Future Plans

Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Evelyn had a idea or something like a wish and she had to be with Hogwarts Monthly so that was where she was going too. In her first year she was one of the best looking couple of the Yule Ball writed the Hogwarts Monthly. Evelyn was wondering when Lucas started to like her more than his friend and wanted to speak with hem pretty soon. The fact he had spent lot of time with Merrill over the summer bothered her a bit. Merrill was nice and also one of her roommates but since Evelyn had told Lucas she didn't liked him the way he did to her things were different. Evelyn was more drawn too Noah and Lucas to Merrill and she was fine with him making more friends, because he was pretty busy with Aaron and herself over the past years. But they were at least a good looking couple, as she not really liked the word. They were just friends as a couple and sure they looked good together she agreed but Lucas was one of her best friends and she was used to the attention she got from him. And now Merrill got it so was it jealous feelings she had? Evelyn didn't know but what she did know was that she wanted to move on with her dreams and popularity around the school. She wanted to look for more partners or social contacts as her father said it.

When the blonde arrived at the place where she heard could find some boy named Lennon and he would be the person she was looking for. Evelyn wanted to do something like writing some Fashion story's or do some make-overs or just to be a model for the Hogwarts Monthly to be the face of it. Evelyn had so many things she wanted and hoped Lennon could help her with her dreams. Perhaps not everything was possible, but he sure had something for her the girl thought. She was good in making a point so that was she about to do. She waited and looked for a older boy as she saw students passing by.
Ever since Lennon had been made editor of the school paper he spent a lot of his time in the newsroom. He liked the busyness of the position and he liked that it allowed him the opportunity to work on his photography skills a little more, even if he wasn't too confident just yet because he wanted more practice. As he walked through the corridor towards the newsroom he entered and saw a girl standing there looking around. It seemed like she knew what she was there for, not simply lost, so Lennon paused by her and said, "Hi. Did you need something?" He recognized her vaguely from being in the paper before but he didn't know what she could want now.
The blonde was happy when she saw a boy coming at her. She knew who he was because she did her research ofcourse. This was Lennon and he worked for the Hogwarts Monthly. She heard he was against Quidditch and was wondering why he was like that, but that wouldn't be her goals right now. She was here for herself and needed him for something she really wanted. The blonde smiled friendly to the boy and threw her blonde curls to the back as she turned around to him. '' Hi! You must be Lennon, am I right?'' Evelyn asked nicely to the boy that was a bit older than she was. He wasn't in her house she knew, but with Rama in Ravenclaw. Evelyn had asked some students which person she needed to talk to and than came to here. '' I'm Evelyn Manning and heard you write for the Hogwarts Monthly. I'm interested to join you and have some idea's, so I was wondering if you would have a moment for me.'' The blonde put her charms into her last smile and hoped he would give her a chance to be a asset for the Hogwarts Monthly.
Lennon smiled and nodded when she asked if it was him though in the back of his mind he worried that she would harass him for his ideals on Quidditch. However, it wasn't that at all. The Ravenclaw smiled brightly once the girl said she wanted to write for the paper and said, "Yeah, sure, I'd love to hear some of your ideas!" As the new editor he felt a little nervous for putting the entire paper together now, she he always appreciated those who had story ideas to cover. "What can I help you with?" he asked, eager to get talking with her.
Evelyn was glad that the boy seemed happy to see her and got more excited of it. She had heard of this boy before especially with his anger or something to Quidditch. But she wasn't here for that, and didn't approved him of doing so. The blonde didn't cared about Quidditch that much, she just liked watching it sometimes. '' Amazing! I really think I can be a acquisition for the paper. I have a few ideas.'' the blonde said confident with a bright smile. '' So I don't know if this can be something for the paper, but what I know is that you take photographs and since I was very young I've been a model for my aunts fashionbrand. If you like we can help eachother perhaps where you can practice your skills and me too for my future?'' The blonde wasn't afraid of saying stuff that she wanted or liked to have achieved.

The fact she would be the face of Hogwarts Monthly was a dream but couldn't be reality she thought, there was a whole group that worked for it and not only she would be perhaps. '' But what I can give you are a few things. The one thing where my passion lies is Fashion, so I would really like to help people with some advise or give some grades for Yule Ball dresses and suits or most beautiful dressed or something like that. Next to that I like to help people become more confident about themselves and clothes can help that but also a good talk, so to give them some advise. This is shortly what I have in mind, but perhaps you can help me with something? '' The blonde was eager to join the paper and it would sure be good to be a part of something. It seemed much fun and Evelyn would love for people to get to know her more this way. '' I would be honored to be a part of your team in any kinda way!'' The blonde explained with a bright smile while throwing her long blonde curls to the back.
Lennon was all ears for the girl's ideas and as soon as she began talking, he was taken aback and rather impressed that she had so much to say. He chuckled because he admired the passion with which she talked so he knew she was very eager and willing to help out in the paper. He was rather surprised when she offered for them to help each other with photography and he smiled at that, nodding his head. Lennon waited until she was finished and exhaled slowly, wondering how to respond to her. "Well, I don't know much about fashion so I wouldn't really know how to guide you in that sense," he ruffled his hair, "but I know it has been a topic covered in the past, so it's not unheard of." He shrugged his shoulders casually and smiled at her. "I think you would be a great fit for the Hogwarts Monthly and we'd love to have you!" he said optimistically.

"It is a bit of work though, but you seem ready," he reassured her. He figured he should give her the password to the newsroom and show her around. As he began to walk towards the newsroom he gestured for her to follow. As they walked he said, "We are still trying to figure out how to integrate photography into the newspaper," recalling the brainstorming session he had had with one of the other interns. "But maybe with your help we can come up with something. I've been really into photography lately," he smiled. He wasn't sure how her modeling and his photography could fit into the paper just yet, but he appreciated her offer to help each other out. Perhaps they would do that in their spare time outside of the newspaper but he didn't know how to suggest it.

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