Quidditch Game: Slytherin vs Ravenclaw

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
Slytherin, Ravenclaw Reeve kept glancing towards the sky as he walked, watching a rather ominous looking cloud far in the distance. He couldn't tell if it was drifting closer or not, but if it did it would make the game far more wet. The referee hurried along, setting up the pitch as the stands filled, the hum of the various conversations around music to his ears. Reeve noticed the pitch growing darker and darker, and he didn't have to look up to confirm his suspicions. The first drops just confirmed them.

Reeve reached for his wand, casting the appropriate charm to keep himself from getting too drenched. This would certainly make for an interesting game.

OOCOut of Character:
Arrivals only please. Captains: Please be sure your lineups are all set up in the QCP prior to posting it in here!
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Michael was feeling very confident. Sure, Slytherin were historically strong, but they had lost a lot of their stronger players and were nowhere near the powerhouse they used to be. He didn't want to underestimate them, as games were won on equal parts luck and skill, but he felt that at least on paper, Ravenclaw were the stronger team. As such, he was feeling very calm as he approached his team. Despite the miserable weather.

"Right, everyone warmed up?" He looked around, taking a deep breath and clutching his broom with determination. "The weather sucks, but there's not much we can do about that. Slytherin's team is undercooked. Professor Castillo's party? Totally to psych us out, to make up for the fact that we're the better team. Ignore all of that." He shrugged. "Let's not get complacent, though. Let's just get in there and do what we Ravenclaws do best, play smarter not harder. Savannah, you know what to do. You got this." He nodded at their seeker, knowing she was the type to just quietly go and get her job done, didn't need to be told how to play seeker.

"Monday, lil Lucy, let's talk strategy. Slytherin's seeker is their weak link. Rough him up a little, but this is the key - try not to get him sent off, their alternate's a better flier." He had snuck into the stands for a couple of Slytherin training sessions. "Keep Savannah safe, if you can throw off their beaters a bit, all the better. Rory, big Lucy, Ambrose, you three were on fire in practice, bring that energy today and we'll be top of the table in no time." He looked at the alternates, with an awkward smile. He hoped they wouldn't be needed, not that they weren't very capable players but he would rather not have had any major injuries. "Stay warmed up, just in case. If anyone needs the impervious charm," he looked around at Monday and Rory, as the three oldest team members and the ones capable of casting the spell, "we'll make sure that you can at least see out there. It's going to be a rough match, but I know we can do this." He gave a little fistpump, before turning around to take the team sheet to the ref and shake hands with the opposition captain.

Seeker@Savannah Walters
Beater@Monday Weeks
Beater@Lucy Holland
Chaser@Lucy Montague
Chaser@Rory Styx
Chaser@Ambrose Webb
KeeperMichael Watson (c)
AlternatesAudrey Beauchamp, @Violet Owens-Rosemary, Kharon Styx
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Audrey was feeling miserable, she'd gone out of her way to find Michael first thing to tell him she didn't feel great and he'd sensibly benched her. She knew her parents would have had a fit if they found out she'd been benched, but she just didn't feel good. It was kind of a little freeing, really. Though she was also wracked with guilt, knowing the way she'd been playing lately had been genuinely terrible and she probably should have been on the bench regardless of whether or not she was sick. The weather looked bad, too, and she shivered in the rain, jogging on the spot to make sure she was warm. It would be interesting to see how the game went, anyway.
Ignatius wasn't ever going to say he was afraid...but he did kind of want his mum right now. The weather was awful, the team was awful, he didn't know how he'd be able to see the snitch in this light and he didn't really know what he was thinking signing up for this. Of course, all he had to do was catch the snitch and prove how amazing and talented he was, and then there wouldn't be any problems. But if they lost...

Ignatius shook his head. There was no way they could lose. They were Slytherins, and that meant they were winners, after all.
Lucy felt a little bit like she was going to pass out. Her head was spinning round and round as she tried to process the revelation. She was going to get to play today. In a real game. She knew she should be sadder that Audrey was sick, but she felt electric with the thought of actually getting to play. She bounced up and down on the balls of her feet, grinning with pride as Michael addressed her as lil' Lucy. She snapped a quick grin to "big Lucy" but did her best to stay focused, hand gripped so tight around her bat that her knuckles went white. Scare the seeker without actually hurting him too much. She could do that. Her track record for actually hitting people wasn't the best anyway, so this should be easy. She shifted from foot to foot as she waited for the match to begin, wishing her family were here to see this.
Rory was feeling good about his first game of the season and was even more encouraged by the words of his captain. After Michael's team talk Rory grabbed his broom and got ready to start.
Morrie arrived on the pitch and despite her seething anger at holding an alternative position behind an incompetent first year, she was quite pleased not to play in the increasingly dire weather conditions. Grinning inwardly, she derived immense satisfaction from witnessing the seeker way out of his depth. While conventional people might offer a few motivational words to support at this point, Morrie couldn't bring herself to utter anything remotely encouraging—it simply wasn't in her nature. She'd sooner wager galleons on Slytherin losing the match than falsely cheer on her own team.
Oskar wasn't looking forward to today. It was embarrassing to be on the bench while a first year was starting but he also feared if he did have to play today he'd embarrass himself by being horrible. He didn't bother to socialize with his team. Instead sat quietly with his broom next to him. If he was lucky this would be over quick.
Vanity was excited for this match, Ravenclaw would be no real challenge for them, they were the nerds. She was eager to beat the house both her siblings were in, even though neither of them was on the Quidditch team. She grabbed her bat firmly and waited for Lennox to tell them something generic and encouraging.
Ambrose knew he'd be nervous for his first game, he just didn't know he'd be this nervous. He knew the seeker on the other team was a first year as well and could only imagine how that kid must be feeling. There was a lot more riding on him than there was on Ambrose after all. Taking a stand with the rest of the team he listened to what Michael had to say, nodding to what he had to say and making sure he got his goggles charmed so he'd be able to see in the rain.
Summer wasn't too bothered about today's match. The chances that she got to play were slim and she was more than happy to just sit on the bench and look pretty. She still listened to whatever their captain had to say though and then gladly took a seat next to Oskar when the game was about to begin.
Alana had been limited in practice so she hoped she would be able to have a more productive match in her first match of the season. She lined up with her team and waited for the captain to address them.
Savannah was very ready for this game, ready to hopefully prove herself as a capable seeker. She was in amongst the other team members, itching to get into the air.
Enoch was on the pitch, trying to be eager and excited for this game. Wanting to do well in it. He was sure they could win.
Lucy had pre-game nerves. She supposed most of them did, but she still listened to Michael with apt attention. She just had to score, score, score. That was what was in her mind - a steely determination to score. She could do it. She could prove her place in the team. It looked like rain, which wasn't something she was used to playing in. A niggling doubt set in but she tried to keep herself straight. Ravenclaw just had to win.
"Ravenclaw wins!"
OOCOut of Character:
It has been over 24 hours since the initial post. Ravenclaw wins via forfeit.

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