Closed A Search for Thread

Rosie Archer

kind; princess of flowers; accio! photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (17)
Rosie's mood had lifted while spending time with Abby in the common room. It had been easy to decide that the other girl should be her best friend. But this would help them cement it properly. So now, despite the fact it was getting close to the curfew, she was holding open the door to the arts room and glanced back to where Abby was just a few steps behind her. She let the other girl go into the room first and then followed her inside. Rosie hadn't spent too much time in this room. She just didn't pay that much attention to this room. She glanced about before looking to Abby. ”So…where do you think we might find thread?” Rosie asked. It was a busy room, had musical instruments, and arts equipment. It would be somewhere but easy to search if they knew exactly where they were going.
In all honesty, Abby didn't think this sort of thing would happen to her. She was glad that she had found a friend, a best friend like Rosie. She also really liked the idea that they were going to make friendship bracelets, but they needed some thread first before they could get started on making the friendship bracelets. She followed quickly behind Rosie as they made their way toward the art room. As Abby entered the arts room, she looked around the place for a bit, trying to remember the area for a bit. "I think it might be with the fabrics and stuff over there," Abby said softly, as she pointed to the small fabric area and made her way towards the area.
Rosie glanced at Abby and then glanced towards the fabrics that she was pointing to. Rosie moved over to the area, and then glanced back excitedly, Abby. She began looking at them, trying to find ones of the right colours and thickness. ”I didn't realise there was so much in this room,” Rosie admitted, she'd never spent that much time here and hadn't ever given the room itself too much thought. But perhaps she'd written it off a bit, and she should be spending some time in this place.
Abby smiled and nodded excitedly. "Oh yeah, there's so much different stuff here. Even after spending so much time here, there's always something in the room that I never knew was there before" Abby says softly with a small smile and shrugs. The endless things that the art room had, had always amazed Abby. She looked at the different threads that she could see. "What colours did you wanna do? Did you have a favourite colour?"
Rosie agreed excitedly with Abby about how much there was, and how much variety there was to the stuff. She started pulling out a few threads, thinking she liked the look of them. She examined one of the threads and then glanced back at Abby. ”I do love reds and pinks,” she said, ”Red is probably my favourite colour, and not just because we're Gryffindor,” she liked red more now than she had before, having been surrounded with it. ”What about you? What colours do you want? Which are the favourite?”
Abby nodded. "Reds and pinks are cool colours. They go well together" Abby says with a small smile and nod, as she looked at all the different coloured threads that were in front of her. She smiled a little. "Purple is my favourite colour," Abby says softly with a small smile. She was enjoying Rosie's company as well as getting to know her a little better. "Maybe we could have both of our favourite colours on the bracelets?" Abby suggested softly, though she wasn't sure if that was a good suggestion or not.
Rosie nodded eagerly in agreement, she very wholeheartedly believed that reds and pinks went well together. She nodded as Abby said her favourite was purple, and agreed it would be nice to have all the colours together, swirling together in a bracelet. ”That'll look so pretty!” she was immediately trying to find good, red, pink, and purple thread that they could use for the bracelets. ”What about this red,” she held up a thread, it was a pleasant colour, and she linked it, but they were making this together, Abby had to like it too.
(Omg, I've completely forgotten about this thread, that is my bad!!)

Abby smiled shyly when Rosie agreed with the idea. She also thought that it would be pretty together. She wasn't the greatest when it came to making bracelets so she had hoped that Rosie was happy to teach her how to make it. She wasn't sure how long left it was until curfew but she had hoped that it wasn't close to time just yet. Abby continued to look at the different threads that they could possibly use and looked up when Rosie offered a colour. "Oh! That'll be perfect! That's cute" Abby says with a nod and a small giggle.
Rosie was quite excited with what both she and Abby could do together with these threads, it would be nice to have another friendship bracelet with a good friend. She had picked out her own colour and was when Abby seemed to agree with it. ”We probably just need a couple more threads, and then we can tie them all together!” Rosie said excitedly. She thought it was going to be so fun to do this and by the threads they'd already found, pretty too.
Abby nodded at Rosie's comment and smiled shyly. She was excited that she was able to make the friendship bracelets. The Gryffindor continued to look at the threads before she found a purple that she liked. It looked like it would patch well with the colour that Rosie had picked. "What do you think about this purple?" Abby asked shyly, as she held up the purple thread.
Rosie glanced at the purple thread which Abby had picked out and nodded eagerly. "Yes!" she said with an excited tone. She had all of the thread together and was making sure there was enough of it for two bracelets. She halfed the ones she had with a small pair of scissors next to the threads and handed it to Abby. "I'm just going to do a simple braid," she was looking for a spot where they could sit in this room and make them.
Abby smiled proudly when Rosie gave the okay to the colour. She was proud of herself. Abby watched as Rosie did what she had to do. She then nodded as Rosie explained that she was going to braid them. Though she frowned a little as she realised she wasn't that good at braiding. "Would you be able to teach me?"
Rosie had started on hers as soon as she could and then glanced at Abby as she asked. Rosie had learned because Aurora had wanted to learn and their mother had been more than happy to show them. She nodded. "Sure," she adjusted how she was sitting to be able to show Abby the steps. She went over it slowly, glancing up at Abby every so often as she spoke but really it wasn't all that complicated and once started it became even easier. "Think you've got it?"

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