Closed Hustle for Your Hunger

Celia Vuong

all the world's a stage
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 11.5'' Sturdy Elm Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
While Celia was well aware of the concept of imposter syndrome, she couldn't say she had much experience with it. At Hogwarts, she was surrounded by idiots, and it was hard not to feel superior to her classmates. Things were different at EVELYN, however. All the designers here were incredibly talented, and Celia was acutely aware of her own lack of experience or skill. So far, she hadn't been given many tasks that required actual design skills. She had mostly done administrative tasks, fetching fabrics and taking inventory. But every time Celia put together a mood board of the latest trends or assisted with making a pattern, she felt a nervous twinge in her stomach. It was exhilarating.

Celia's nerves were in full force this morning as she had a meeting scheduled with Evelyn herself. As an intern, she hadn't thought the founder of the entire brand (and modeling agency) would ever bother to meet with her, but it seemed Evelyn Manning was very generous with her time. This could be the most important connection she made during her internship, and Celia was determined not to screw up the opportunity. She'd spent a frankly excessive amount of time on her outfit (and makeup and hair) this morning, trying to craft the perfect fashion-forward but business appropriate look, and was fighting the urge to check her makeup for the umpteenth time when the door to Evelyn's office opened. Her assistant beckoned Celia forward, and she took a deep breath before entering. "Hi Evelyn," she said, smiling warmly as she held out her hand. "It's so nice to meet you. I'm Celia, the fashion design intern."
Evelyn was busy lately but she had good people around her to help with her schedule. She almost had someone for everything. And it was luxuary. But she liked to have some control herself too and know how her day would look like. Her company was doing so well that she recently had opened another office. And it was all full circle that it obviously was in her birthcountry Denmark. And her twin Espen was running it now. Evelyn herself would pay visits every once in a while to Paris, NZ and now Denmark. But today she had started with some coffee and made her way into her chair in her office in Paris today. Evelyn adored Paris and she and Lucas had an appartment there. Evelyn sometimes had to pinch herself, she was living her dream life. And she pictured it and it actually came true.

The blonde looked outside of her window, looking at the eiffel tower from her office. And as she took an sip of her coffee she heard some noices and turned around. Noticing her assistent and the girl she seemed to have an appointment with. Evelyn watched the girl, she had long dark hair. It seemed beautiful. The girl greeted her. It was one of her interns. Since the company was so big atm, she didn't always meet the interns herself. But the talented onces and who seemed to have the courage to make an move came to her. '' Hello Celia.'' The blonde greeted. She walked to her desk and put down her coffee. And shook the hand of the girl. '' Go and have an sit.'' Evelyn pointed at the chair and looked at her assistent. '' Do you want something to drink?'' She asked while looking at Celia with an smile.​
Evelyn's office was just as tastefully decorated as Celia had expected. She took a quick glance around as she took a seat, and while she was careful not to gawk, there was a gleam in her eyes that indicated she was impressed. Celia had of course done her research on EVELYN and its founder before applying for the internship, and it hadn't taken her long to conclude that Evelyn Manning was one of Hogwarts New Zealand's most impressive graduates, having started her company at the age of 20. It was enough to make Celia feel like she was already behind.

"Yes, please. A glass of water would be great," Celia said politely, returning the smile. She needed to be completely focused for this meeting, and water was the safest choice. "You have such a lovely view," she said, gaze flicking over to the large window. Someday, Celia hoped to have her own office with a view of the Eiffel Tower or some other equally iconic structure. "Are you in Paris often?" she asked curiously. She knew the company also offices in several cities, and she wondered if Evelyn had a favorite.
Evelyn knew the girl she would meet was an student at Hogwarts ofcourse, and it made her think back of that time. Time was flying and she was not 20 anymore. Already for eight years she owned this company and it made her feel old in a way. And also think of her future. Evelyn knew she wanted children of her own, but she and Lucas needed to have that talk. Although she knew he wanted children too, but in their busy lifes things needed to be planned. And Evelyn had so many stuff she loved doing and when she would start having children she had to leave her company for an bit. She did knew she would not be an stay at home mother, since she liked working too much and having something for her own. But perhaps her view would all change when she would have children. Or at least when she could, that was always the question too.

The blonde smiled at Celia and looked at her assistent. '' Bring some carafe water please with some lemons.'' she asked her assistent. And as she had closed the door Evelyn went sitting. She hoped the girl would do too, so that they could have an chat. Evelyn her schedule was busy, but she had found time for the girl. '' Thank you. It's beautiful right? I watch the eiffel tower often, but it stays beautiful.'' The blonde said while taking an look at the window. The complete view was amazing. And it was an good place to have her office. Evelyn than looked back at the girl. She seemed not shy at least, asking stuff and Evelyn liked that. '' During the fashion shows here and preparing for that for sure. But I spend a lot of time in the office in New Zealand too, mostly there.'' The blonde explained. But now having recently opened in Denmark too she would sure be going there too. It was her birthcountry and some of her family still lived there. Evelyn than looked at the girl. '' Do you like the internship so far?'' She asked the girl, wondering if the people and mostly her aunt who was taking care of the interns usually would be good to her.​
Celia nodded in appreciation as Evelyn spoke about the Eiffel Tower. She had been in Paris for a couple weeks now and saw the tower every day on her way to and from the office, but she never tired of the sight. Evelyn's explanation of her schedule made sense, and Celia smiled. "A couple of the other designers were talking the other day about all the work that goes into preparing for those shows. It sounds intense but so rewarding," she said, allowing the tiniest bit of wistfulness to creep into her tone. Maybe if she let Evelyn know that she was interested in attending a fashion show, she would be allowed to help the team prepare for the next one.

At Evelyn's question, Celia nodded again. "Oh yes, I'm really enjoying my time here," she said, eyes bright. "Everyone here is so kind, and I've learned a lot. It's been fascinating getting to see some of the behind-the-scenes aspects of the industry," she said with a smile. It was rare that Celia ever issued a genuine compliment; her words were so often laced with sarcasm or irony. But right now, she was being completely sincere. Though Celia loved fashion, she had always viewed it more as a hobby than a true ambition. When she flicked through fashion magazines or sketched out designs at Hogwarts, she sometimes couldn't help but think her time could be used more productively mastering spells or practicing Quidditch. But with this EVELYN internship, she could spend every day focused solely on fashion without feeling guilty. She was having fun.
Putting her hands over eachother she saw her assistent coming back with some drinks. Smiling at her and thanking her shortly as she took an sip of it directly. She usually had to talk a lot during the day so it was good to drink enough. She nodded at what Celia spoke off. It were always stressfull days or even weeks before fashionshows, even the big ones. But the blonde had learned how more relax she was, the better it went. And she got experiance now so it was also not too bad. '' That's very true. When you finally see your idea's on the runway and all complete. It's just the cherry on top.'' The blonde spoke with an smile. The girl did seem to have been informing well. She was also glad the girl liked her time here. And that seemed like her aunt was doing well. Although she wasn't the only one ofcourse. '' Good to hear that Celia.'' Evelyn was glad that she managed to get such an good team around her. And she was confident they all did good. And if there were problems she wanted to hear it, although the blonde could not know of everything ofcourse. That's why she had her directors of the different locations who would lead the employees into that kind of stuff. '' So your an student at Hogwarts right?' Which year now?'' The blonde asked her. Evelyn sometimes wondred how the place now must be, if it was still the same or changed. The clothes sold well in Gladrags especially and in VIBEZ there was also an part that was in the shop. But she wanted to discuss some opportunities for the male collection she was developing too. Perhaps it was good to visit the stores some time herself.​
Evelyn's assistant came by with drinks, and Celia accepted her glass with a gracious smile and quiet, "Thank you." She knew that building a relationship with Evelyn's assistant could be just as important as establishing one with Evelyn herself. After all, it was her assistant who could set up further meetings and possibly connect her with others in the industry. Celia listened attentively as Evelyn spoke about seeing her designs on the runway, a little disappointed that the designer didn't immediately offer to arrange for her to attend a show. Maybe she just had to be more direct. "I'd love to help out with a show if there are any coming up." Celia knew her internship wouldn't overlap with Paris Fashion Week, but hopefully there was a smaller show before then that she could attend. Evelyn seemed pleased with her assessment of the internship so far, and Celia smiled before taking a sip of her water. She nodded at the designer's next question. "Yes, the New Zealand branch," she said just so there wasn't any confusion. "I'll be starting Sixth Year in September." Hopefully "rising Sixth Year" sounded more mature than "recent Fifth Year."
The blonde took an sip of her drink and put it down again and as the girl mentioned she would love to help out the blonde smiled for an moment. The girl was here for an reason ofcourse, and she figured this was one of them. She liked the eagerness of her and thought for an moment. She had to look at the schedule what was the next one coming up. Since she was the only intern right now and was kind of asking to go along the blonde figured it was an good learning process. '' Well I think we can arrange that than.'' Evelyn said as she tried to find her agenda. And than tried to find the first one. '' We have one in two weeks. In Milan.'' The blonde than mentioned as she watched the agenda and than looked at Celia. If she would know all stuff out of her head she was sure gonna miss something. So it was good that people helped her with it, since things were so busy. '' You can come backstage. And we can see if you can help some of the models dressed.'' Evelyn than spoke. Not directly putting the girl directly in it all, but she could experiance it from behind the scenes and help with some stuff. '' Does that sound good to you?'' The blonde than asked her to make sure it was actually which she would like. Celia did went to Hogwarts and the same school she would go to one of her last years. '' Alright.'' She responded with an smile. ''So do people at Hogwarts like the EVELYN collection? I'm curious if the students have feedback.'' Evelyn could perhaps ask the girl to find out. '' I'm getting the new collection soon in stores. Also in Gladrags.'' Evelyn than said to the girl.​
Celia's eyes lit up when Evelyn not only said yes, but actually pulled out her agenda to look for an opportunity. Milan. Another fashion capital of the world. Celia had never been to Italy before, and it was dizzying to think that she would be there in two weeks for a fashion show. This meeting was already going even better than she could have dreamed. "That would be perfect," she said with a dignified smile. "Thank you so much." It took all Celia's willpower not to gush. She would've been happy just prepping gift bags or fetching coffees, but now she was going to be able to work directly with the models. In Milan.

Evelyn's question wasn't surprising — what better way to learn what Hogwarts students thought of the brand than to ask one directly? — but Celia was still flattered that the designer wanted her opinion. "I would say so," she said, nodding her head. "A lot of the older girls, especially those with an interest in fashion, have at least a couple pieces in their wardrobe." It seemed a little immature to say outright that the collection was more sought-after by the cooler, more fashionable girls at school (a group which Celia considered herself a part of), so she hoped this description would suffice instead. "I think the accessories are particularly popular, but that might be because they're easier to find in stores." Celia had noticed that some places, like Vibez, seemed to only carry EVELYN accessories and not actual garments. "It would be great if the collection could be found in more places in Brightstone." The shopping in that village was tragic.

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