Closed Of Break Ups

Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (16)
Emmanuel was studying, he had plans in a little bit to go patrolling with Marnie, and was looking forward to it. It had been a while, and he was sure that it would be a little awkward but Emmanuel could deal with a little awkward. He was taking the time to just read and revise, waiting until it was time to go to the meeting spot just at the entrance hall.
Marnie had caught herself pacing all afternoon. Every time she tried to refocus on literally anything (namely her OWLs that she knew she should really be studying for), her brain seemed to just spin itself back in a circle and her feet just followed. There was no way she could keep quiet anymore and still patrol with Emmanuel, she was just going to explode if she tried. Penny was so sad and she'd tried to be 'professional' or 'prefect-y' about it all but if she wanted any brain space to actually pass her classes this year, she needed to get this conversation over with before they started patrols tonight.

The thing was, she'd really liked Emmanuel. At the start of the year at least. Now though, after dumping her best friend forever in the whole wild world and stamping on her beautiful, angelic heart, Marnie was struggling to see him as anything other than a villain. Just look at him, she thought as she entered the Hall, spotting Emmanuel at his house table. Just sitting there. There reading. Probably plotting breaking another girl's heart no doubt and researching it. Or something. Yeah.

"Hey," she said stiffly, reaching Emmanuel and crossing her arms before uncrossing them again. "I think we should talk cause if I don't talk about all this my brain is going to explode and I need it to pass my OWLs I'm pretty sure and if I spend another second around you tonight I might end up trying to feed you to the poltergeist and while it might make Penny really happy at first she'll get sad if I get expelled SO I gotta know! Why'd you dump my best friend? Are you allergic to perfect? I know you're not stupid so it's not that so what gives I thought you guys were so cute together and it's killing me hating you but it's my best friend duty. So." Marnie crossed her arms again, pondering stamping her foot too for emphasis before deciding to leave it there. She could save it for later.
Emmanuel looked at Marnie, and braced himself, almost certain she might shove him or something like that, but instead, and somewhat unsurprisingly she just started talking. He caught most of it, but wasn't sure where to come in and explain himself to her - though Emmanuel wasn't sure why he had to. They were best friends, surely, but still. "I just didn't feel the same way for her as she felt for me, and it would've been wrong to string her along," he replied with a little shrug, a nervous expression settling on his features. "Penny is great, she's amazing, but she's just not for me,"
It wasn't like Marnie was expecting Emmanuel to sit there and cackle maniacally or insult Penny, though it would have certainly made it easier to hate him if he had. His calm and reasonable answer was almost even more frustrating however and Marnie did her best to huff as loudly as she could in response without accidentally blowing a snot bubble or something gross.

"She IS great which is why I don't get it do you not like wonderful, considerate, intelligent, organized, sweet, beautiful, and kind girls?" Marnie asked incredulously. "Penny should be for everyone, everyone should have a Penny, I've tried to have her let me clone her before but she got scared I'd mess up the charm which honestly is fair but still my point stands you've got some seriously messed up taste and I hope you know exactly what you're missing out on by walking away," Marnie said hotly, the urge to defend Penny's honour rising again even though Emmanuel hadn't even outright said anything against her. He'd still broken her heart though, and Marnie couldn't let her stand. Should she jinx him too for good measure? It wasn't exactly prefectly of her though but it might cheer Pen up Marnie mused which kinda made it worth it. Marnie fingered her wand, deciding to give Emmanuel a chance, to grovel or something she guessed before resorting to that.
Emmanuel wasn't sure how much his claims would help Marnie feel less angry with him. He didn't think they had helped much given how she spoke. All of the things which she was saying were true, that Penny was great but really just not for him. He let Marnie speak, finding no in road to reply until she was done. "I know exactly what I am missing by walking away," Emmanuel replied, hoping it would appease Marnie. "Penny deserves better than me," he added, and took a moment to try and draw his words together see if he couldn't help this. "You're a good friend, Marnie,"
Marnie let out a huff, feeling herself deflating. She was never very good at holding grudges, it was hard for her to even remember sometimes that she was supposed to be mad, but she'd been willing to work overtime to hold one against Emmanuel. "You're making it really hard to stay angry at you know," she said defeatedly, dropping into the seat next to him and slumping her arms across the tabletop. "She does deserve better than you but she really liked you so much I wish it could have worked out and as stated I just don't get it it's all so stupid and I'm still upset with you but I guess I won't turn all your bookmarks into snakes or whatever I hadn't decided yet but it would have been very justified and satisfying revenge appropriate of a best friend I promise," she sighed, resting her chin her hand. At least this should make patrolling with Emmanuel slightly easier. "If anyone asks I'm still mad at you and 100% on Penny's side by the way but at least know I know you know you messed up or whatever even if you're not going to fix it though I'd tell her not to take you back if you tried anyway," she said, pausing for a moment to let the frustrated feelings go so they could maybe both relax. "...So what're you reading?"
Emmanuel was pretty pleased that he seemed to have managed a lot of Marnie's anger. He knew that her frustration with him was perfectly valid, but he didn't want it going on longer than it needed to. Or affect their ability to either patrol together or hang out. He reached into his book and took out the bookmark he had and slide it over to her. "If you change your mind, and want to turn it into a snake," he said. "Just a history book, though one for the History OWL," he said, with an almost disappointed tone.

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