Open Elite Sisterhood Recruitment

Celia Vuong

all the world's a stage
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 11.5'' Sturdy Elm Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
((Open after Rowan posts with Jenna Irons))

Starting a club had been a little more difficult than Celia had anticipated. It had been almost a year since she and Jenna had first come up with the idea of founding their own sorority, one that actually had standards. During that time, they had started identifying potential members, drawing first from their own circles, and then holding a round of interviews for interested girls. They were on track to hold their inaugural meeting this semester, but first, they needed to do some last minute recruitment.

Only recognized clubs were allowed at the Club Fair, so they had done the next best thing, setting up a table just inside the castle, next to one of the exits that led to the Courtyard. It was probably better this way, Celia decided, since they wouldn't have to sit out in the cold but would still be able to catch all the students heading to and from the fair. Leaning against the table, which had been covered with a deep purple velvet fabric, was a large cardboard "E" and "S," both of which had been spray-painted gold. Their nameplates sat on top, along with a vase of fresh flowers and an assortment of silk scrunchies neatly arranged in rows. Celia had scoped out the Heta Omega table at the beginning of the fair, and she thought their scrunchies made for much better offerings than childish friendship bracelets.

And of course, in the center of the table lay a gold quill and a sign-up sheet. However, this wasn't a sign-up sheet to join the sorority, but rather a sign-up sheet to express interest in joining the sorority. The whole point of the Elite Sisterhood was that each member would be carefully vetted, and the majority of the girls who signed up today would likely never hear from Celia and Jenna again. Only the worthy would be invited to officially apply. It was extra work — both for the potential new members and for Celia and Jenna — but the goal was to create a sisterhood that led to lifelong friendships. And didn't genuine friendship always take a little extra work?
Jenna was in her element, and ready to rock this. After years of disappointment in Heta Omega leadership, the time had come to take matters into her own hands, with a group of girls hand-chosen to reflect the best of what Hogwarts had to offer. While they had come up with the idea together, she was pleased that Celia recognised her place as second-in-command, and to reinforce that she had left the younger girl to do most of the work for today.

Fashionably late was the best way to arrive, after all. Jenna smiled cheerfully as she joined Celia at a stall almost entirely arranged already, clapping her hands together in joy. "Oh my godddd, it's so cute!" She squealed, looking the stall up and down. The scrunchies were a little tacky, but having something to give out would give them an advantage, and Jenna didn't have enough samples of her mum's products to hand out if the stall got too popular. Not that she wanted any losers who might approach the table to get their hand s on her moisturiser secrets, anyway.

She settled in behind the table with a smug smile, surveying the line of losers beginning to trickle in to the main club fair. Anyone lame enough to miss such a cool stall was no big loss anyway, and it would make it much easier to weed out anyone unsuited for the sisterhood. "This is gonna be so much fun!" She said brightly, rubbing her hands together and waiting for any prospective new sisters to try and meet their standards.
Sloane was happy with the clubs she'd signed up to, they seemed to have a good range of interested and covered a lot of topics that she believed would be interesting to her. On her way back from the club fair, she spotted another stall that seemed apart from the others, almost as though they were hiding, with two girls stood around. "Is this another club?" Sloane asked, intrigued, not wanting to miss out on finding out what the school had to offer, even if she didn't go ahead and take every route shown to her.
Jenna had barely arrived when a young girl approached the table. She looked her up and down, giving the most insincere smile she could muster. "Ooooh, sorry. We don't take Ravenclaws." She said with a tilt of her head, certain that Celia would back her up on this spur of the moment call. The last thing they needed was nerds trying to turn their elite group into a study group. Gross. "You might have more fun in Heta Omega, I think they take girls like you." She smiled, tilting her head and raising one hand, fingers curling twice in a quick wave. "Bye bye, now."
Sloane looked up as one of the girls started talking to her, something about her house meant that she couldn't join. "How.. how do you know I'm in Ravenclaw?" she gave a small chuckle under her breath, a little confused. It wasn't as though she was wearing her robes, and besides, it wasn't as though Ravenclaw's couldn't do anything the other houses could. "Oh, yes I already joined Heta Omega, they seem nice" she smiled and nodded at the two students. "What kind of girls are you looking for?" Sloane asked out of curiosity. Sure, maybe they didn't want her, but she wondered what kind of club would only take specific people.
Yuelia had only been interested in joining the duelling club, hoping to learn more spells sooner. Everything else was too...bright, too overwhelming. A little garish, even. Even though she had a lace trimmed black ribbon on her hair, so she wasn't exactly the picture of fashion. She liked to think she at least had an eye for beauty.

The stall outside with two glamourous looking older students caught her eye though, and she carefully approached their table, admiring the cute scrunchies. "What is this club?" She asked, her voice soft and only just loud enough to be heard over the clamour.
A younger student approached the table, and Celia gave her a once-over. She didn't see any immediate red flags and was about to greet the girl when Jenna beat her to it. Surprise flashed across Celia's face before she managed to compose herself. Since when had they decided not to take Ravenclaws? If they were going to ban any house, Celia would have rather it be Gryffindor. They were by far the most obnoxious. She assumed, then, that Jenna knew something about this girl, and the Ravenclaw thing was an excuse to get rid of her. She'd just have to get filled in on the gossip later.

Celia couldn't help but smirk a little at Jenna's comment about Heta Omega. "We're looking for girls who would fit in with our membership," she said airily, perfectly aware that it wasn't much of an answer. But it was also the truth. To build a true sisterhood, you needed girls who liked each other, who wanted to be friends. Jenna obviously didn't like this girl, which meant she was automatically ineligible to join.

Another girl joined them at the table, and Celia took a second to study her outfit. It definitely wasn't trendy, but it was different, and as someone who loved fashion, Celia could appreciate anyone who took risks and tried to do something interesting (provided they didn't look absolutely ridiculous). The question, of course, was whether this girl was genuinely trying something experimental or if she was a weirdo who didn't know how to dress herself. "A sorority. What house are you in?" she asked, mostly for the Ravenclaw's benefit in case she was still listening. "And what are you wearing?" she asked, aiming for a tone that while not outright judgmental, still had a slight edge. She wanted to see how the girl defended her choice in outfit.
Valeria had gone to the club fair, just to consider if she loved her options for it. It was fun, and Val really enjoyed it, but Valeria could always be doing more. She had wondered away from it and spotted two girls sat at a table, clearly being a club but not official. It made her curious, Valeria was always willing to explore some of Hogwart's other things. She could spot that one of the girls was a slytherin beater and in her year, and the other she didn't know as much. She was perhaps older, but not by much. They'd already rejected one girl and the one she knew, Celia was questioning the other. Val wasn't sure if she should approach, she didn't know either girl, but she was insatiably curious. She liked to think she looked cute, wearing a pretty dress, her hair was looking good, she'd taken great care to make sure it was shiny. "Hey girls, I didn't know there was another club," she reached out to the scrunchies, "Oooh silk, I try to only use silk scrunchies," She wasn't sure what sort of club these girls were running but they certainly knew what was good for hair.
((SORRY university is pain))

Yuelia quickly realized that there was some sort of exclusivity with this club, which obviously meant that only the best of the best could join. And if she wanted to be the best, she'd have to find the best to look up to, which was obviously these two girls, both of whom were incredibly cool and fashionable looking. She quickly decided that they were exactly who she needed to try and emulate, as the bright colours and loud decor of what was inside the hall was not to her liking at all. "Slytherin," she answered, quietly, hoping that that was more acceptable to them than Ravenclaw.

She knew her outfit was a little old fashioned, and shrugged lightly as she smoothed her ribbon once again. "I wanted to look like a doll," she explained. "Though now I am here there is a lot of good fashion to try. And a lot of things to avoid." She looked back towards the fair, as though to illustrate the point.
Sloane was definitely getting the impression that these girls were of a different… league to her. As the company just kept coming, she couldn’t help but stifle a snigger under her breath. Clearly they thought that their group was more important that the Heta Omega, which Sloane had already passed by and thought was very inclusive, but Sloane couldn’t tell what made this fake club so much better. As far as she could tell, it was a group made just for the Slytherins so that they didn’t have to face up and admit accountability for their bullying. Well, all the more luck to them. She caught sight of a student in her own year referring to the others as someone to ”avoid”, and then Ravenclaw made no effort to hide the roll of her eyes. She couldn’t agree more. “Well, clearly you have more than enough attention to need me around so, good luck!“ She forced a smile at the older girls, heading off and down the corridor before anyone else could say something to her.
Slytherin. That was a good start. Celia didn't really care about the houses — there were idiots in every house — but at least she didn't have to worry about automatically rejecting the girl in case the Ravenclaw was still listening. She did frown slightly at the girl's explanation for her outfit. "Why would you want to look like a doll?" she asked a little disdainfully. Anyone who was playing with dolls past the age of eight was definitely not mature enough for the sorority. The girl did seem to recognize that she may have made a misstep, and Celia had to fight back a smirk at the girl's little dig at the club fair. There was certainly promise here. "Write your name, year, and house here," she said, tapping the sign-up sheet. "I'm Celia, by the way. We'll be in touch if we decide to interview you for a spot. And feel free to take a scrunchie." It hadn't escaped her notice how the girl had admired them.

Valeria approached the table, and Celia smiled at her, but not before glancing around subtly to make sure the younger Ravenclaw was gone. Celia didn't know much about the transfer, but she'd gathered enough to know that Valeria could potentially be a good fit. The only potential red flag was that Celia was pretty sure the girl was friends with Louis. Hopefully she wasn't as annoying as him. "Here, take one," she offered, glad that people seemed to like the scrunchies. "We've started a new sorority," Celia explained. "We're trying to keep it pretty small so that it's not as impersonal as Heta. We'll also be more active than Heta. If you want to apply, you can put your info down here," she said, gesturing at the sheet.

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