Professor Friendship

Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
After delivering a rose to Athena at the Gryffindor table, Amber walked over to the staff table for her next delivery. She had two professors on her list today, and one was Professor Phillips. Amber knew the man was the older years Muggle Studies professor, as well as the Ravenclaw Head of House. She had never taken his class, but she was curious what Sophie's Head of House was like. "Hello, Professor Phillips? Sorry to disturb you during lunch, but I have a rose delivery for you."
Jon was well aware of the rose deliveries that were happening, having been delivered a rose earlier that day. Even if he wasn't already aware it would have become obvious when he arrived to the great hall for lunch because it was impossible to ignore the commotion bustling around him. Students were delivering roses every which way Jon looked and it made him smile to see how involved the event was. He sat down at the staff table and began to put something together to eat. With one rose from that day thus far, Jon did not expect to be delivered any more but it seemed this wasn't the case when a girl approached him, kindly apologizing for interrupting to say she had a rose for him. Jon recognized her as one of the prefects, and smiled as he responded. "That's totally okay, you're not disturbing me." He reassured. "Is it another yellow rose or should I expect a different colour?" He asked, half joking and half serious because he was sure no one would send him anything other than a rose meant to show friendship.
Amber gave the professor an apologetic smile when he asked her about the color of the rose. Was he hoping for another color than yellow? Amber glanced at the staff table, curious to see who he might be expecting a pink or red rose from. She quickly focused on him again. "I have a yellow one for you." She said, handing it over. There was some sort of picture stuck to the back, but Amber didn't understand it. "Have a good Valentine's day, Professor!"
Note said:
Dear Jon,

You meme a lot to me.

Jon nodded when Amber confirmed it was a yellow rose, happy that another one of his friends thought to send him something that day - and slightly relieved that they hadn't thought to send him a pink or red rose because it would have drawn unwanted attention on him, especially when delivered in the great hall. Nevertheless he was happy to receive the rose and more so as he read the note, noticing it was sent by Monty. "Thanks Amber." He said to the prefect, looking over to her with a continued smile before returning his attention to the note. He thought momentarily to the pink rose he sent Monty knowing the older man would feel flustered by the colour until he realized the true meaning of platonic admiration when he saw who it was from, finding it funny that the sentiment of the pink rose wasn't returned to him purely for this purpose. After he giggled at the pun he turned the note around to look at the picture on the back. The image caused him to obnoxiously snort-laugh knowing without a doubt he wanted to frame it and keep it in his office for an eternity. It was by far the best rose he had ever received and he would surely thank Monty for sending it later.
Amber smiled at Professor Phillips. "You're welcome!" She said brightly. She adjusted the roses in her basket in an attempt to linger, because she was curious to see how he would react to the note. The professor laughed a little at the note, but when he turned it around and looked at the picture he really started laughing. Amber gave him a small smile and wave before walking off, unsure of what to make of this. At least he seemed to enjoy his rose.

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