Bi Weekly Update

Stefan Archer

head librarian
OOC First Name
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Welcome one and all to another BWU! We've a number of things to talk about so I'm just gonna jump right in

New Semester
As of today we are officially in day one of semester 2! The site has been moved to semester two, and this is week 1. Be sure with characters in third year and above to register for your classes. If not you won't be able to get grades or be notified of lessons as they are being posted. If you have issues using the gradebook, reach out to any of the site staff who'll be able to lend a hand.

Welcome New Professors
As well as the new semester starting we have to welcome new professors, the first is Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe, Camilla, who will be taking over History of Magic years 1-4 and Professor Charlie Abberline, Steven, who will be temping the upper years of transfiguration for this semester. Welcome to both of you! And to all our professors welcome back! Thank you so much for all the work that you have done and will do in this IC year. We know it's a lot of work and responsibilty and appreciate every one of our professors.

Head Person
On that note of professors and responsbilities, we have opened up the head person app. This is a position with more responsibility, and if you think this is something that you would like to do then head on over to this app and fill it out. The position can be held by someone who is currently teaching at the school, but wouldn't in theory need to be.

Holiday Areas
Holiday areas will close midweek - wrap up those remaining threads before it's too late.

IC supers
We've just wrapped up some OOC supers, and now it's time for the IC ones. Head on over to here, where you'll be able to find all of the information and get nominating, these will be open for a couple of weeks but be sure to get nominations in before it's too late.

As we head into semester two, know that the yearbook pages will be closing soon, so be sure to post your character's pictures before its too late!

Birthday Celebrations Wrapped Up
We've now wrapped up all of the birthday celebrations, with the last couple having wrapped up recently. You can read the thrilling conclusion of the Hunger games over here, and if you haven't already get a look at the OOC supers here. I'd like to take a moment now to thank everyone for participating and contributing to the birthday celebrations, and to the GMs for all the work they put into it over the month and prior.

Shop Keeper App
This is the last call for the shop keeper app that we have open. Head on over here for it, but do it quickly as this will close very very soon.

Voting for MOM
At long last! The polls are open, here are the instructions on how to vote:
And here are the three debates that our candidates participated in: Debate 1 , Debate 2 , Debate 3

As we head towards the conclusion of the election season, I wanted to extend my thanks to all of the candidates for all the work they've put in during the campaign, to all those who hosted a debate and to Cyndi, all of the work put in over the last months from all the people involved has been greatly appreciated and I for one cannot wait to see what the conclusion will be!

  • Definitely not a date - Two boys on a night out at a German Christmas festival. Anything could happen but it definitely is NOT a date.
  • A very Cullen Christmas - After the events in Germany Casper is unsure where he stands with linden and asks for advice from an unlikely ally.

  • Classes?!
  • Valentines ball
  • The results of the Election

And that's it!

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Thank you Emzies for the update!!! Can't wait to see the election results :frantics:

Congrats Camilla and Steven on the professor positions!! :party: :hug:
Thanks for posting Emzies!
Thanks for the update Emzies! Very excited to see how the election shakes out 👀

It's time for some new news, so we're archiving this to get it out of the way.

Please make sure to check out the news and updates section for the most up to date site news. If you have any questions about this piece of news, please reach out to an administrator.

~The HNZ Site Staff

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