Old School Week Quick Snooze

Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (54)
The library was one of Matt's favorite places at Hogwarts, he was still a Ravenclaw at heart. He had spent some time looking through books, reading in a comfortable chair in the library. He rested his eyes for just a moment. It was nothing, really. He wasn't falling asleep.
The blonde was preparing for the next semester, she wanted to be ready. And do as well as she did in the first. Her grades were all amazing, nothing unexpected but she had to keep things up. So walking along in the library she looked around for some books which were handy to add to the regular ones. As she suddenly noticed in the corner of her eye the headmaster. As she came an bit closer it seemed like he was sleeping? '' Professor? Are you alright?'' Perfect opportunity for him to meet me.

(OOC: Had to react since this girl wants connectionsssss)
Matt jolted awake when he heard someone speaking to him, blinking a few times as he remembered where he was. He had fallen asleep in the library and had been woken up by a student. Matt would be lucky if this wasn't in the school paper next semester. He cleared his throat. "Er, yes. I am quite alright." He said sheepishly.
June didn't want to interrupt the headmaster in sleep, but it seemed an strange place to do. Than he just had to be in his office or whatever. And as he opened his eyes and answered she smiled shortly. '' I'm glad.'' It was funny that she caught him in a way. She was sure this was not the meaning of his visit here. '' I won't tell anyone. '' The blonde said with an grin joking shortly. Looking around, but it was not that crowded in the place they were. '' So what were you reading Professor?'' June asked him curiously, she couldn't see the cover of his book which was lying on his lap.
Matt ran a hand over his face, forcing himself to wake up a bit more. It was mildly embarrassing to fall asleep like this, and even though the girl said she wouldn't tell anyone Matt was sure the rumors about this would be spreading within the hour. He knew how Hogwarts worked by now. Matt showed the girl his book, which was a rather big tome on History. "I used to teach History of Magic, but I still occasionally do some research." He told her, realizing with a start this girl was too young to know him as anything but the headmaster.
June smiled shortly to the headmister. The previous one had helped her sister she knew, but she already got removed from the position so she got what she deserved. This one just seemed not really special, but June wanted to get more information about him and how he was. She nodded as he explained what he was reading. '' That's nice. I got it in my first semester already this year. I think it's very interesting.'' The blonde explained to the man. '' I'm June Davenport. First year Slytherin.'' She than introduced herself and put out her hand, which seemed appropriate.
Matt nodded as the girl said she had thought History of Magic was very interesting. He didn't see anything odd about that, as he genuinely thought it was very interesting. "Nice to meet you Miss Davenport. I assume you know who I am." He said with a slight smile.
June now knew the man teached HOM before getting his position. And he seemed friendly so far. She smiled as he replied.
'' I do.'' June than replied back with an quick smile. '' So how long are you the headmaster of this school ?'' June asked the man out of curiousity.
The question took Matt off guard a bit. It was such a recent change, that he had forgotten there were now students who hadn't seen any headmaster besides him. "Oh, this is only my second year." He said.
As she noticed the headmasters face she wondered what went through his head. And she than got an answer to how experianced the man was in this function. June smiled towards him. '' Do you miss teaching sometimes?'' The blonde asked him. '' I mean like History of Magic to students?'' June added to it.
The girl's question took Matt by surprise, but it wasn't a difficult question to answer. "Yes, sometimes." He admitted. "It was something I was good at, and it involved fewer big speeches." He said with a slight chuckle.

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