that Selene might have a rose for her. "I do, it is a pink one too" she said. most of the roses for delivery were yellow which made it special when someone had a pink or red one. here it is"[/b] she said. making sure that it was the right pink rose she was giving the girl. at the moment there were four roses in her basket, two pink and two yellow. the yellow ones were ones she had received and the pink ones were the last two deliveries. she made sure that the rose had the right note attacked before handing it to the girl.

I like you, even if you hate me. Valentines with me?

When the girl said the rose was pink, Andi raised an eyebrow and accepted the flower curiously. She had not expected Rory to send her anything but had to admit when she read the note and learned it was indeed from him she was pleased that he thought to send her one. What was written was simple and to the point as well, which meant she wouldn't need to ponder over what Rory really meant. Even if she did not want to be his date officially again she would definitely meet up with him at the dance, at least to chat to him for part of the night. Andi folded the note, and looked over to the girl again. "Thanks, have a good day alright." She said.​
Selene was glad that the girl seemed happy for the rose. she wondered who it had been sent by. but she was not brave enough to ask. she smiled at the girl. "have a happy valentines day" she said before leaving the room.

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