Closed Flower Arrangements

Archie Renner

🦁 Gryffindor | Father 🌈
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Planning his own wedding while in the midst of continuing the search for his biological father felt like stepping between two different worlds. One world where he was emotionally drained, with a pit of worry and dread in his chest that they would find his father and similarly like the meeting with his mother, he would leave with a broken heart, and the other a world where he was with the love of his life and planning to spend of course, the rest of his life with him. The back and forth had almost given Archie whiplash, although it was never long after returning to the world of wedding planning before he felt his worries dissolve into a sense of love and happiness, and in that sense of love and happiness was where he found himself that day as he and Asher browsed through a large flower shop, taking in the sights and smells of each flower and considering how they paired together in colour and size so they could decide on the florals for their wedding.

Archie had taken a petal or two from each of the flowers they liked, placing them in the basket hanging from his arm so he could add them to their mood board later. They had decided in some way they wanted roses, however predictably he was spoiled by choice as there was a seemingly infinite selection of roses, in colour and size and price. If browsing the flowers and smelling so many of them wasn't so fun, Archie would have found himself in a similar amount of indecisiveness and confusion as he did whenever he continued the search for his father, but thankfully he was able to focus on what made him happy and retain his feelings of contentedness as he walked alongside Asher. "I like all of them, but there are too many pink ones to choose." Archie's mood board had shades of dusty pink, cream and white to pair with dark mauve and black, a colour combination of his and Asher's aesthetics. The issue was, 'dusty pink' was a vague image of a colour that could appear in so many forms, almost too many for that flower shop alone. "I don't know if I want it to be more salmon or more purple." Archie commented as he paused by a shelf of yellow roses. Yellow wasn't in their colour palette however he couldn't help but stop to smell them, just because. "What kind of pink do you like more?" He asked Asher, wondering if his fiance had any thoughts on the matter or if he would be alone in the spectrum of pink he had caught himself in.​
Of all the things Asher had thought he'd do in life, letting himself be dragged around for a whole ton of wedding planning wasn't one of them. But he had to admit he was enjoying it. Though he may just be biased- anything he did with Archie was amazing. He was trying to be involved, even if he didn't really know anything about these sorts of things. He just let Archie guide him, trying to steal the blonds hand anytime he saw the opportunity to do so. "I like the ones that are more purple," He offered easily, though he was drawn into the yellow roses as well. A thought hit him, and he leant in a bit, trying to lean against Archie. "Archie baby, I've had a little bit of a thought," He mused, studying the rose. "Could we have a splash of yellow somewhere?" He asked. "I know it's not in the colors we agreed on, I just- you're my sunshine, it just feels like it might be appropriate if we had a splash of it somewhere," He gave his fiance an uncharacteristaclly shy smile.
Of the pair of himself and Asher, Archie entirely understood and accepted he was not the creative one. He had never been able to picture something before it was completed and in his characteristic impatience, was also not able to take time to create when he wanted to get projects completed as quickly as possible. Planning his wedding to Asher had therefore been surprising in its ease as Archie had both imagined a theme for their wedding in its entirety and had begun to cultivate the image into reality. He noticed that wedding planning had unlocked a newfound sense of creativity in himself he had never noticed before. For he first time he had ideas, real images and ideas of how to mesh both his and Asher's auras and personalities together in their wedding to represent their lives being intertwined for eternity, and he was finding himself actually able to work towards turning them from a simple thought and theme and into an entire wedding day. He found it was not only a new experience for him as well, but also entirely fun, something he was happy to do alongside Asher to begin the rest of their lives together.

Archie nodded when Asher suggested he preferred more purple based pinks, and looked to the basket on his arm to note down which of the petals that fitted this idea before he looked to Asher again at the man's suggestion they add yellow into their mix of colours. In his newly discovered creativity and the image he had for their wedding, Yellow didn't entirely fit in but Archie also wasn't against the idea, or more so finding a compromise to include the idea without it clashing with the rest of the colours they had chosen. "What about gold and glittery instead of yellow? To me sunshine is golden?" Archie suggested softly, thinking this would be a suitable compromise that would fit their colour scheme, while also including Asher's idea of having something yellow based in their wedding.​
Asher considered what Archie was saying, looking at his fiancee with a warm smile. "I mean, you do look amazing in glitter," He offered, reaching out with the intention of brushing Archie's hair back. "I think some gold glitter somewhere would be enough for me," He agreed. "I want this wedding to be everything you've ever dreamed of, Archie baby. Whatever you decide on, whatever you want, I know it will be beautiful- the photographer can get so many amazing photos for us to look back on, and you can show me everything," He smiled impishly. "I'm not sure how much I'll notice, when I know I won't be able to keep my eyes off of you." He murmured, his heart warm and love filling his voice.
Archie loved that Asher was able to contribute to this, if not only by saying a simple yes or a no but also suggesting his own ideas. It was almost as if they were entirely in love and entirely able to work together to plan their wedding to show their love and the love they wanted to keep for the rest of their lives. Asher caring as much about their wedding as he did showed Archie that they were in the same heart and mind and it was everything he could have hoped for. "You're right, I do." Archie laughed softly as responded to Asher's comment he looked great in glitter, as if he didn't know this already. It was then Archie felt a light bulb switch on in his mind and he stepped back slightly from the flowers in front of him. "Oh, I know! What if-" Archie's brows furrowed in thought as he blinked a few times in an effort to remember the word for what he was thinking about. "The um, the things are gold." He added, snapping his fingers as he tried to remember the word. When this failed he tried to mimic the action of tapping a fork against a champagne glass to announce a toast, hoping this would help Asher understand what he meant. "You know what I mean?" Archie asked, looking to Asher and hoping the other man could fill in the blanks for him as he felt like the capacity of his brain was currently occupied by flower choices, with little room for much else.​
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Asher slowed, turning more towards Archie and waiting patiently, enjoying the expressions shifting across Archie's face. He didn't mind waiting for Archie to speak, too enraptured with the thoughts he could see going over the mans face. He chuckled softly eventually as Archie finished speaking. He smiled. "Flatware?" He offered gently, and considered the option. "Maybe not a solid gold... it might be a bit overwhelming... but it might look really amazing if you get a silver with the right gold accents?" He suggested slowly. "Or a gold floral design, I'm sure I can find someone who'd be willing to do it," He offered, giving Archie a warm smile and offering out his hand. "What do you think, sunshine?"
Archie had been so lost in his attempt to search for the word he couldn't put his finger on, that when Asher suggested the exact word he had been missing he practically lit up as his mind connected the dots. "Yeah! The forks and spoons and stuff." He exclaimed, smiling wide as he listened to Asher's suggestion the tableware be both a mix of silver and gold. Archie had thought gold would be fitting for the rims of their plates and champagne glasses at least, and maybe not as overwhelming on the eyes if the gold they chose was subtle. That was if any semblance of subtle gold existed; if gold and subtle weren't separate parts of a dichotomy in most ways. Silver at gold were at least a dichotomy Archie could recognize, one he thought might be a bit overwhelming with the rest of their colour scheme. "Maybe it would be nicer if we chose a gold that matched instead of silver, and like, the champagne glasses only have the part your mouth goes on as gold, and like the edge of the plates, and forks so the glass and like pottery stuff breaks it up?" Archie suggested, trying to explain the idea in his mind to the best of his ability. He couldn't help but think it would be easier to explain if he had the example right in front of him, but hoped Asher would understand what he meant. Combining opposites was the idea Archie had for their wedding aesthetic, the pairing of the sun and moon and day and night, but he couldn't help but think that pairing silver and gold while on theme might distract from the other colours they had chosen.​
Ashers heart warmed as Archie's face lit up. He smiled softly, knowing he was staring and not really minding. "You're beautiful," He murmured, reaching up and trying to brush his thumb over Archie's cheek. "I think that makes sense. Perhaps a soft gold with a subtle glitter that catches the light," He agreed. "We could even use a bit of ribbon in some decorations somewhere to give a nice little accent. What do you think?" He offered, trying to encourage Archie to keep going, to tell him more about his visions. "I love the way you light up when you're thinking of all of this," He told Archie, his hand dropping down to try and slip into Archie's.
Archie was still caught in his ideas, caught up as he was caught in his mind attempting to envision the gold, glittery edges to the plates and champagne glasses and how this would contrast to the otherwise cooler tones of their wedding. He was never the most imaginative and did find it difficult to piece together an image in his mind. The wedding planning had been making this easier over time, but the fact remained he simply wasn't a natural at such things like Asher was. He couldn't always envision an idea or image before it was completed and though in planning their wedding he felt he was experiencing true creativity for the first time, he still was hitting road blocks and hurdles on the journey that would only end with their wedding day. He worried he would indeed worry over the wedding until the day was finally over and that nothing would feel like it was fully planned or complete until there was nothing further to plan. Until their months of preparation for that fateful day finally drew the conclusion in their matrimony.

He had lost himself in thought for a moment until the familiar warmth of Asher's hand on his face brought him back to reality, his eyes moving from a spot on the stone floor he had been staring at and to his fiance as the man said he was beautiful. He couldn't help but feel his face flush, the comment causing him to blush as he smiled and remembered he was still in the middle of a flower shop with the man he loved. "Thank you." He said softly, his gaze then moving to the basket hanging from his forearm as he considered Asher's suggestion of gold ribbon, trying to imagine how this would work with their various rose petals. "I think that would work, we could have the flower bunches tied together with ribbons, so the gold isn't just in the forks and stuff." He agreed, looking back to Asher and allowing Asher's hand to intertwine with his own. "Should we keep looking for flowers, then?" Archie asked, ready to move forward with the day and spent the rest of the afternoon searching for the perfect flowers for their wedding.​
Asher enjoyed watching Archie's face- the way his lips curled around words, the way the blush colored his cheeks, and the little crinkle he got between his eyebrows when they furrowed as Archie thought. He chuckled, resisting the urge to kiss him again, instead just nodding and falling back against Archie's side. "Would you like to hold hands or could I have my arm around your shoulders?" He offered, thinking the arm would give Archie more room to move as he needed to look at things. He had to admit he was enjoying this, enjoying all of the flowers and the planning and mostly just watching how cute Archie's face was when he was so focused, so lost in thought. "I love you, Archie baby," He added on a whim, sincerity in his tone and voice low.

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