🌹 Rose Giving lunch by the lake

Hugo Stark-West

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
11 (12/2046)
hugo made his way out into the grounds. it was a nice day and maybe just maybe one of his remaining deliveries would be outside at least he hoped so. it was getting really hard to track people down with everyone wandering the castle looking for one another. it made him think of what his mama said when he was little. if you are lost its best to stay where you are or go back to somewhere familiar and wait. but of course, even though he knew she was right today was not a day where you would want to be waiting in the entrance hall. from what he had managed to sort out from people he had asked one of the people he needed to deliver to was a fourth-year ravenclaw. and that someone had seen her near the lake. he made his way across the grounds glad for the fresh air he saw a girl near the lake. not sure if it was who he wanted he walked over to her. "Excuse me. were you Kiara Thompson" he asked.

@Kiara Thompson
Kiara had to admit that rose deliveries had been a little tiring. Fun, but tiring. Her break in the common room hadn't exactly been very quiet so she had decided to head outside instead, find a spot without too many students around. She stood close to Avie's Rock, enjoying the peace for a moment untill she had to eventually head back inside and deliver the few roses she had left. Kiara turned around when a voice spoke up, shooting the young boy a small smile. "Yeah, that's me." She nodded, inclined to ask how he knew but realizing he might've just asked around. It was what she had done for two of her rose recipients too.
hugo was glad that the information he had been given was right. "It's a nice spot out here. I will have to bring a book out here one day" he mused. "but not today you are here and i have roses to deliver" he said. "happy valetines" he said as he held out her pink rose and the note that went with it.

I know you won't agree but you definitely are the prettiest and nicest girl ever. I would love to hang out more with you :)

@Gabrielle Sylvie Durand (I think sorry if i tagged the wrong person
"It is." Kiara smiled at the boy, looking around for a second before focussing her attention back on him. She had already been a little surprised anyone would send her a rose in the first place, but even more so when he held out a pink one. "Thanks." She nodded at him a little nervously before opening the note, wondering if perhaps he or someone else had made a mistake. That if she'd open the note she'd find out it wasn't for her. But it was and while it was nothing but nice she was also a tiny bit confused by what it meant. Mostly because the rose was pink rather than yellow.

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